Update on Ben

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    I sure don’t care for that mantra, “get scared….WAIT” but it seems this CC is only for the strong and patient, I am sure the antibiotics will take care of it. Tell Ben I said that’s enough attention getting! LOL


    Yes, a blood and urine culture were done. They said he has a bacterial infection : gram negative rods. Still not exactly sure what that is but could either be from a port infection or could have been a small amount of bile that got stuck in the stent and caused an infection. He’s still on antibiotics and they added Ursodiol to thin his bile.

    As for the stents, he has only metal stents, no plastic so they can’t be replaced, but they did a HIDA scan today (a new term I had not heard of before), where they inject him with dye and watch it go through the bile duct and everything looks ok.

    So, now we just wait for the antibiotics to do their job.



    Tom….I agree with Lainy and assume that the blood culture was done. And, given the time of stent replacement and assuming that Ben has a plastic stent it is very likely that the infection is due to the clogging of the stent especially given the fact that his cancer is active again. Plastic stents last anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months (minus a few exceptions.) Please stay in touch and a tidal wave of good wishes are heading your way.


    Tom, that is how Teddy’s infections would start. They need to do a blood culture which can take a few days to get results and the ONC and ER knew this as it was in his records to start him on an IV of Levaquin anyway as his ONC always said Levaquin will kill anything. Also if his last stent exchange was in May that could be the problem. Perhaps a new one is needed. Best of luck!!!


    So – here I am again…back so soon!

    Unfortunately, not even two hours after my update on here last night Ben came down with another very high fever (102.9) – so off we went to the emergency room again. As of this writing they still haven’t found anything – his liver panel is higher (bilirubin 2.9) but CT scan, blood work, etc. aren’t finding anything conclusive.

    So, now this is the 3rd time since the end of May that Ben has experienced a high fever, not quite sure what to think of all of it…luckily they can get the fever down pretty quickly and antibiotics seem to work (along with that new stent in May), guess we will wait and see.



    Dear Tom and Ben, I am so very happy you got to make that trip. I had my Dolphin all set to go and rescue you guys if needed but as usual you both handled it all like ROCK Stars. Meaning you are Stars in my book and you guys just rock! I know Ben will fight this new crap just as he has done in the past. Hoping he gets to feeling better as he gets used to his chemo cocktail again. Thank you so much for checking in with us, you know I get worried if I don’t hear from 2 of my favorite guys. Hugs to you both.


    Hello everyone!

    So….Ben and I made it through our vacation in Alaska. It was a great trip!! Only one minor “scare” where half way through our cruise he got a high fever (102 degrees) – this had happened in May over Memorial weekend where he ended up in the hospital for a couple new stents…so I was pretty worried. We met with the ships doctor and he seemed to think it might be a urinary tract infection based on blood work. Luckily, I had asked our local GI doctor for a prescription to an antibiotic before we left – Levaquin…which worked well in May. So – with the help of Tylenol and Levaquin we decided to stay – we kinda figured the worst that could happen is a helicopter “rescue” in the middle of Glacier Bay – and what a story that would be!! Anyway – the rest of the trip was uneventful and truly extraordinary so it was a great break for both of us.

    Ben did just have his quarterly checkup at MD Anderson two weeks ago (July 22nd). We really weren’t expecting good news, as we already knew the cancer was “on the move” from the slight growth and new stents in May. And, as expected – things were growing…..not a huge amount but it was definitely bigger than it was in April but not as much as a year ago in October. Honestly, I think both of us were somewhat relieved that it wasn’t worse.

    MD Anderson recommended Ben go back on the CC recommended protocol (Gem/Cis combo) – he really hadn’t been on that for almost two years (he was busy curing himself of that pesky Lymphoma last year), and has mostly been on just Gemzar as its not quite as invasive.

    While the news wasn’t “great” – our doctor (Rachna Shroff – amazing), reiterated that she normally doesn’t get to talk to patients at the four year mark – so Ben is still doing quite well (and you would never know he was sick by looking at him).

    So, Ben started the big GEM/CIS combo on Thursday (7/31) – it has hit him pretty hard…he’s been sleeping almost the whole time since thursday – he does get up to eat once in a while, and have something to drink but it’s definitely been tough. Luckily, he still doesn’t show any of the nastier side effects.

    That’s the news for now – you are all always in my thoughts….should be an interesting summer!

    Take care,



    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the update on Ben, sounds like he is doing real good and I am very happy to hear that! Happy anniversary to you both as well! Hope that you will enjoy Alaska and that sounds good to me! Have a great time and looking forward to hopefully seeing some pictures as well!




    Tom…….Ben sure has been a trooper through it all, but he had extraordinary support from a loving partner as well. Kudos to both of you.
    Congratulations on your 19 year of togetherness – what an incredible team you are.

    Have fun – I know you will do just that.



    Dear Tom & Ben, Happy, happy, happy!!!!!! Have a wonderful Anniversary trip and the adventure you are taking is absolutely a fabulous one!!!!!!!!! Let us know how things were when you get back. ENJOY!


    Lainy, the GI doctor said the biliary tract was slightly blocked again so he put another stent in. After that and the levequain and a few days rest Ben was back to normal. His oncologist wanted to put him back on Chemo to not take any chances – he tolerates Gemzar pretty well so he went with a reduced dose.

    Marion – I filled out the Biliary emergency card – thanks for the input. It was easy….I also plan to put Ben’s information in the registry. Its truly hard to believe he has been on this journey for four years – and also battled and beat Lymphoma during the journey!

    And now this weekend is our 19th anniversary and we are packing for our Alaskan trip tomorrow – a cruise and train ride up to Denali National Park. While i’m a little nervous if something goes wrong – we are both in good spirits and Ben seems pretty “normal” at this point so it should be a good trip – besides we’ve weathered every other storm so i’m sure we can tackle whatever else comes our way.

    I will send pics if I figure out how to post them out here!

    All my best to you – never give up hope!



    Tom….prior to your trip you might want to convince Ben to obtain the “free” biliary emergency card. http://cholangiocarcinoma.org/biliary-emergency-information-card/
    Each and everyone with a stent should carry this card; it can save lives as well as prevent possible “wrong” interventions by medical personnel.
    Otherwise, enjoy and should you so be inclined, send us a picture while lounging on the ship deck.

    P.S. Thanks for the compliment on the new website, I will pass it on to Rick.


    Hello to My Favorite Tom and Ben duo! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! I am puzzled about this latest news. If the stent was partially clogged and there was a high temp that can cause the Billie to creep up and usually signifies an infection, Teddy used to get them a couple times a year. Did they do a blood culture test? IF it is in fact an infection only an Antibiotic like Levequin will help and perhaps the chemo is not needed yet. Don’t know just taking a good stab for you guys. If you feel there is no infection of course go on your trip and have a fabulous time. IF there is some infection Ben can start an antibiotic tomorrow. Just say’in. Love you guys!


    Hi Tom,

    Good to hear from you. Thanks for the update on Ben. Had been wondering how things were going. Glad to hear things are going better. Make sure he gets that rest so you two can enjoy that long awaited vacation. Sounds great. Have fun and enjoy! We will be waiting to hear all about it. :)



    And the journey continues. My last post in April had Ben just finishing his latest round of chemotherapy with a break approved by MD Anderson and our local oncologist here in Fort Lauderdale.

    Ben has been doing pretty well – the break from chemo was welcomed – unfortunately Memorial weekend he developed a high fever (102.5) so we took him to the ER – where they were able to control the fever while they did additional testing.

    CT scan revealed some very partial blockage of the biliary canal – and our local GI doctor was able to put yet another stent in the prior stents that were done in January (and over three years previously). I do wonder though if it was really an additional blockage or from an infection that can occur sometimes with all of these stents.

    As a precaution our doctor put Ben back on Chemo (gemzar only once again) since he responds quite well to that treatment. It was somewhat of a disappointment as we have a 2 week cruise/train vacation planned in Alaaska starting this Sunday (june 29th – also coincidentally our 19th anniversary). Our oncologist is sending us with his blessings as he just wanted to make sure we didn’t take too much risk – but it was still a bit tough mentally for Ben (and both of us) since he had just finished in April and we were hoping to have a few months without a break. We also wondered was it really the cancer – or just an infection; but his bilirubin had climbed a bit and so probably a safe bet to put him on chemo.

    Anyway – that’s my update for now. Ben is sleeping a lot this week to help him get rested for our vacation in a few days – and I’m crossing all my fingers and toes that our long awaited vacation goes off without a hitch.


    (p.s. – I love the look and feel of the new website). :-)

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