update on dad

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    Hi Anp,

    Thank you for letting us know how your dad is doing. And it is great to hear that the hospice nurse has managed to get your dads pain under control. Also, your family day out at the beach to celebrate your dads 60th birthday sounds like it was a great day and I know how much that will mean to your dad.

    What I would say to you is to try and not think too much about may lie ahead and continue to enjoy these moments and making these memories. That is great that your dad is feeling good and is getting around without his cane.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Dear Anp,

    So glad to hear your Dads pain is under control and he celebrated his 60th as you wanted, with family at the beach, how fantastic!!

    Don’t worry about the future, enjoy the present, making precious memories and having each day with your Dad.

    Your Dad sounds a fighter, sending prayers that he continues feeling well and you spend many more family days together.

    Andrea x


    Hi Anp, So glad you had a great day to celebrate your dad’s 60th. My 3 kids and myself are looking forward to celebrating Doug’s 60th on May 3rd and our son’s wedding on May 7th. These milestones become even more important when you are fighting the big C. Enjoy these days of your dad feeling better and I pray this lasts a long time. Happy Easter. Nancy


    Dear ANP, what beautiful news. Talk about a Miracle! Enjoy this Holiday weekend and keep on making Miracles and Memories!


    It has been a long time since I have posted and things have changed dramatically…for the good. A brief recap; hospice was called in to help manage my dad’s pain about 2 months ago soon after we found out the cancer had spread to the lungs. He was not able to get around without help and pretty much slept all the time. Well, now it seems that the hospice nurse has been able to find just the right combination to manage the pain. We were all able to take our family vacation to the beach to celebrate my dad’s 60th birthday!!!! It was a wonderful time and has given us all such great memories. He had a rough go of it for a few days, but he really pushed through it and got better each day. Since we’ve been back, my dad has been feeling great and is even walking around without a cane. It’s like seeing him how he was years ago. I just hope that it will continue. In the back of my mind I know what is coming, but I am so thrilled to see these good times that we thought would never come again. God has truly blessed our family by allowing us to have this great time together, and I am so thankful for all the prayers that were sent our way.

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