Update on my sister

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    Dear Suz, my heart goes out to you and your family. I am happy that your Sister is pain free as that is the most important thing. Even when she is sleeping she can her you so talk to her softly and touch her arm gently. We are all here for you and with you in spirit. I wish I had a magic wand to wave this monster away. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!


    Suz….I so much understand, dear Suz; it is difficult to look beyond the physical appearance. But, beneath all the exterior is the person you love so much, your dear sister.
    My heart is with you,


    May God comfort you and give you strength as you help your sister through what must be the hardest thing imaginable.


    Thank you for your kind support. My sister is comfortable and in no pain but the drugs make her so sleepy that my heart breaks when I look at her. It’s like seeing a monster devour her. It’s so sad.


    Suz…my heart goes out to you and your sister. Your sister should be made comfortable; it can be done. My heart is with you.


    Hi Suz,

    You are doing an incredible thing supporting your sister through this. My sister died in March after being diagnosed 5 months before and watching her go through what she did is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Had it not been for this forum, I’m not sure I would have got through some days.

    Please don’t feel you are not being strong – you are giving all you can and when you think you can’t dig any deeper, somehow you do.

    Please take care.



    Dear Suz,

    I have been where you are now and my heart goes out to both of you. Hoping you can get the help and support you both need and deserve.

    You never know how strong you really are until being strong is all you can do.

    Take care and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you both.

    Love & Hugs,


    It must be so awful to watch your sister go through this! It’s impossible to stay strong all the time through such physical and emotional upheaval. My friends sister is at a similar stage as yours and my own sister is on a precarious road though thankfully stable at this time. Please know you’re not alone in facing this terrible time. I’m glad to hear your sister is pain free and I pray her constipation and depression can improve with the right help from hospice.
    God Bless,


    It’s been a while since I’ve posted but follow you all regularly. Always praying for each and every one of you. The Dr estimated my sister would be here about a year or less after diagnoses of ICC Stage 4 but it’s been 18months now although the last 4 months have been so hard for her as her blood work has not allowed her to have much chemo. The Tumors are growing rapidly and more pain involved so we have Hospice now working to control pain and nausea. These drugs really make the personality change and the depression is really bad for her. She is getting pain relief but the nausea and constipation the drug and the disease causes is hard to deal with. Such a very sad thing to watch as she’s losing weight and just looks so sick now. I know we are both so tired now.fighting this cancer is exhausting in every way. Good luck to everyone and you always in my prayers. Trying to stay strong!


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