Saracita: I joined the CC club after you posted your mushroom question, but here’s what I’ve experienced. I sought advice from the Naturopathic Physician/Cancer specialist at the Life Extension Foundation, and he recommended Versicolor (Coriolus) Mushroom extract. I googled it, and it is advertised as being the number one prescribed treatment for cancer in Japan. So now I take it, along with many other vitamins, minerals, herbals, and other supplements.
The two best sources of information that I’ve found on supplementation are Jean Carper and her book “Miracle Cures,” and the Life Extension Foundation (and their Naturopathic physicians). Note that both websites sell what they recommend, so they do have a financial interest as well as a medical interest.
Note: I’m neither a Naturopath nor an Allopathic (regular) physician, just a fellow cancer fighter. Good luck and God bless!