My mother did 4 rounds of gem/ox- liver mass showed stable.
It had already spread to spine and skull.
She opted for no more chemo as it completely debilitated her. It was palliatative- not curable.
She is 65yo
This was Oct 21- her last treatment. She had a great Nov and Dec.
Today we see her onc. Her skull mets has officially ruined her January and shes been practically bedridden with head and neck pain all month. Also suffering terrible sinusitus shown on CT scan earlier this month.
Her bloodwork over the last few checkups has been great.
Radiation for her bone mets is in our future. The skull base tumor is presenting lytic changes of her foramen magnum. Today we will review her MRI from last week to get all the details.
Stopping or refusing treatment is very personal- there is no right or wrong. If there is a chance for success- explore the options so you can say you tried- is my offering. But in the end, for many quality over rules quantity.