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  • in reply to: Advice for Mom #84632

    Hey Maria,

    I think Tom maybe right. They possibly wanted your mom’s bili levels to drop before taking any action. My mom’s bili was at 23, and they needed to “decompress” the bile ducts with stents before they would do surgery. I would definitely go back to UCSF and inquire more especially at such a prestigious research facility and hospital, I doubt they will refuse help for you mom.



    Thank you Percy for this post.


    in reply to: Update and Adjuvant Chemo #80118

    Hi guys,
    I just discovered this thread after posting a question about adjuvant chemo in another post!
    My mom is 11 weeks post-op after liver resection and bile duct reconstruction. We finally met with oncologist yesterday and doctor wants my mom to do 6 months of Gemzar with weekly infusions. They still want to give my mom a few more weeks of recovery because she had multiple complications since her surgery. I see that many do a regimen of both Gem and Cis or Gem/ox – has anyone every only done Gemzar alone and for 6 months straight every week? The oncologist didn’t make a real compelling argument for my mom to do chemo – she just said it decreases chance of it coming back by maybe 5%. Hmm.. as soon as she said that I knew my mom would lean towards no chemo. I don’t want my mom to have any “what if’s” and I want my mom to do everything she can to prevent this from recurring, but I know the decision is ultimately up to her.. sigh. I”m hoping a second opinion will convince my mom. She’s very hesitant to start, not only because of the side effects, but because she’s just starting to feel “normal” again and get her energy back and slowly start to eat more and doesn’t want to ruin her progression with the start of chemo.
    This site has answered so many of my questions already and I am appreciative of any feedback that I can get. I’m glad I found such a great place to voice my concerns and not feel so alone. :)


    in reply to: *Resection recovery – what to expect* #84893

    Thank you All for your suggestions. I am noticing my mom starting to eat a little more since our last hospital visit. We do mini-meals or “grazing” as Duke mentioned, and I do see that mom likes lighter foods such as fruits and juices! I didn’t know coconut water would help with regulation – i’ll definitely go buy some fresh coconuts today and I bet they make really good substitute for water in fruit smoothies.
    Here’s an update from our first oncologist meeting yesterday:

    Doctor recommended 6 months of Gemzar straight with weekly infusions. She said adjuvent chemo would only decrease changes of cancer coming back by 5%? Is this what others have been told? I really hate statistics but its such a big factor for my mom in deciding whether or not to do it. Have there been any cases of people who have had surgery and chose not to do chemo? I want my mom to do whatever she needs to do to prevent this horrible disease from resurfacing, even if it is 5%, but ultimately its up to mom and currently it looks like she doesn’t want to do it. In the mean time, we will be looking for second opinion. What is everyone’s thoughts on adjuvant chemo?

    Thank you,


    in reply to: *Resection recovery – what to expect* #84888

    Thank you Sprinter67, Gavin, and Marions for your responses. I will definitely experiment with different foods for mom. Marions – just bought a pint of vanilla ice cream :) hopefully mom indulges in that!

    On another note.. has anyone experienced any changes in bowel movements? Notably constipation?

    Hope everyone is doing well,


    in reply to: *Resection recovery – what to expect* #84884

    Thank you Duke and Julie T. (my mom’s name is also Julie :) ).

    It is interesting that her tastes have definitely changed. She says everything tastes so different, even her savory favorite foods! I know its a long road. taking it a day at a time.


    in reply to: Our journey has just began #84543

    I’m sorry to hear about your dad. Definitely get a second opinion; just because one surgeon says its inoperable, it doesn’t mean there isn’t another surgeon who can’t do it. Ask if cyberknife is an option. Cyberknife can possibly help shrink the tumor and your dad may be eligible for surgery later on. This site is very helpful and I’m sure there are others who can offer more suggestions or advice on what to ask the doctors.

    in reply to: New member (mom with Klatskin tumor) #84090

    Thanks Lainy for the recommendations. I really hope her appetite picks up soon so she can have more energy and heal faster.

    Sirena: It is so much easier to get through a day being positive and making the most out of it with your mom vs. having your mind plagued with all the “what ifs.” You are right to not waste any more time on negative thoughts – its about harnessing your energy into positive thoughts for your mama.

    Is your doctor waiting for your mom’s labs to be more in normal range before they can proceed with surgery? Have they talked to you about what the next steps are if they are not able to do surgery? I am praying your mom is able to get the help she needs asap.. and yes until then, hang in there!


    in reply to: New member (mom with Klatskin tumor) #84087

    Hello Lainy and thank you for the warm welcome! YIPEE is right and I am very grateful that my mom was able to have the surgery. She had a left hepatic lobectomy and roux-en-y. She was seen at Keck Medical Center of USC in Los Angeles and our doctor is Robert R. Selby. He has been an amazing doctor and his team is just as great. They have not referred us to an oncologist yet because they said they wanted my mom to recover from the surgery first.. Her surgery was on 7/11 and due to multiple complications she remained in the hospital until 8/12. Poor mom, she suffered a lot. A few days after her surgery she developed a bile leak and interventional radiology had to place a drain to remove the excess bile. A few days later mom developed an infection from her PICC line.. on top of that she also suffered from an ileus and had to have an NG tube inserted twice. Another week later my mom got another infection from the bile leak. They said the bile leak was also aggravating the stomach and contributing to the ileus. We are finally home and mom is still in recovery mode. So as of now we do not know what the next steps are. These discussion groups are helping me gain some insight. I feel comforted knowing that I am not alone, but at the same time I feel sad that there are others who have gone thru this.. My mom’s recovery has been a roller coaster as she is not back to her old self yet. I miss her smile and her vivacious energy. I thought being back at home would make her feel better but I see how anxious and depressed she is.. Her appetite is a major concern right now.. she does not want to eat much and she’s worried she will never get it back.. and of course she is extremely tired all the time. I’m still searching on this forum to see if others had experienced the same thing. If anyone can give me some insight as to what recovery will be like for the next few months, I would really appreciate it. My mom also still has her bile drain in.. I’m wondering if others went home with it to and how long did it take before they removed it?
    Of course, I will also do my part and continue searching previous threads :) It is really nice to know there is a group of people who are open and willing to share their experiences, thoughts, and advice. I hope I can contribute to this group and help others as well.


    in reply to: New member (mom with Klatskin tumor) #84085

    Hey Sirena, I’m very sorry to hear about your mom. Your situation sounds awfully similar to mine.. my mom was diagnosed in June after onset of jaundice. She was able to have surgery on July 11th, but prior to that she also had to have a stent placed to relieve the jaundice and decompress the bile ducts. they wanted to leave the stent in for two weeks before her surgery but her CT showed that after a week of having the stent in, her bile duct was still very dilated and not decompressed enough to have her fit for surgery in the upcoming 5 days. So she was admitted immediately to have a percutaneous stent placed in for 4 days and then proceeded with surgery. Her surgery was exploratory and doctor said there was a 40% chance that she would open her up and close her back depending on how involved the tumor was with surround organs and blood vessels. After 11 hours in OR, my mom had a liver resection with bile duct reconstruction.

    Sirena, I know how difficult it can be waiting and watching your mom have symptoms of this disease and be so unsure about what will happen is awful and I prayed everyday for strength to be positive for my mom. Reading and researching online did not help at all because instead of becoming more knowledgable about CC, I Just became more and more discouraged and upset and would cry nightly. I wish I had known about this forum back in June. This is actually my first post here as I just stumbled upon this site last night. It seems as if there are many supportive people on this forum and you should not feel alone as I did for the past two months. My mom is my best friend and it is so hard to see someone you love so much go through this terrible disease. I’m glad to hear your mom doesn’t have other symptoms other than the jaundice. The yellowing will eventually improve as her bilirubin levels go down. I’m praying that your mom is able to have the surgery and that she continues to not feel any discomfort. You have to continue to stay STRONG for your mom. The last thing she wants is to see you worry and be sad.. And I know how hard it is to act tough and be positive in front of your mama, but the last thing you want for your mom is to also have to worry about you. Give her the confidence she needs to get thru this. Tell her you love her endlessly.

    How is your mom doing now? Your post is the first one I’ve read since discovering this site. Your mama is in my thoughts and prayers.

    Serena (yes, my name is the same as yours).

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