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  • in reply to: What We Expected-Shocked to Hear It-Teddy #38956


    Like all the others have said, so sorry to hear this news. Can I suggest that you may want to clarify with the Surgeon/Onc whether or not the recommendation to move to Chemo to minimize effects of the cancer – is this to directly impact effects or rather an effort to try and minimize tumor growth and thus the cancer effects and physical complications that may come as a result of changes in the tumor? This may influence the decision making process some.

    Thinking of you both and is you face this current challenge.


    in reply to: CA19-9 and question #37642

    As a general rule the CA19-9 lab test shouldn’t be interpreted as a singular result. It should be viewed in context of other labs and the therapy being adminstered.

    My dad saw an uptick in his CA19-9 results after his chemo embolization procdures but he also was showing good necrosis of the tumor.


    in reply to: Widow gets VA benefits due to husband’s death from cc #35412

    Greetings Lainy,

    Sorry things went downhill at Park Regency. My mom has been at Sunrise for a little over 2 years now and we think all in all they do a good job. We considered a move to a care home when we were faced with having to move to the

    in reply to: Widow gets VA benefits due to husband’s death from cc #35410

    Indeed Lisa, thanks for sharing. My dad spent a year in Vietnam and when I reported his death to the VA they asked about filing for benefits but when they checked they told me cc wasn’t on the “list” – will now revisit this. My mom is in assisted living as she has Primary Progressive Aphasia and Frontal Temporal Dementia. Any additional funds to offset her care would be a blessing.


    in reply to: Should Have Posted Long Ago #34275


    Your story isn’t too different from many who are here. I came late in the game for my dad .. but once touched by cc it’s hard to step away. I too continue to come because I continue to think about and pray for many others who are here. And, I too am in Arizona – not far from Lainy in SE Chandler.


    in reply to: Help! #34179


    My dad was prescribed “Magic Mouthwash” to help with his mouth sores. Ask the Dr for an Rx. You should be able to call the office, speak with the nursing staff and have it called into your local pharmacy very quickly.

    I tried to find a drug name but googling “magic mouthwash” brings up information that this is a combination of med’s.


    in reply to: Worst case….help! #34082

    At my dad

    in reply to: my dad was diagnosed klatskins tumour #34036


    I want to echo what Lainy and Marion have said as well.

    First and foremost your dad had a major surgery that he needs to recover from. This will take some time. Be alert to infection and focus on rest and rebuilding strength. Use this time to concentrate on your studies and exams.

    Once dad is recovered from surgery and your exams are complete move forward with a care plan for dad. You have the tools and the knowledge you need to be your dad

    in reply to: Ronald John Strachan – Goodbye Dad #33613


    Seeing your post this morning brought a great deal of sorrow and I was immediately thrust back to this same point in my life 2-years ago. And while saddened, I was also relieved to read that your dad

    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33290


    You and your dad have been in my thoughts these past few days. The cc experience comes with many lessons

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31874


    You have a lot on your plate right now .. but you need to be sure you are also taking care of yourself. I understand wanting to look after mum yet at the same time I feel strongly that some time with your mate will give you a few moments regroup and dare I say relax just a bit? How far away is the Curry House? Is there a neighbor you could ask to come and check in with mum while you are out? Would you consider hiring someone to come in to be with mum while you go out? At a minimum you could leave the phone number to the Curry House as well I am guessing you have a cell phone too?

    Please do try to take care of yourself along this journey. I know I was (and am) too wound up to even think about something like meditation but I have found that 10 minutes of deep breathing can do wonders. I regularly practice my deep breathing when I first get into bed for the night

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32335


    At my dad

    in reply to: Bile duct cancer in person with Down syndrome #32233


    I have not cared for someone with Down’s Syndrome and bile duct cancer but I am thinking that you may also want to post a similar type question in a broader forum – maybe the American Cancer Society (and for that matter a Down’s Syndrome forum??) has a forum board?? I think techniques would like cross “types” of cancer and focus on care tips there.

    Sorry I can’t offer more help.


    in reply to: Hmm, seemed like just another Monday #32220

    My mom is at Sunrise on Chandler Blvd. They had a moderate memory impairment unit but she had to move to the secure unit about 7 weeks ago. Let me know how Casa Blanca was. We’ve been once but a friend mentioned it had gone down hill. As a near Chandler native (really) .. I am a sucker for the green enchilada sauce at the original Serrano’s in downtown – I could drink that stuff!


    in reply to: Hmm, seemed like just another Monday #32218

    I think that part of our double whammy is not only did our dad pass away from cc – but having a mom with dementia (or at least the form she has) .. a very slow, progressive decline our loss come in little bits and pieces. Indeed mom never understood that dad had cancer. When we would go to dad’s appointments she would ask the doctor’s if they were going to give him a correction. Today, even simple communication with mom is very difficult and yet she is so STUBBORN which just compounds the challenges.

    Two years still seems like yesterday, nine months likely feels like hours sometimes.

    I don’t mind your long posts – especially those that come with a faith lesson. Sometimes it is very easy to lose faith when facing the challenges we have and do, your reminders are good. Is you mom in an AL nearby? My mom is in Chandler .. just curious.


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