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  • in reply to: Dad is coming home #19959


    Just echoing Jolene’s word. You are strong and will make the right decisions. Follow your instincts and do what feels right for you and your dad.


    in reply to: My very embarrassing emotional break down. #31942


    A bit OT .. but in hindsight I really should have been able to name some Swedish food as I have actual been to Sweden a couple of times. This thread made me think about my time there and I was reminded of one of my best ever travel stories. . .

    Back in the day when I worked for the airlines, I had won passes on SAS. I asked a co-worker/friend who I knew was a

    in reply to: Dementia and possible cause #31961

    I came to this board because my dad had and passed from cc. Like many people who come here to find information

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31751


    Sorry to hear that your dad’s appointment was not as positive as we all hope for. Your love for your dad and mom is quite clear in your words and actions.

    I am a little behind in chiming in on your original thread, but I wanted to add a few more thoughts your concerns about dad’s confusion. Along with calcium and amonia – dad’s potassium levels should be checked as well. Also, even a hint of a UTI can bring on confusion so be alert to that as well. Lastly, staying well hydrated is important too. I know its quite that daily battle sometimes to get enough fluids on board – especially if there is any fluid retention happening, but do try.

    Take care,


    in reply to: My very embarrassing emotional break down. #31937


    I don’t think you give yourself enough credit – even on my best day ever I would likely have a meltdown were I taking a Swedish class! Learning any foreign language is a challenge – but Sweedish? I can’t even pretend to know any Sweedish as I don’t know the names of any Sweedish food… :)

    Don’t be hard on yourself..


    in reply to: high bilirubin #31544


    Here is a very simplistic explanation of what is happening – others may be able to give you a more detailed description or point you at a website with greater detail.

    We all produce bilirubin (sometimes even new born babies have high bilirubin levels causing them to develop jaunidice). Bilirubin is a by-product of our livers efforts to break down red blood cells. In someone with a healthy liver and bile duct system, the bilirubin breaks down and exits the body through the intestional tracts as part of our waste. For someone suffering from a liver disorder or disease and/or a blockage in the bile ducts the bilirubin is not able to leave the body efficiently resulting in a build up that causes jaundice and other symptoms like itching.

    When Dr’s place a stent they are hoping to open a blockage and allow the bilirubin to drain normally. If the stent is not performing as the Dr’s hoped then the bilirubin does not flow will begin to build in the system.

    Again, not a very sophisticated explanation but hopefully it helps.


    in reply to: 13.3 cm x 7.6 cm liver metastasis #31573


    Spend any time on this board and you quickly learn that attitude is a huge contributing factor to patient success and coping. If you’re dad is set on his course of treatment, he will do much better than someone who was wavering.

    Continue to support your dad by learning what his journey will include and how you can be there for him.

    Take Care,


    in reply to: Feeling a little lost #31186


    Sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. I think there is a certain amount of healing that comes from writing what we feel. When we don

    in reply to: Experiences with Gemzar as solo agent #31097

    My dad did Gemzar alone as well. Two cycles of 3 weeks on, 1 week off. Not significant side effects. Thought he was going to lose his hair so he got it cut really short when he started – but didn’t lose any. Not much in the way of nausea. Some fatigue – but dad was still working part-time. He worked on M, T, & Th. Went for chemo of Wed and had Fri’s off. He had some neuropathy (sp?) but not sure if that was chemo related or continued carry over from heart and corotid (sp?) artery surgery 6 years earlier. Tumors did not grow and actually showed enough necrosis that dad was able to move on to chemo-embolization treatment next.


    in reply to: New to the site Please help #30684

    About 2 years ago my mom had to have surgery and when the Anesthesiologist came in to prep her he rubbed an oil on her temples and dabbed under her nose. It was either peppermint or ginger oil. Likewise my sister in law will use Ginger pills to help with nausea. Might just be a couple more things to try.



    Elicia … I too am saddened to learn of your mom’s passing. Take strength in knowing that her family was with her and she knew she was deeply loved. And from a daughter who cared for her dad to you, a daughter who cared for her mom, I know that you did the best for your mom that you could, never second guess that.



    Call the Hospice you plan to work with and ask if they have the med you need in a suppository – they likely do. A hospice pharmacy would be more likely to stock, I think.




    From the start you have made every effort to do what is best for your mom, never second guess yourself. Like others have said, stay focused on her care – hospice should be ready to assist before the insurance details are ironed out. If the one you are working with does not step up, call another and just be there for your mom. Your presence and support is invaluable.


    in reply to: New to the site Please help #30678

    I was asked if I had a Living Will when I went for my annual Mammogram. I use the hospital’s women’s imaging center and it really is protocol to ask.

    When hospitalized – if you don’t have a living will or DNR order and want to enact them, provided you are of sound mind the hospital will send staff to your room to complete these documents at least that’s been my experience. The other thing I remember is that I had to bring a copy each time my dad was admitted. They didn’t seem to keep a copy in his active file.


    in reply to: Help again – My Dad #30775


    If someone would have told me I would do the things I have done in the last (almost) two years .. two years ago – I would have said you’ve got the wrong person. I can’t do that. But I did (and I do still for my mom). I guess what I am trying to say is this whole cc thing is hard. Knowing when and how to assert ourselves as a family member/caregiver is a fine line. But we figure it out and find strength along the way. And you will too. The fact that you have found your way to this site is a pretty good indication you have a good head on your shoulders and a compassionate heart.


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