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  • in reply to: CAT Scan Results #75753

    Hi lisa…
    We had our surgeries (first) about the same time. Last summer my CA-19 marker went from the usual 15/16 to 40 and I was panicked. Marian told me at the time it was too soon to tell what it meant. The next test it was 29 and the last two have been back around 15 again. I ask my doctor why it had gone so high and he said sometimes there is no known reason. I read somewhere that heat sometimes caused it and other times contamination. I am praying for you that the answer is one of those… is wonderful that the scan is clear!
    Love, Kathy

    in reply to: All is good! #75240

    Congratulations on such good news!

    in reply to: Haven’t been here in a while . . . . Update on me. #75024

    Dear, dear Shari….what bummer news. We are all there by your side rooting you on. You will do it just as you have done with all the other bumps, carry on
    with amazing courage. Your will to live will carry you through. Hug tight to your puppies.
    Love, Kathy

    in reply to: MRI results today #73032

    Pat, Glad to see you back and filling us in. You have been giving to others, as always. It does help us keep our minds off our own situations to be involved with giving back or passing it on.
    …Scar tissue seems to flare up months/years later. Just when you think all is done, there it is. A friend with pancreatic cancer (4 years later no evidence of disease..NED), had problems with scar tissue blockage and had to have an operation to clear it THREE years after surgery. I have had mild dilation where the surgery was which prompted the radiologist to say he was “mildly concerned.” My doctor reassures me it is a result of surgery/scar tissue. Can only hope!
    Thanks for updating us.
    Be well.

    in reply to: MRI results today #73029

    has there been further posting to find out if Pat is okay? I am hoping that a simple solution was found to the restriction…

    in reply to: Help Please #74793

    Not a diet at all…….just some delicious recipes….I am not a cook..but there are favorites of mine in these books that I repeat over and over and convince myself I am eating healthily. It’s such an effort to alter diet habits!!!

    You certainly have your entourage of doctors! The only one I went to faithfully, who saved my life, is moving to Texas (why???). He and his wife have no children but he certainly has given life to many, many. I have two friends who go to him also and we say we are going together on a yearly escape to Texas to see him.

    I hope this week goes by without a hitch and you are back feeling a great deal better. I am with you on the aging process. I keep thinking this is just a temporary condition and I’ll be right back with healthy knees and straight back and no problems at all!

    in reply to: Help Please #74791

    After reading this, I am wondering how today has gone. You are such a support for all, that you deserve all the support you are getting. Reading about the eating, i am wondering if you have a copy of “Beating Cancer One Bite at a Time” and “The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen” both by Rebecca Katz. Amazing recipes and the latter has lots of information about foods for combatting nausea, fatigue, etc. The base of many is a broth she calls “Magic Mineral Broth”. I feel healthier just smelling it cooking in the kitchen!
    We are all thinking of you and are there in spirit.
    xxoo Kathy

    in reply to: Stable – Yippee #74831

    Great to hear the good news…..Keep it coming! Kathy

    in reply to: My trip to the Naturopath #62558

    If you want the name of an herbal apothecary I can steer you to one I believe is very reputable. I have been seeing a nutritionist (with good credentials) who puts in orders to an apothecary in Silver Spring, MD. You could call them. Even though I am close by, they ship to me. I am mainly taking a tincture of turmeric (even Johns Hopkins Magazine published an article this month on the benefits of turmeric as effective treatment for cancer..they are conducting a study). I had to give up the reishi as I got a rash from it. I am also taking ashwanganda and ginseng. I do understand hesitations to start taking anything too “out there” and may have risks to the liver!

    in reply to: Chemo or no chemo #74709

    Randi and Marion….Thank you both so much. Perhaps that is one of my lessons in let go..and move on and be grateful for each day. I was reading through some of the other posts last night and feel ashamed that I even posted anything when people are struggling with such terrible and heart-wrenching situations with such courage. This board is such an incredible source of strength, wisdom and knowledge for all those with cc. Thank you all for your dedication to supporting everyone.
    Off now to help my 14 year old get ready for her 5-day backpacking and canoeing trip with her rising 9th grade new and old friends. Bethany is at camp on the Chesapeake Bay with a good friend of hers and about to go to S. Carolina to Myrtle Beach with the family of another friend. We had a week long family reunion at the Delaware shore this summer with all 6 grandchildren for the first time, 3 of our grown kids and spouses and our two youngest daughters. Life IS good.

    in reply to: Chemo or no chemo #74704

    Yes…Randi has done wonderfully. She is 8 months ahead of me and her doctor feels confident that if it hasn’t come back by now, she’s clear, as clear as any of us can be! I don’t remember seeing anyone posting on here who had clear margins and no lymph node involvement AND no chemo and has gone many years without recurrence. If there is…..could they post again?

    Also, Randi/Lainy, do you know if CA-19-9 marker will elevate before the cancer is actually detectable? Is it a more reliable indicator (if it is low) than the scan itself?

    and, of course, as I am writing all this, I am telling myself…stop it! Just live and be grateful that three years later I just had a clear scan and CA-19-9 of 16.5.
    Need to follow Randi’s lead and GET TOO BUSY to let this cancer sidetrack me!

    in reply to: Clean scan #74420

    That is so amazingly WONDERFUL. Crow to the heavens! You deserve to feel absolutely, completely thrilled. I am so happy for you. It is “good news” that gave me hope and kept me going. Know that you are doing that for others.

    in reply to: Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma #74363

    Daisy…it’s a bit of a roller coaster at first…you brought back the memory of my first few days and trying to get into my bed when I first got home (and out of it!)…excruciating, but little by little it gets better. I also had a roller coaster ride with blood pressure going way up and then way down. I just had my 3 year scan and so far so good. I did no chemo as my doctor said that statistics didn’t bear out chemo being effective at that point (3 years ago). I also had clear margin. Looking forward to hearing the progress of your mom and so nice to know that Cathy has been with you through this! You are in my thoughts.

    in reply to: Hey I’m back in the Good News category #74384

    So glad to hear the positive results to your treatment. Keep up the good work!
    Best to you….Kathy

    in reply to: Decrease in CA 19-9 #71718

    Wonderful news about the CA-!9-9…Let us know if your dad has gone to Italy. It seems a good thing to do. Visiting family and his home place would be a great boost to his spirits and morale. All the best! These are amazing results in such a short time.

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