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  • in reply to: Finally, all of the answers #19846

    Colleen, Tanoland, and Heather,

    I just broke down when I read this. How can it be that this is effecting so many young people. You are right tanoland, it kind of makes you hate life. Heather, you have a strong mind and heart. Keep your faith. I hope it will guide you. I almost lost faith at one point and it really becomes a struggle when you see the pain your loved one is going through. Colleen, you are selfless in your words. Please take time for yourself. My fiance is now 31. He has had two birthdays since diagnosis and we expect many more to come. I will pray for all of you.

    Dont just pray for a miracle, expect one.


    in reply to: Found Out About 4 Weeks Ago/Portal Vein Embolization? #19857


    I know how you feel. My fiance was diagnosed Oct. 2006 at 29 years old. We felt like our lives fell apart within about a week. We were told from one surgical team that the 8.5 cm tumor was too large and in a very difficult spot to remove. They told us to go home and enjoy the rest of his time with family and friends. Ha on them. We found a doctor who performed the surgery and removed the entire tumor. It has now been 1 year 6 months since diagnosis and currently has no sign of cancer. Pray hard and trust God. He will pull you through. It’s those time when you feel like you are giving up and have nothing left that he gives you a little ray of hope and BOOM! You realize how much in your life he really is. I wish you the best and will pray for you Sophie that you stay strong and see hope in your condition. With love and lots of prayers.


    in reply to: New member #19773

    Welcome Lorna,

    I will pray for Mark. Don’t just pray for a miracle, expect one.

    in reply to: Staying Strong! #18773

    Thank you guys,

    Even after all of this time, you still read and reply to my posts. Chucks had his second surgery and it went well as far as we know. The doctor said it looked pretty good in there and he was feeling very confident. Chucks has been very uncomfortable since the surgery but is doing well all in all and is actually back to work YAY for us.

    in reply to: Green light on surgery! #19317

    Awesome News! I will pray that all goes well!

    in reply to: Never would’ve thought it in a million years #19290

    Yea! We thought it was Hep B. after looking online!!! Joke was on us.

    in reply to: Four years +, alive and kicking #19039

    This is great! Keep up the positive energy everyone.

    in reply to: My father’s journey so far with cc #18984

    That is great news!

    I will pray for your father and wish him a speedy recovery with no complications. Keep us updated.


    in reply to: Back to the hospital! #18982

    Thanks Jeff!

    I am glad to hear you are doing better and hope that your results come out great. I guess I tend to freak out for every little thing now. I, too hope that they can find out what it is and it is not another one of those inconclusive “well it seems better now” things because I hate that. I want to know what it is so if it comes back, we know how to treat it right away without the in-n-outs of the hospital.

    Thanks again for you input. It is appreciated.


    in reply to: hi #18857


    Don’t feel guilty! We love to hear good news and from the sounds of it. It is good news. It gives us all hope. I hope that you and Scott keep us updated on her treatment and recovery. Keep up the fight.


    in reply to: Staying Strong! #18769

    Thank you so much for responding with your story Sarah.

    I am happy to hear that Tom is doing well in regards to no recurrence. I hope and pray that he will have great success with treatment. I am really trying to keep this positive attitude for myself and sometimes it just gets really hard and I am glad I can vent about it on this site. Its good to know that we are not the only ones in this struggle. It is uplifting to know that we are not just fighting for ourselves but fighting for everyone living with CC. Our good stories bring hope to others with bad stories and trust me, we have been there. We were told that the dr.’s could do nothing for chucks… we were told to go home and enjoy the rest of his time with his family and friends…. we were told in the hospital that he would not make it through the night but HERE WE ARE! ALIVE AND STRONG! He is pretty good about keeping active. He is really into his old VW’s and has a club that keeps him active. Since getting out of the hospital he has put together an entire car which was fun for him. I know he trys hard to keep busy. I get scared sometimes that he is doing too much but I guess he know when it’s too much and I have to trust him on that.

    I wish everyone the best on this site. You know I want to share something with you. When Chucks was in the hospital, I felt really down. I felt helpless and like I was loosing myself and my faith. I went home to take a shower and turned on the t.v for a minute. That night a preacher was on and it seemed as though he was talking to me. He said “regardless of what you have going on… trust GOD. If you have someone that you LOVE sick and in the hospital… trust GOD. Don’t just sit there and pray for a miracle…. Expect one! Know that GOD will give you whatever you expect of him. After that day I expected a miracle. When the Dr.’s had bad news. I would tell GOD how little they knew about his strength. I truly believe that GOD spoke to me that day. I hope that this speaks to all of you. I too needed to share this because I think I almost forgot that with all of these negative thoughts that I have been having. I will expect my miracle and I truly have recieved it and as long as I continue to expect my miracle… I will continue to receive it.

    Now it’s been past a year and no Cancer… My miracle. The Dr. even told us that everytime he see’s Chucks it’s uplifting for him. He said “I loose a lot of people in my type of career and sometimes it gets me down but seeing you alive and doing well and looking absolutely great makes what I do worth it.” God give him this so that he can continue on and continue to help others living with CC. I expect great things of his Dr. as the LORD guides him through.

    GOD does do miracles…. you just have to expect them!

    I will pray for all of you and expect that GOD will deliver you from this heartache.

    Sorry for the long message but I think it’s worth the time.

    in reply to: Staying Strong! #18767

    Thank you Jeff!

    It’s true.. he is very determined. The Dr. says “don’t get me wrong, this is not a simple surgery but compared to what you have already been through… Man…. it’s a walk in the park” So I am confident he will be doing much better after this and guess what? He has worked 3 days this week and has not been tired at all. Thank God for substitute teaching! It really gives him the opportunity to work as much or as little as needed.

    Thanks everyone.

    in reply to: Stomach Pains #18804

    You are absolutely right Jeff. Stool softeners are very important when taking any type of pain medication. My fiance and I went back to the hospital for that same reason Jane. He was having severe stomach pains. After 1 day in the hospital and a CT, they found that he was just constipated. They gave us stool softeners and told us he needed to take them 3 times a day until his bowels started working regularly. (which means using the restroom at least once every 3 days) Make sure your sister drinks plenty of water and fluids.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed in South GA #18796


    I would look into that 2nd opinion. My fiance was dx with CC in Oct. 2006 that had spread to the liver with lymph node involvement. We found a surgeon willing to perform the necessary surgery and it has now been a year from month of surgery and he is currently doing well considering and all CT scans have been negative and show no sign of cancer regression.

    Please look into a 2nd opinion. If it weren’t for a second opinion, he probably would not be here today.


    in reply to: Staying Strong! #18763

    Thank you Sue!

    I know this is all soooo true. I feel awful that I am having these feelings because like you he had surgery in January of 2007 and is doing pretty good considering what he has been through. All Ct scans have been negative and show no signs of cancer regression. He is going in for a corrective surgery to repair his stomach wall. While he was in the hospital after the first surgery, the whole muscle tissue in his stomach became infected and it had to be removed. Since then it has been causing most of what little pain and discomfort he has. I hope I feel this way because I am scared of this upcoming surgery. We went through soo much the first time that another surgery scares me. I have faith in God and know that without him, chucks would not be here today.

    Thank you everyone for your kind words. They mean so much to me. I commend you all for keeping your spirits high and fighting so hard. You are the ones that make the rest of us fight.


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