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  • in reply to: Lots of fevers but no infection #28584

    Thanks Lainy,
    We’re not sure what it is but suspect that they stem from his body fighting the cancer. Some doctors have said that it might be tumor fever…we’re hoping for the best and trying to have a normal life (once he heals from the gallbladder removal surgery – they had to cut him open so his body is working overtime tyring to heal.

    We’re in North Scotsdale fairly close to the Mayo hospital but neither of us are there right now. We’re preparing to move to NY and have heard that Sloan Kettering is very good. On that note, may i ask you and everyone reading this let me know if you know of a good oncologist at SK with expertise in bile duct cancer?

    Hope that Teddy is doing well – is he back on the golf course? :)

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28454

    Hi Lainy,
    GP is a General Practicioner – we use the same terminology in Canada. GPs are the doctors like a family doctor here, general practice rather than specialist.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28453

    Dear Gavin,

    Thanks for the nice words and it’s great for us to be in touch with each other and providing support.

    May I STRONGLY echo Marion and Lainy. I don’t think that your Dad is getting the right treatment, esp re: stents. Although it’s great that the new GP is personable and willing to meet etc (which is important), it sounds like he may not have expertise on this type of cancer. Have the doctors identified whethr the jaundice is due to the stents or liver function (as Marion pointed out) because if it’s the stents then 26 May is pretty far away. When jim’s stents have clogged he used to get a tiny bit yellow and have slight pain in the area. When we would call it in to the Mayo hospital the stents would be changed within 24 hours. I know that it’s different in the US than elsewhere (I am Canadian and if we were in Canada he would have to wait several weeks) but is there any way that you could get another opinion – – there are some others from the UK on this site who would know where to go. You sound like a really nice guy – could you push them to move the appointment sooner? Today the oncologist told us that he would see my husband in 10 days and begin chemo in two weeks (when the mayo team has already recommended that he begin chemo asap). i kicked up a fuss (politely and expressed that i would have the tumors measured for growth during the 2 weeks) and guess what they scheduled us for tomorrw and begin chemo on friday. i know that US is different but it never hurts to be pushy when it comes to advocating for our loved ones.

    Again, I echo Marion and Lainy and also send you our warmest wishes, thoughts and positive energy. Thank God your Dad has you looking out for him.

    in reply to: Tomorrow’s The Day #28540

    Hi Irene,

    We’re thinking of you, let us know how things go. Warmest wishes and lots of positive thoughts and energy your way!! :)


    in reply to: Update on my Dad #28449

    Hi Gavin,
    My husband has a lot of problems with his stents as well, it does sound like your dad’s might need to be changed. Regarding his sweats, are they following a high fever (my husband sweats a lot when his fevers break). he has had numerous infections. Are the nurses drawing blood samples/cultures when they see him.
    It sounds like a very difficult time but you sure seem to be handling it well – your family is lucky to have such a supportive son.

    Best wishes,

    PS – my husband is part Scottish :)

    in reply to: Having a good cry today. #28500

    Dear Jill,

    I just prayed for you and your Aunt Etnah and will continue to do so. It’s a difficult day for many of us today. I am glad that I can come to this board for support.

    Thinking and praying for you and your aunt.


    in reply to: Glad I found this site. #28403

    HI Maureen,

    It’s lovely to see your post but sorry that your mother in law is ill.

    We are also looking at alternative therapies for my husband’s treatment. I never realized before his illness the huge role that nutrition and diet play in fighting cancer.

    Green tea (the good stuff) is about 1/100th the cost and has proven by countless clinical studies to be beneficial to cancer patients/survivors. I am drinking it myself also:)


    in reply to: new member ,chemo question #28302

    Deborah, it sounds like the chemo went well and your husband is lucky to have such a wonderful caregiver. My husband has basically given up meat, dairy, sugar and processed food and that has helped with his constipation (he adopted that diet as it’s supposed to be good for minimizing tumor growth)

    Keep us updated!

    in reply to: Mary Passed #28249

    Dear Lwilson,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Your mother is at peace and I am praying for you and your family.
    Danielle and Jim

    in reply to: New to radiation #28257

    Hi Barbara,
    70%!!! That’s fantastic and I hope Jim’s is as successful as yours!!!! Keep us updated with the radiation :)

    in reply to: new member ,chemo question #28298

    Hi Deborah,
    Welcome to the website – my husband was diagnosed with CC (non resectable Klatskin) in Jan 2009. He just finished radiation and is about to begin chemo, the same protocol as your husband’s, i.e. gemzar/xeloda. I agree with Marion, the word palliative is often applied pretty broadly and hope/attitude do go a long way with this horrible disease. So many people live far beyond the grim prognosis they receive from their physicians.

    How did your husband tolerate the chemo?

    We are thinking about you and hoping that the scan brings good news.


    in reply to: Teddy Update #28277

    Yipppeee!! Wonderful news and makes our night. Sleep well tonight :)

    in reply to: New to radiation #28254

    Hi Barbara,
    Jim had 40 hits of radiation and had no side effects other than fatigue and mild pain on the zapped areas. The radiation protocol shrunk his tumor. He is starting the same chemo regime, Gemzar and then Xeloda a bit down the track. hopefully he will get the first dose of Gemzar this week. how did you find it????
    :) Danielle

    in reply to: My mother is now free #28185

    Dear Lina,

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your wonderful mother. She sounds like a very special woman surrrounded by a loving family. The poem by Tanya Torres is so beautiful.

    You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.


    in reply to: My liver is a happy duck #28215

    My husband and I sure were happy to hear how well you’re doing (and we enjoyed the other posts as well!!!).

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