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  • in reply to: update tom #78068

    Can’t add much to this but that I agree with the others. Merry Christmas to you and Tom, too. Hoping for the best for you both in the coming year.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Merry Christmas with belated Good News #78070


    What wonderful news. Hope things continue like this or get even better. :)

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, too. I’m sure it will be extra special for all of you this year.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Merry Christmas #78055

    Hi Patti,

    So much good news and such a positive attitude is so good to hear. Hoping for more good news from you in the future.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and an even better New Year.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: I’ve made it two years… #77273

    Don’t know how I missed this, but I agree with Mary. My feelings are so much the same. And Lainy, as usual, you are right on. :) These posts bring tears to my eyes but also let me know that I am not alone in how I am feeling and yes, it does get better with time. :)

    Love, Hope & Hugs to all of you.


    in reply to: Needing to vent #78025

    I agree a call to the doctor is in order. I’m no expert and don’t really understand all this technical stuff, but it sounds promising to me and as Lainy mentioned, stable is good. Hang in there. I’m hoping you will get the answers you are looking for from your doc tomorrow.

    in reply to: Needing to vent #78018

    Vent away. We are hear to listen. You have every reason to be feeling this way right now. I also want to wish your son happy birthday. You are blessed to be here to spend it with him and I am sure you will be here to spend even more special times with him. I’m hoping you can take a break from all this, relax and enjoy the holidays with your family.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Introduction, hindsight #77951

    Amen to that Lainy. :)

    Margaret, if you stick around you too will know more about this disease with the strange, hard to pronounce name than you ever though you could or would want to know. I do think it is unique in so many ways from other cancers as you never know what to expect. How it will act or react to anything. It is very unpredictable. Not only is the cancer a roller coaster ride, your grieving will be too. With many ups & downs. It goes with the territory. I am beginning to see that many of us that have dealt with this more than likely have a form of PTSD. What we went through and are going through is about the most traumatic thing I can imagine.

    The good news is that in the 5 years since my husband passed away I have seen much improvement in both diagnosis and treatment of CC. There is more knowledge, better treatment and also more successes. Unfortunately it comes too late for our husbands, but hopefully will help others in the future.

    Hope your 12 year old feels better soon. :)

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Tiffany #77995

    I know, I was relieved to know she is doing well, too. I may just have to surprise you and take you up on your offer some day. If Jim hadn’t passed away we probably would have been your neighbor by now. Actually it has warmed up a bit. I think it hit 30 today, but before that it was frigid. Also have had some snow. I’m so done with winter already!

    in reply to: Tiffany #77993

    I emailed Tiffany and got an answer immediately. She is doing well. Just hasn’t been on line. She will try to post something soon. Glad to know she is OK.

    in reply to: Grief vs Holidays #77998

    Great post Lainy.


    I am so sorry for what you are having to deal with. Especially now during the holidays. I totally know what you are feeling. There are many different kinds of loss. I lost my husband to CC and shortly after my parents started to spiral into decline, dealing with many issues both physically and mentally. They are 87 and like you I feel that I have already lost them too. They are not the same people they were before all of the health issues they are dealing with. I think losing someone to CC is about the worst thing that I have ever had to deal with, but watching my parents slowly declining so soon after is not easy either.

    I’m hoping you will stay strong and be able to make it a nice holiday for your 3 year old, yourself and the rest of your family.

    Take care. Thinking of you.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: not an introduction – but a farewell #77884

    I too am sorry to hear of this change in your life. I am hoping for some resolution to this for you and that things will work out for the best. I agree that our Kris would be a good person to talk this over with if you are comfortable with it.

    Thinking of you.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Declining Fast #77892


    I agree with everything that has been said. There is no right or wrong to any of this. Don’t like using a lot of clichés, but some do help. Just do the best you can and that is all you can do. You never realize how strong you are until being strong is all you can do. I am so sorry that you and your family are having to deal with all this, but come here when you need to. We all understand and are ready to listen and help you get through this a best we can.

    Thinking of you and your family as you try to navigate through these strange and confusing waters.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Good news! #77969

    Great news to get to make your holidays brighter and hopefully it will continue into the new year. :)

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Introduction, hindsight #77945


    I for one do not think you are an “old nut”. If you are, then so am I. :)

    Like you, I also take a lot of comfort in knowing that I had something a lot of people never had or will have in the relationship that Jim & I shared for so many years and for that I am grateful. However, that said, I will repeat what I have said many times before. I just wanted more. Selfish huh?

    Love Ya,

    in reply to: Introduction, hindsight #77943


    One more thing we have in common. We too were in shock and at first didn’t see what was actually happening and how swiftly things kept changing. We didn’t get to say a proper goodbye either as we thought we had more time.

    I too am a believer and have had many signs as has one of my sons and also Jim’s twin brother. I have started an introduction and some notes and plan to have enough for a chapter in Lainy’s book and hope you too will participate. It is comforting to know they are always near us, isn’t it? The signs are their. We just have to be open to them.

    My heart goes out to you and your family. Take care.

    Love & Hugs,

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