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  • in reply to: Introduction, hindsight #77937

    Hi Margaret,

    WOW! I thought I was reading my own post from 5 years ago. Your situation sounds so much like ours with just a few small variations. Jim had just turned 62 and we never even got to the point of hospice as he died the day I was setting it up. I found this site a few days after he passed and have been here ever since. Other than that, your post could have been mine. Our journey was also a short 2 months from active and healthy to gone and I felt much like you and had many of the same questions. I also felt the need to go through all the medical records, but I must tell you that it was very hard and brought back so much and more of what we went through that I don’t think I ever got through the whole thing. The pages are all still sitting on the shelves in the closet. I still try to read through some of it from time to time.

    I can tell you that you have found the right place to be. I learned so much and got so much comfort from all the wonderful loving, caring people on this site and hopefully have also helped a few along the way. I’m hoping you will stay with us as I’m sure you will benefit from being here. Here we have all been there and many are dealing with this disease now. We all understand and we all care more than anyone else who has not experienced anything even close to this ever could.

    Going through something this traumatic changes you and is a lot to handle, but although you could never tell me back then that I would be OK, I can tell you this. You will survive. Your life will never be the same, but you will be OK. It took me a long time to get to this point and I still have days I wake up wondering if this all really happened and how I have survived, but it is true that we are never given more than we can handle and that we are stronger than we ever thought we could be.

    It takes time, and these are early days for you, but as time goes on try to remember all the good things about your life together and although the rest never really goes away, it will fade some and you will be able to take some comfort in remembering the life you once had.

    Just take it one day at a time. There will be a whole lot of emotional ups & downs and many set backs, but just keep on taking it as it comes, even if it is just one minute at a time.

    Know that I am thinking of you and hoping you are doing OK. Take care and keep coming back.

    Lots of Love & Hugs,


    in reply to: Happy Birthday Mamma #77812

    Thinking of you today Dee and happy birthday to mom. :)

    in reply to: Dad #77712

    Thinking of you and dad. :)

    in reply to: New Diagnosis, lost, confused, scared……. #77776

    Hi Deborah,

    Can’t add much to what Lainy and Randi have already said, but want to welcome you to the site and let you know that we are all here for you. I agree that more opinions can’t hurt and will be helpful in giving you more information on what you are dealing with. We all understand what you are going through and we care. Thinking of you and Don and hoping for the best.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: New member of the club #77679

    Hi Chuck (Dukenukem) love that. :)

    At first I hesitated to reply to this post as my husband passed away 5 years ago from this disease and you don’t need to hear that. The good news is that I have seen so many advances in the treatment of CC in the past 5 years that I am hoping for you to do well.

    My situation is so much like yours. He was 62 and I have two sons and a daughter-in-law, but also no grandchildren. In his case it just was found way too late and he never even had any treatment options at that point. He died less than 2 months after his first time in ER when they had no idea what was going on. I guess the good news is he didn’t suffer long, but that is no consolation. When I start feeling sorry for myself and saying why me? Why us? I try to tell myself to snap out of it and think about those who have it worse than me. Doesn’t always work, but I do try. :)

    I totally agree with you that it is not always about me and hopefully I can do some good here and help someone else. I’m sure you will too, but there are days that it needs to be all about you, too.

    Unfortunately, I have no answers for you as to treatments or hospice as we never even got that far.

    Just wanted to let you know I understand your feelings and hope for the best for you and your family.

    You have come to the right place as there are a lot of caring people here who are more than willing to listen and try to help in any way they can.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Anyone know of a Dr. Burzynski #76460

    Marion, You can tell Rick that when I try to go there all it says is “Your search has no hits”. Strange that it works for you. HMMMMM

    in reply to: Anyone know of a Dr. Burzynski #76459

    I just put Burzynski into search and got several postings. It confirmed what I was recalling. They don’t sound good. As Percy & Lainy have said, buyer beware.

    in reply to: Anyone know of a Dr. Burzynski #76457

    I found nothing under that link either. Doing a search of his name may bring some past postings up, but I
    did Google him and have to agree with Lainy. I would check this out and be very cautious .

    in reply to: Received bad news today #77041

    Hi Linda,

    That is good news. Glad to hear it. Keep thinking outside the box. Never hurts and as you have proven, sometimes it can help. :) Hope things continue to improve and we see more posts like this. Take care.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Our Kris. #48026

    Hi Hans,

    Thanks for dropping in. Kris was a shining star on this board and is greatly missed by those of us who got to know her. She is still our shining star and will always be remember.

    Hope all is well with you and yours. Good to hear from you.

    Happy Birthday Kris. :)

    Love & Hugs,


    Dear Desiree,

    I am so glad that you have a friend to go with you to Paris in January for help & support. Hopefully once you are back and have her things around you it will be of some comfort to you. I have a close friend who lost her husband 3 months after Jim passed away. We are always there to help and support each other. I hear your pain and know & understand it. Stay strong, take care and keep coming here and sharing your feelings. It really does help.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: My beloved mother #76638

    Dear Desiree,

    Good to hear from you, but sorry for what you are all having to deal with. As I have mentioned in the past, my husband passed as quickly as your dear mother, so I do understand what you have been through, but now to have all this to deal with the French judicial system and all that involves and also unsupportive family makes it even harder for you. Hoping you can get this all sorted out. Keep in contact and let us know how you are doing. Also feel free to vent on here as much as you need to.

    Thinking of you and hoping you can finally get some peace of mind.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: New Member to Board #77199

    Hi Janet,

    Thanks for sharing your story with us. Happy to hear things are going well for you concerning your illness. You sound like you have a great attitude and I’m glad you found this board although sorry you have a need for it. So glad you were able to meet some of our members in person. You won’t find a more caring understand bunch anywhere. Glad you are here. I think you already know that you will get a lot of, kindness, understanding and support here. I also think you will be a great help to others. Welcome aboard. :)

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Results of Recent CT Scan Not Good #71126

    Dear Mary,

    I too am sorry to hear of this set back. You have a great attitude and I know that will make a huge difference.

    I’m glad you are planning the trip and know you will have a wonderful time in Key West. It’s a great place to be, especially in January. :)

    Lot’s of good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Cancer Centers of America #77080

    I too am glad you are no longer considering CTCA. I held back at first, but now that Kris put it out there. I too know of no one here who has gone there and have not heard anything good about them. They are for profit and I have been told from people who have checked them out that they don’t take anyone whose insurance doesn’t cover or can’t afford to pay. They also like to take cases that will make their statistics look good. I do not know any of this from personal experience, but from others who have.

    You are in good hands with our dear Lainy. :) I do hope you two can get together. Since your brother lives near by and the hospitals and doctors in that area are highly recommended I’m thinking it is a good choice.

    Take care and best of luck to you on your journey.

    Love & Hugs,

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