Thank you for the welcomes. My case may be a little unusual it began with itching and indigestion followed by blood work to show elevated bilirubin. after 9 ercp’s and many stents of a blocked duct I had lost 80 pounds and couldn’t digest anything so Christmas 2014 I was admitted for an emergency hepaticjujenoscopy to remove blockage and reroute digestion around duedeim which had swollen shut during surgery biopsies were taken bile duct showed positive margins and duedeim was also positive. Due to my poor overall condition(138lbs) after 5 weeks in hospital I was released and brought back two weeks later for a fistula leaking through my abdominal wound and was given the pathology report. Following this I was released with no treatment options and sent home to be with my family. With the loving care of my wife and support of everyone despite my prognosis I have regained 60 lbs and also much of my energy lately almost one year after diagnosis a follow up dr visit lead to an oncology visit and some tests that couldn’t conclusively show the cancer as it never presented with a mass or show any markers in my blood. We as a family have learned to take small victories and value our time together. it has been a wild year almost two but we are doing quite well now.