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  • in reply to: Stand Up To Cancer #41295

    done…a little late but done all the same :)

    in reply to: I got sort of good news. #41713

    Hi Kris, I don’t check in too often but as soon as I do I check to see how you have been . I think of often and send .prayers your way. As usual you continue to amaze me with your beautiful spirit! You go have a fantastic time in Paris come home and kick butt with the surgery and then have another beer with lime for the rest of us followed by an anti nausea chaser! You continue to inspire the rest of us kiddo…thanks…sending love from the states!

    in reply to: If you have Blue Cross and Blue Shield Please read this. #37161

    Hi Jill, I have BCBS and have has many scans including several PET scans that were fully covered no questions asked. I wish you lots of luck…fighting back helps..not that you need that on top of everything else. Wishing you the best. deb

    in reply to: Help! #34188

    My friend also had extremely painful mouth sores…she was given a script for Magic Mouth Wash, mentioned earlier ,to rinse her mouth with pretty much as need and I think the doctor also lowered her chemo dose…wishing you the best, deb

    in reply to: Latest scan results #33505

    Dear Kris, I have not been here in quite some time but you are always the first person I look to find and pray that you are doing well every time. I am sorry that your news was not better but honey you are one of the special ones, like Jeff and Peter…you are tough and strong and kind and compassionate and sure as heck you are no quitter! And when you feel scared then I beleive the rest of this board lifts you up in prayer and strength when you are unable. Honey, you have blessed so very many on this board including myself that I feel that God will bless you in his own very special way as well. Keep up the good work Kris…rest when you need, cry when you must and then continue to kick some more cancer @$$. hugs, deb

    in reply to: Keeping spirits up… #31498

    Sue, Way to go girl…so thrilled for you! Now relax, enjoy; celebrate and exhale…ahhhh hurray! Thanks for sharing! hugs, deb

    in reply to: Swine flu vaccination #31078

    Hi Kris, my son had his physical today and I asked our doctor what she thought about the shot . She told me that it was no more dangerous than the ‘regular’ flu shot because it is made in the same way as any other flu shot. She said because no one knows ‘how much’ flu vaccine will be available that it will be given to those ‘at most risk’…she said that ‘ she will’ get the shot for herself as soon as it is available and that it is being recommended for those from 6 years old to 24 years old because they are the ones most likeley to be exposed to the virus. They are not recommending it for the elderly not because of any risk but because they are at least risk of being exposed to it. But I did not asked specifically if I should get it because my son was being goofy and I could not think straight. The nurse told me as I was leaving to call in the first week of October because they were getting the flu shots in as early as they can….I always get a flu shot and have never had any negative reactions to it, thank God. Now don’t feel silly feel that you are asking questions to be an educated consumer, now how did that sound? educated? Ok I am just being silly. Hope it was of some help and I hope you are feeling well. deb i


    Sue and Kris, I also bought 50 bracelets and everyone including children ask about them and ask for one. My mom gave a ‘donation’ to go towards the bracelets :) I also gave my oncologist Dr Keith Stuart at Lahey Clinic a handful of them and he was very excited because he has many cc patients and had already seen 3 by the time I got there after my scan. He said he would be happy to share them and then asked me if I could find him one with a picture of a ‘liver’ on it ;) ..the word is getting out! p.s. kris thank you for the advice for my ‘other mom’ she is looking into it…hoping she will feel well enough to join us here. God Bless you all, deb


    I also have been on cholesterol meds for years, diagnosed with possible IBS approx. 10 years ago, also Rheumatoid arthiritis which had me on celebrex, vioxx, methotrexate , prednisone also hypothyroidism and eventually as you know cc….thought to have been an ‘ugly gallbladder’ but was not….had seemingly random bouts of severe upper gastric pain for several years until I turned YELLOW and itchy generally felt like poo.. was approx. 2 years and many ERCPs and DRs and hospital before finally being diagnosed with cc…however I want to add that I am doing very well now…clean scans :) hope it helps, debbie

    in reply to: Fantastic News on todays CT scan! #30715

    Great information Kris…I told her daughter tonight about it. She asked if I knew what it was…I am not so great on the computer and am not quite sure ‘how’ to look it up but I will try.. It sounds so hopeful and hope is what we all need! I also agree that these cancers seem similar in some respects and the treatments also appear to be the similar as well. AMY, you are right it is not fair…..never is suffering fair. I am trying to figure out the best way I can help ….and I think if she joins this compassionate family right here at the cc board will bring her so many answers and understanding and a place to just ‘let it all out’ in a supportive nonjudgemental environment. I have continued to to receive such great supports here and will be forever grateful to this ‘cc family’ …time to go to bed hugs to all, God Bless , deb

    in reply to: Fantastic News on todays CT scan! #30712

    Thanks Marion, I will let her know….as always you are so very kind :) deb

    in reply to: Fantastic News on todays CT scan! #30710

    Forgive me , it has been difficult to celebrate my good fortune…my best friends mom has just been diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. She has been like a mom to me my whole life and I want to tell her everything will be ok….that she will do as well as I have. I beleive in miracles and am praying for many more because no one should suffer like many already have. I have suggested to my other ‘mom’ to check out this site and see how wonderful and supportive everyone is. And that there is so much kindness compassion and so much information that may help her make some better informed choices. I know she does not have cc but so much is similar..and everyone here is so kind. She is struggling with side effects from her chemo..I beleive it is gembicide??? Pain and bowel issues and lack of information and support is overwhelming. She has always been very healthy and active and can out walk/run her daughter anyday of the week I hear..and the next week this bomb is dropped..she was told there is no treatment and she has a year to live by one dr and 2 to 3 with treatment by another. Her daughter is my best friend and nurse who hooked me up with the doctors that saved my life @ Lahey Clinic. I am hoping I can do something to help her mom..maybe someone here knows of some success stories I can share with her. God Bless you all…<3 Deb

    in reply to: Fantastic News on todays CT scan! #30707

    thanks everyone…I hope the good luck spreads all over this ALL deserve it! I sometimes feel guilty about posting my own good news while others struggle against the same cc with not such great luck. I pray that the good luck spreads faster than any $#%@ cancer!!! God Bless, deb


    I have also been on simvastatin for several years and I still am…no one ever seemed concerned at all about it.? My discomfort and jaundice came from the bile duct stricture/aka c.c.. Wishing you only the best. Deb

    in reply to: My next Scan on August 18th #30628

    Jamie, I am right there with you! I will pray for clean scans again for you! God Bless! Tess ,thank you too! Kris, YOU continue to be an inspiration to me…thanks for the thumbs up kiddo! Healing thoughts and prayers to all. hugs, deb

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