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  • in reply to: Question about Ascites #36533

    I am sorry I dont know anything about this and I can not (off the top of my head) think of a member that has had this done. Hopefully I am wrong and someone will pop in. If not, you will get to be the resident expert.

    in reply to: It’s back!! #36328

    It sounds slike Dr. Brendan Visser did his fellowship with my surgon, Dr. Garden. When I was there one year later, the fellow was another American named Dr. Sanjay Joseph (Josef?). What a wonderfully small world.


    in reply to: New UK member #36465

    Welcome Munchin. Dont have much advice but wanted to welcome you. This is a wonderful place for information and though many of us are American, our tenticles are spreading and taking a firm hold in other places as well. There are many people here from the UK (I actually had my original surgery in Edinburgh) who will know the ins and outs and the whos and whats that will be able to help.

    Let us know how it goes.

    in reply to: Post surgery confusion..what to expect?!?!? #35075

    There is alot of debate over chemo after surgery. Some studies show it helps, some studies show it doesnt. That is why you are getting different opinions. I tend to think the way not approach. I want to know that I have done everything possible to beat this disease. My doctor said that I would not have chemo after my surgery if they got it all since there was no evidence it would help but I am going to push for it if I get it all out in surgery.

    Take care.

    in reply to: Hello after a while away from the site! #36276

    How did I miss your post? Great news and I am so happy for you. Dont worry about the breaks. We all need to take them sometimes and just focus on living and adjusting and being a person, not a cancer person. Let us know about the tattoo.

    Enjoy the wonderful life ahead.

    in reply to: Please help, My dad (intrahepatic CCA) #36452

    Welcome to the board Lori. You are in the right place for information. This cancer is tricky in that it does like to come back. Off the top of my head, I cant think of anyone who is on the Gerson diet. Hopefully someone will pop in with some information. I just wanted to give you a nice welcome.


    in reply to: back again #36297

    Hello Dearest Amr. Sorry to hear your dad has some problems. I have a couple of suggestions. I dont know if your father is taking anti nausea medicines. If so, these can cause some of the constipation. If he is on them, talk to his doctor about changing those medications. You can also try Lactulose. It is a sugar syrup that really helps with constipation. It is quite mild as well, my cat and I both have had to take it.

    The fever and chills are sometimes just a part of this as is the vomiting. I noticed that with myself, these symptoms are worse when I am very tired or dehydrated.

    Take care.

    in reply to: Itchy, itchy, itchy #36392

    That itching…that is just you receiving all the good vibes and thoughts from Sweden. I will try to turn it down a notch to make you more comfortable. Good wishes (not vibes, I learned my lesson :) ) for the ct scan.


    in reply to: Time For A New Discussion Re: End of Life Choices #36306

    This is actually a topic Hans and I recently discussed between us. Not an easy or pleasnt chat to be sure. However, I would be nervous about having a section on here simply for legal reasons. Perhaps I am just overly cautious, but I would hate the foundation to get in trouble for “encouraging” suicide, I know that is not what you mean, but family members in their grief could read it that way and cause problems.


    in reply to: new with questions #36397

    Hi Bob. Welcome to the site. Sue is from Indiana and is treated there and has been very happy with her treatment. Try the search function and search for Indiana and her posts should pop up.


    in reply to: Time to stop watching and join in… #36084

    Hello Harmony,
    Welcome to the site. We are in the same age group and with the same determination. Like you I dont know what the future holds, but I am going to do anything to get there. I need to look into Kombucha, havent heard of it before.

    Take care.

    in reply to: 4 weeks into cancer #36382

    Welcome Easy.
    I guess when it rains, it pours. I am sorry your family is going through so much at one time. You must be in a confused state and just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Well, you found the right place for support. Our member Kristin has had good luck wihth chemo and radiation and it has pretty much halted her growth.

    Good luck to your family.


    in reply to: Vomiting and heartburn? #36291

    Dads Daughter,
    If it is the same thing I had and he gets the stomach reroute, then please let me reassure you that 1) it really can work and your dads quality of life will skyrocket and 2) recovery isnt that bad if you avoid infections. I think I was in the hospital a little over a week or so. I could have gone home sooner, but I didnt eat like I was supposed to (whoever thought hospital fish is a good idea needs to have their head checked out!) so it took a little while for my digestive tract to kick in. Plus my surgeon really likes me so he was a bit overprotective of me.

    I am so thankful I had that surgery. I went from being a “sick” person to living a normal life. Please tell your dad that if he is getting what I got, he is very lucky indeed since it doesnt seem like it is done that often and instead people seem to suffer.

    Please let us know how it goes. Best of luck if he gets into the operating room.


    in reply to: Have CC & want to connect with others. #36336

    Welcome Bill. You have found the right place to connect. We are like one big family. We all give our opinions freely and loudly :), are comfortable with each other to disagree and have the biggest shoulders collectively to help carry the weight. There is more experience on this board than most doctors have so we are the biggest fountain of information you can have.

    Hang in there and we will do our best.,


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34518

    YAY!!!! Glad your husband is home.


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