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  • in reply to: dad with new diagnosis #40315

    Hello Worriedson. I am sorry to hear about your dad. I agree with others, if you can get a second opinion that would be good recommendation.

    I was treated at MD Anderson in Houston. My doctor is/was Dr. Nicolas Vauthey. He was my surgeon and definitely one of the best, I would highly recommend. I would also recommend MD Anderson as a great cancer facility. I had my surgery there, and also chemo and radiation, for my CC.

    I was diagnosed with CC in May 2004. And am currently a 6+ year survivor. I wish you the best in your search for a doctor for your dad.


    in reply to: Marc “May” be a Candidate #40301

    Jeff, I was diagnosed with CC in May 2004. Mine was one tumor, about 4-to-5cm in size. My surgeon mentioned size is just one consideration. Other things such as where it is located in the liver also matters. He also said up to 75% of the liver can be

    in reply to: Adjuvant chemo/radiation #40244

    Marion, thanks … that’s a great article. I saved a copy of the pdf file (45 pages) and plan to read it later.

    Also wanted to add, under the “Uses of radiation therapy – After surgery for resectable cancers” section on the web-link, its basically word-for-word what my surgeon told me for my adjuvant therapy.


    in reply to: Adjuvant chemo/radiation #40241

    I too had adjuvant therapy. This was after a successful liver resection. I had 6-weeks of chemo (pill form, Xeloda) and radiation. Total of 30 treatment days. My radiation was at the site of my resection in my liver where they removed my tumor. My story …

    I had “clear” margins after surgery. But the margins were so close, literally millimeters, but they were still declared as “clear”. Ideally, they would like to have about a 1 to 2 inch “clear” margin.

    My surgeon at MD Anderson (where I had my surgery) said that after my surgery, they reviewed my case with other oncologist there. The consensus was for me to have adjuvant therapy. Reasoning was since my margin was only millimeters of being “clear”, just in case there were any microscopic cancerous cells that were not identifiable now, the thought was with chemo and radiation, that could potentially kill those cells.

    So mine was more like insurance. They were not specifically killing any cancer cells. They told me that at the outset. But again, with only millimeters of clear margins, their recommendation was for the adjuvant therapy, again just in case. As I had full trust and confidence in my doctors at MD Anderson, I went with their recommendation.

    I hope the best for you, Snezzie, in your treatments.


    in reply to: Surgery Scheduled for this Friday. #39941

    Hello Christine. I’m just now reading your posts. That’s wonderful news about your mom’s successful surgery! I had a similar treatment as your mom. In May 2004 I was diagnosed with CC. I had a liver resection, 75% of my liver was removed (including my gall bladder), as they removed a 4-5cm tumor in my liver. My surgery took about 6 hours. I later had 6-week adjuvant therapy of chemo (pill form) and radiation.

    I wish the best to your mom as she recuperates! And prayers for continued success in her upcoming treatments!


    in reply to: scans and vomitting #40178

    Isisman, I’m sorry to hear the problems with your husband’s CT-scans. I’ve had quite a few CT-scans (I’m a CC survivor), but fortunate in that the procedures haven’t been a major problem for me. They always give me a thick liquid barium to drink. I’m able to tolerate it pretty well. I just feel bloated afterwards.

    But I wanted to mention. During one of my scans, they said I could try another type of barium (I don’t remember the name though). But it was more a clear/liquid kind of drink. You mixed it with orange juice, I seem to remember. They told me that “drink” was supposed to be gentler on the stomach.

    Does your husband vomit from the barium, or from the dye? If from the barium, you may want to ask about this clear/liquid kind of drink, and see if that helps.

    in reply to: jan47 #40043

    Hello Jan. I believe we may have talked before via the cancer support group in Houston, CanCare? If so, I’m so glad you registered with this site. It is a very caring and wonderful support group.

    I’m Dale, 6+ year CC survivor who was treated at MD Anderson in Houston. And volunteer with CanCare.

    I hope you are able to get access to MD Anderson for future treatments. Keeping you in prayer.


    in reply to: Question on Resection and Margins #39531

    Hello Michael. I read several posts from those with clear margings.

    In May 2004 I was diagnosed with CC with a 4.5cm tumor. I had a liver resection, 3/4ths of my liver was removed. The margins were clear, but only by millimeters. I had follow-up chemo (Xeloda pill form) and radiation for 6 weeks. Currently cancer-free at 6+ years.

    Did the chemo and radiation help prevent my recurrence, I really don’t know. And it’s unfortunate CC, like all cancers, is never predictable.

    I do hope the best for your dad as he continues with his treatments.


    in reply to: KRAS2 gene mutations in biliary tract cancer #39353

    That’s great to read … wonderful news!!

    in reply to: 90% chance cancer is back #39206

    ANP, I was diagnosed with CC in 2004. At the time, I asked my doctors what were my chances of survival. They told me something I continue to remember today. That each person’s cancer is unique to them, and to look at survival numbers only as they relate to you personally. If there is a 90% chance of things being bad, I could still in be in that 10%.

    In 2004, I was told I had CC cancer, when they found a 4.5 cm malignant tumor in my liver. I had a liver resection and follow-up 6-weeks of chemo & radiation. In May this year, I celebrated my 6-year anniversary as a CC survivor.

    I like Kris

    in reply to: I’m at the beginning of this frightening journey. #38902

    Snezzie – my chemo & radiation treatment was a total of 6 weeks. Basically my treatment was Monday thru Friday (5 days a week). No treatments on Sat or Sun. For those 5 days I took Xeloda pills for chemo (I believe 4 pills/day). Also for those 5 days I had radiation. Thus for the entire 6 weeks I had 30 total treatments.

    These were adjuvant therapy, as in theory they had removed my entire cancerous tumor. Thus the follow-up chemo and radiation was just in case any straggler cancer cells may have been missed (or were still present).

    Also, at the time (6 years ago), the doctors told me they didn’t really have any specific “follow-up” adjuvant chemo & radiation therapy for my CC. The Xeloda and radiation was thought it may help (again kind of like “insurance” for my CC).

    They also told me this adjuvant therapy may only be about a 5% chance of working, or being a success. But as I had faith in my doctors and staff at MD Anderson, I decided that although small, 5% is certainly better than 0%, so I went with their recommendation.

    Did the adjuvant therapy work? I really don’t know, but looking back, I’m glad I went with their recommendation. But as many have stated on this site, each person’s cancer is unique to them, and unfortunately (sadly) there is no magic bullet that all can use for CC cancers and treatments.

    I wish the best to you in your treatments.

    ….. Dale

    in reply to: Total resection #39005

    Snezzie – I actually just posted a reply to your Intro story, with answers to all these questions. Thanks – Dale

    in reply to: I’m at the beginning of this frightening journey. #38899

    Snezzie, welcome to the site. I’m sorry you’re having to make these decisions. I agree with others that even though we have CC, all cancers are different and in recommended treatments. I just wanted to add my thoughts and story ….

    I was diagnosed with intrahepatic CC in 2004. Mine was Stage 2, with a 4.5cm tumor. I had a liver resection with 75% of my liver removed. The margins were “clear”, but they were only 1mm clear. They recommended follow-up chemo and radiation, just to be safe and sure, in case they had not gotten everything. I had 6 weeks of Xeloda (pill form) and radiation.

    I am now basically 6-years cancer free. I also had all my treatments at MD Anderson in Houston, TX, and I can personally recommend it is a great cancer center.

    I pray the best to you in your decision, and treatments.

    …. Dale

    in reply to: Total resection #39003

    Welcome Missy! I had a similar cancer story as you. I was diagnosed with CC in 2004, at age 46. Had liver resection with 75% of my liver removed, including my gall bladder. I had follow-up chemo and radiation for 6 weeks. I continue now with annual check-ups, and in May this year was my 6-year anniversary, and I am a survivor like you! I wish you continued success in your journey as a survivor, and look forward to your postings! … Dale

    in reply to: New to the Discussion Board #37914

    Bob: thank you. I’d read your initial post on your miracle survivorship and it was very inspiring. I wish you continued success too in your journey. Dale

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