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  • in reply to: CA 19-9? #87583

    If my level is 9 what does that mean. Is that good or bad. I just recently had the test done so I don’t know what my number was before I did chemo and radiation. My oncologist doesn’t believe in worrying or doing this test. It was my surgeon there did the test. My alk phos levels were really high though something like 220.

    in reply to: Metastases on the peritoneum #88918

    First let me say I’m sorry to hear that. But reading your post was deja vu. That is exactly what happens to me. I went in for my resection at the Moffitt Cancer center on June 24 for my resection and when the doctor opened me up he found nodules in the peritoneal cavity so they closed me back up. I was just coming on to the site to see if anyone else had this and what treatment is given to try to get rid of it. I did gem/Cis originally and I responded very well which left me to the resection along with radiation. I don’t see my Dr till this Wednesday but I would be happy to hear what you found out. My best and prayers to your dad that all goes well.

    in reply to: Chemo and Radiation question #85868

    So I had my second round of radiation on February 9. It was as bad as the first one. Went up through the femoral artery and shot those beads into my liver. I was Sick Sick Sick. Ended up in the emergency room after 5 hours of vomiting and pain so bad I couldn’t stand it. Did not eat for days afterward. COuldn’t keep anything down and had no appetite. Now several weeks later I am feeling better and on the mend but absolutely exhausted. Need a nap by 6:00 p.m. so I can stay away till 9:00 p.m. I go for my scan on March 16 and Doctor on March 19 for the results. Praying that it killed off this monster totally or shrunk it to nothing. Thank you all for the support. P.S. Just finished reading 100 Questions and Answers about Biliary Cancer. What a great book. I recommend this to anyone who is dealing with this themselves or with a family member.

    in reply to: Chemo and Radiation question #85860

    Thank you everyone for your responses. Went on friday and had the mapping done. Dr said everyrhing went reallywell but I’ve been having really bad stomache pains since Saturday. The upper part of my stomach hurts really bad and hurts to even touch. Pain meds aren’t even helping. Called Dr office was told everyone respond differently and to take pepcid for a couple days. If I dint feel better by Wednesday to let them know and I’ll go in to see him on tThursday. I already take 2 different stomach meds plus I’ve been taking gasx. I pray it start to get better. Scheduled for radiation on January 9. Will be getting Y90. Pray I dont have the same reaction or worse.

    in reply to: Chemo and Radiation question #85865

    I received what I felt was good news from the radiologist on Tuesday. The tumor has responded well to the chemo and has shrunk for the second time so it is time to move on and do embolization radiation. I am gong to have a CT Scan, shunt study then mapping of my veins,/arteries on Friday. I will go back on January 9 or sooner for the Emolization Radiation and maybe a second if necessary I am happy that I am getting a break from the chemo. After I am done with the radiaton I will go back for either a PET or CT Scan to see how well it worked. The radiaologist said that since it has not continued to grow, if the radiation works really well in killing off more or most of the cancer cells there shouldn’t be any reason why I shouldn’t be able to go back to the surgeon maybe in a couple months for resectioning of my liver and be able to live a long and healthy life.

    Hopefully everything will go well and see what the next couple months bring. Thank you all for your responses. I love this message board and being able to share everyone’s experiences. it has really helped me alot.

    in reply to: New member – Darlene from Florida #84463

    Thank you. I am being treated and the Florida Cancer Specailist and research institute at Good Samaritan Hospital in Palm Beach County, FL. I do have pain medication which I take but the pain on these bad days is not really a physical pain. it is more like my stomach has severe gas bubbles that won’t break, it flip flops and then I just have severe difficuly eating for two days. The pain medication takes the edge off but does not get rid of what my stomache is going through for days. I do make sure I try to eat really well when I am feeling good to keep up my strengh because on the bad days I have difficulty eating for at 2-3 days. I think part of that is because I get those mouth sores and everything I eat just tastes absolutely horrible. Thanks for the advise I think I will get the Carnation Instant breakfast. Those I would probably like because I have tried the already made nutrition drinks and they just taste terrible.

    in reply to: New member – Darlene from Florida #84473

    Thank you all for the posts and the information you have all provided.

    I know it probably isn’t but I almost feel like my case is so strange because originally I was told that it was cancer of the gallbladder that had spread to the liver and I think that is why they were just going to do surgery to remove the gallbladder and two section of my liver. Then some more tests later it was found that it wasn’t my gallbladder it was the liver and then of course no it ws CC after I had the biopsy.

    I found a wonderful surgeon who is a Hepatopancreaticobiliary surgeon who specializes in liver disorders, tumors bile duct and complex GI. Dr. Cohen then brought my case before the tumor board and they felt the best course of treatment was to start the chemo immediatly since I had already wasted weeks getting all different type of scans and that was because one of the scans originally showed a spot on my bones and also they were concerned about something that showed up in the uterine/ovary area. Thank god after further test they found that the CC was a primary tumor and all else was clear.

    I am currently being treated at Florida Cancer Specialist at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Palm Beach County, FL After reading some of the posts I guess maybe I should ask the oncologist if they are treating anyone else with the same type of cancer.

    it wasn’t until my last visit with the Oncologist that I actually asked what stage I was at and he said well a 4. I know it is in my Bile duct and spread to the liver but it has not gone anywhere else such as other organs or the lymph nodes.

    This is my first scan since starting chemo. I have done 6 rounds of two weeks on one week off.

    I find that I am learning every day and reading everyone’s posts has been very informative. Thank you all and hugs to everyone.

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