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  • in reply to: Chemo help… #30480

    Thanks Patty I ordered the books today. My mom was so happy to hear that I found some reading for her. There is so much to choose from it was good to get some advice!

    **My mom has been really, really weak and throwing up on her “off” week. I hope that this is not a bad sign?? When she gets up in the morning she feels great until she stands, gets dizzy and begins to dry heave. I thought that she would be feeling better on her week that she did not go for chemo? Well it’s so heart breaking to see her suffer!

    *** Marion, thanks for the USC Dr. Lenz info. We are waiting for her to get stable and then we will bring her down to CA. The insurance thing is a mess right now, she qualified for Medicaide in Oregon…YAY!!!! But she really needs to be down here(CA) where we can take care of her, so we will be working on Medical soon. Once this is complete I am really unsure of the process of obtaining a new Dr. so I may have more questions. We are so new to all this, it is soooo wonderful to have this website, it is truly a blessing!

    in reply to: Chemo help… #30476

    Hey my mom wanted to thank you guys, the cough drops are helping! thanks!

    in reply to: Fear the tumor is back! #30422

    Kris and Tess, your words are so encouraging, Kris you brought me to tears. The advise you just gave is perfect for us thank you!!! Thank you both!

    kctasty2004, my mom was diagnosed in July, and I know how you feel. I will pray for you. I am new to all this and really don’t have any advise to give. But I can pray=-) and I will!
    God Bless, Elicia

    in reply to: Chemo help… #30475

    Thanks everyone, I have passed the info on!

    Yes we are looking for a Specialist in Southern CA. I live near Loma Linda University(15 minutes), but UCLA is only about an hour away (that is without traffic =/)
    Thanks again! Elicia

    in reply to: My mom was diagnosed July 1st #30026

    My mom had 3.9 liters drained, and she is feeling 100% better. Her appetite was back, she slept thru the night for the 1st time in 3 weeks and her spirits were lifted! After putting paracentesis in the search engine I was pretty depressed, but we are praying she is one of the “lucky ones” and the fluid does not come back. She is going to ask the Dr. for a diuretic prescription. She is on her 2nd week of chemo today. Thanks everyone for responding to my posts!
    Praying for Blessings, Elicia

    in reply to: My mom was diagnosed July 1st #30030

    Thanks! I’m going to put paracentesis in the search engine right now! thank you so much! Elicia

    in reply to: My mom was diagnosed July 1st #30031

    Hi everyone, thanks for the warm welcome! Please forgive me for my non-educated analysis and use of medical terms. I am new to all of this and learning what this all means.

    My mom was diagnosed with cancer of the bile ducts, with a tumor in the liver. There is no evidence of cancer anywhere else in her body. The tumor is over 38% of the liver. They began a chemo treatment (the 2 chemicals are oxiplatin, which has given her a sensitivity to cold and gemzar), to shrink the tumor so she can be a candidate for a liver resectioning. Today she is having a procedure to have an area drained in her abdomen. She has been retaining water, she looks like she is 6 months pregnant becasue of water retention. This water retention is pressing on her lungs and making it hard for her to breath and not want to drink water because it makes her uncomfortable. So she has been running a fever off and on because of not wanting to drink water after chemo. Hopefully today she will fill some relief after the procedure. In addition she has lost a lot of weight, because she is nauseated and sick.

    I want to get her scans to a Dr. that can work a miracle. We are praying everyday, that we can get her to the right people to help her. The insurance issue is major. We have her qualified to receive medicaid in Oregon. We would like to get her to California. We will then have to get her approved for medical. I truly believe her chances of fighting this would be better if we did not have so many insurance obstacles! ok I’m rambling now. Thanks for the warm welcome! I’m praying for you all!

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