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  • in reply to: it’s been awhile…… #35883

    My mom definately has a GREAT attitude and your sooooo right! I want to tell them Dr’s to suck it and stick my tounge out! ha ha ha!

    This year our Relay For Life is in July and my mom’s new goal is to be able to attend and walk the survivor lap with me. :-) I had cancer, uterine, in 2007 and after chemo, radiation and surgery I’m cancer free. My goal too is to make sure that my mom is able to walk that survivors lap with me! :-)

    in reply to: Update and request for advice #35557

    April, my mom is 54 and was diagnosed with CC almost 1 year ago. Due to where her tumor is they were unable to do surgery. It’s so crazy how this disease affects so many young people, and so quickly. I know it’s hard to stay positive, but we just have to do it, for our moms! GOOD LUCK and I will add you and your mom to my prayers!

    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32201

    My mom was diagnosed with CC April 15th of this year. The past week she has started vomiting too. We meet with the dr. tomorrow morning. If her blood work is ok we are hoping that they let her do another round of chemo. But the vomiting does bother me. She only seems to vomit in the morning though….??? And her vomiting is NOT related to the chemo. She hasn’t had chemo in 3 weeks, due to her blood work not being good. My only advice to you would be to STAY ON THAT DR! Your mom is important!

    in reply to: what if the metal stent don’t work??? #31434

    Wendy, my mom was not able to have any surgery. We were told that her cancer was to advanced and because of where the tumor was located she was not a canidate for it. :-( So she has done chemo and radiation and then of course all the stents.

    Hearing your story makes me see that people are survivors of this disease. You keep on fighting! Don’t let them dr’s tell you that you only have 2 years. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!

    in reply to: what if the metal stent don’t work??? #31427

    As you can all probably tell, I am NOT a very patient person. I just want her to look better and feel better now! And oh ya, want this cancer out of her!

    She is having blood work done on Monday and I plan to get a copy of the complete report. I also called today to get a copy of all of her ct scans, and the reports from the ERCP’ procedures. I have a very good friend that is a chemo nurse in Topeka, Kansas and she said that she might be able to help me understand what it all means….. she said I may not like the truth, but at least I would know what’s going on. Since I am constantly feeling like her dr.’s are vague.

    My mom’s bowels seem to be fine. Actually everything she eats runs right through her. She is now back to be nauseous in the evenings and mornings so is taking medicine for that too. I know that she drinks alot of water/tea/juice during the day as well.

    I am just hoping that the stent is working and like you all and the dr. has said it will just take awhile for the jaundice to go away. I PRAY that this is the case.

    This site is AMAZING! I have now learned that I can access it from my phone! So when I can’t sleep at night I get on and just read all the different posts. It’s help to ease my mind!!! So thank you to everyone on here that posts!

    in reply to: Flu Shot #31306

    Kris, my mom is not doing well at all. She is in SO much pain. Which the say is “spasms”. Her lower abdomen and left side clear up into her back hurts. She said that the pain is a 20. The dr. said that her spleen is prominent, which he said could also be causing some of the pain. They did give her a prescription to help with the spasms but I can’t rememer the name of it. She is currently on the patch and lortab for pain and even all that isn’t helping. This cancer makes me soooo mad! It’s just frustrating, as I’m sure you know.

    For now my mom is not going to get the flu shot. She said that if he wanted her to have it then she would. Have I mentioned that my mom is VERY stubborn? ! :-)

    in reply to: Possibly another new stint???? #31088

    I do recall the Dr saying klatskin tumor… what does that mean???

    My mom is still very yellow/jaundice. The dr. said that the last stent wasn’t blocked, so why would she still be jaundice? Doesn’t make since to me.

    They also said that the her liver function was good. So again, why is she so jaundice?? The dr’s say the can’t explain it. Again, we are left frustrated.

    Hopefully on the 14th of this month when they put the metal stent in we will have more answers to our questions. Gavin, can you tell me a little more about the procedure for the metal stent?

    And… my mom has HORRIBLE pains, which they say is from gas. Everything she eats gives her diarrhea. Is this normal? She is now on a liquid diet, this can’t be good, can it?

    Thanks SOOO much for all your helpful advice and words of wisdom.

    in reply to: Possibly another new stint???? #31082

    Yesterday they put in her 5th stint but had alot of trouble. The Dr. actually tried 3 times before getting it in. They advised that her only options are the metal stint and a tube that would go through her ribs, liver and then into the bile duct. It would then drain into a bag outside of her body. So, as of now they have ordered the metal stint and it should be here in 7 to 10 days.

    The CT scan showed NO masses in her liver, so that’s GREAT, right? Sometimes I find it hard to be positive when all this other is going on.

    The Dr. did explain to us why surgery was never an option. Her tumor is located at the top of the bile duct where the two meet and then seperate for the left and right love of the liver. He explained that even if they could get the tumor they would still have to worry about her 2 other lymph nodes.

    So, for right now we are again, just waiting. I’ve learned that waiting it the worst and hardest part.

    Does anyone have any information on the metal stints? We heard that the surgery is more envasive, but really nothing else. We really would like a guarantee that this stint is going to last longer than 1 month, like the plastic ones have. But, I know, nothing is a guaranteee….. Signed, FRUSTRATED!

    in reply to: New to this…. #30894

    Thank you ALLL so much! Your words brought tears to my eyes…. Being strong sometimes is hard. From the way that I understand it her tumor is located in the bile duct, at the top, where the two go into one. If that makes since???

    I think that our frustration does come from the unknown. And, that we are unsure of what questions to ask. Can you give us some advice on what questions to ask???

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