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  • in reply to: Introduction / Welcome #83941

    Hi David,

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis and that it took so long. Have you thought of going to one of the big hospitals in Sydney for another opinion? My husband had one of his three resections for intrahepatic cc at the Mater in North Sydney, with a surgeon who also works at RPA. RPA would I presume see more and be more familiar with cc treatment than where you live.


    in reply to: A bit about me #86535

    Hi Mary,

    My husband has had pain after a resection, around the scar, and the surgeon and GP also said it was nerve pain and could take months to completely go away. It did go away after a while, and he was reassured when the next scan showed nothing. He has also had pain at times from incisional hernias. I would talk to the doctors again if you are worried.

    Best wishes,


    Hi Daisy,

    My husband has had two recurrences after resection, and had surgery and then adjuvant chemo both times. His was a single lesion each time in the liver only, so that is different to your Mom.

    I think Percy had ablation (microwave?) after recurrence with a lymph node involved, but you have probably found that post if you have been searching.

    Best of luck with the treatment for your Mom,


    in reply to: Cancer review: Cholangiocarcinoma. #87381

    Hi Duke,

    You may have seen this already but this is a free PubMed article – if you click at the top right corner of the abstract where it says PMC free full text, you can get the full article.


    in reply to: Newly diagnosed in Australia #87132

    Hi Alison,

    Sorry to hear about your relative. I am from Oz and thought I’d say hello. I saw your post earlier but didn’t reply because I can’t really answer your questions. My husband had his second resection in Sydney (he’s had three, currently clear) and we had molecular testing done after the third resection. We’ve had good experience with surgeons and oncologists .

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My wonderful husband #85974

    Dear Mandy,

    I’m so very sorry to hear of your husband’s passing.

    Sincere sympathy to you and your children.


    in reply to: Three years, three resections #85249

    Thank you Kris! Hope you stay very well too.

    Hi Marco, it was major surgery each time – big incision, at least overnight in ICU and 6 days in hospital for each of the recurrences, weeks to recover. He has been fortunate that the recurrences have been in places that allowed resection – far enough from major blood vessels and enough remaining liver.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Three years, three resections #85246

    Hi Teresa,

    I read your other post and am sorry to hear the chemo is not working for your Dad.

    There was another lady from Melbourne who recently joined – Mandy, user name blodynbach, and she was looking into clinical trials for her husband.

    We live in Canberra and my husband’s surgeon here is Dr Charles Mosse 02 6253 4122; oncologist is Dr Yu Jo Chua.

    We’ve also been to Sydney (Dr Mosse was away at the time of husband’s first recurrence) and the surgeon was Dr Charbel Sandroussi 02 9565 1375. We also saw medical oncologist Dr Peter Grimison. They work at RPA and also privately at RPA medical centre and the Mater Hospital.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64749

    Thanks again Lainy and Marion.

    Julie, I agree it takes a different perspective to see three surgeries as a positive, but we do too!

    I hope you never have a recurrence, but just some more information – my husband’s first recurrence was back in 7 months, not far from the surgical margin, but fortunately there was no suggestion he couldn’t have surgery again so soon. The doctors said that it probably there, but microscopic, at the time of the first surgery, just invisible on intra-operative ultrasound or any pre-op or post-op scans. It had grown quickly – not seen on CT 6 months earlier, over 4cm when resected. The second recurrence didn’t grow nearly as fast.

    Prayers and good wishes to you too,


    in reply to: Three years, three resections #85243

    Thank you Lainy and Marion.


    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64745


    Just thought I’d write that it is now three years since my husband’s first resection for intrahepatic CC.. The tumour had satellites when first seen on a CT scan for something unrelated. He has had three resections, most recently in July this year. Margins were clear each time. He’s currently on adjuvant Xeloda.



    in reply to: Gemcitabine question #80968

    Hi Serena,

    He’s recovered from surgery really well, thanks, cycled 60km the other day so feeling quite fit, just a bit more tired than usual from the chemo. He’s finding the Xeloda okay. It’s in tablet form so is easier to take than the gem infusions – no needles. It’s the drug chosen for use in a large adjuvant therapy trial in the UK which is going at present.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Husband has CC (we are in Victoria, Australia> #85087

    Hi Mandy,

    Sounds like your husband is in good hands. I hope the radiation hasn’t been too difficult to take and works really well for him.

    Here are the contact details for Caris in Australia:
    Phone: 1300 308 213 or 02 8014 6637

    I’d also sent an email enquiry to Foundation One and they sent a lengthy reply, but the nurse from Caris phoned me directly, had a long conversation, and it seemed much easier to have the local office to help plus the testing panel seemed extensive.

    All the best,


    in reply to: Husband has CC (we are in Victoria, Australia> #85085

    Hello Mandy,

    I’ve just seen your post and am sorry to hear about your husband, it sounds like you have been through a lot. Mine is the same age as yours and has also had CC. He has been fortunate though to have had three liver resections, most recently in July this year. I’m sure you have good cancer care in Melbourne but if you are after a second opinion, we saw a medical oncologist, Dr Peter Grimison, in Sydney, after the second surgery (done in Sydney because his local surgeon was away). Dr Grimison is at RPA or has private rooms. At the time he mentioned that they had a CC trial going. One of the doctors in Sydney also said that there are very good radiation people associated with RPA.

    The other thing we did after the recent surgery was had molecular testing done through Caris Life Sciences. They have an office in Sydney and a very helpful oncology nurse who phoned us and organised everything, followed up, answered questions, very good service in my opinion. The report comes with a clinical trials connector so you can see online what trials in Oz or elsewhere might suit. I can give you contact details if you want them.

    I hadn’t heard of the GI Cancer institute (so thanks for that) but saw that they are in Camperdown so presumably associated with USyd and/or RPA.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Gemcitabine question #80956

    Hi Serena,

    My husband was offered gem alone after his second resection for ICC a couple of years ago. He’d recovered uneventfully from surgery, and from his first surgery 8 months prior, and is otherwise fit. Chemo side effects were really not bad – some hair thinning, tiredness in the last couple of cycles and low platelets once. He found it more psychologically difficult. Gem alone was offered on the basis that there was no clear evidence, but it might help and wouldn’t be too toxic. He had a recurrence and a third resection a couple of months ago and is now on adjuvant Xeloda. We had molecular testing done after this latest resection. It showed that Xeloda should be effective and I think it was worth the money just for that – makes it easier to tolerate side effects if you know it is likely to be helping.

    Best wishes to you and your mother in making the decision.


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