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  • in reply to: Going to New York today #57660

    Congratulations Kris on a good report. And glad you got to dinner with your friend. It seems that my wife and I visit a new restaurant in Indy after chemo. Like a minor celebration each time. Trying to figure out how to submit the meal bill to the insurance co. 😆 😆 😆

    Keep moving forward with your battle, it’s really good that you are seeing shrinkage without any treatments being made. Are you using the liver pump at all? Just wondering.

    Prayers to you and all others, Grover

    in reply to: Great news for us: grant to create CC tissue bank #57595

    I just sent this link to both my Oncologist and Surgeon, especially because I have a resection scheduled for March 1. Maybe I can be a contributor, who knows, I can help others in the future.

    Thanks for the info Marions.

    Praying for us all, Grover

    in reply to: Heartburn #57615

    I don’t really have heartburn but sometimes get a multiple burping, belching thing going on. It just pops up at different times, can’t pin it down to right after eating, or whatever. During all the tests, one Dr. said I have a rather large hiatal hernia that could be causing the problem. I take Prilosec and my Onc. says there is no problem taking it longer than 14 days at a time.

    Does it help? Let’s say it’s not as bad as without the pills, it still occurs, but not constantly. Hope that helps or maybe it brings up another problem.


    in reply to: Going to New York today #57646

    Good Luck Kris, praying for good results and a plan that will take you to the next step. Keep us informed.


    in reply to: Green Tea for cancer? #56491

    Tiff, did you find some green tea, are you happy? Obviously nothing is going to happen overnight. Just following up.

    mb you are on your way to md anderson.


    in reply to: First bit of good news #57501

    Congrats on the good news, like the others, keep us posted on how things work out.


    in reply to: Make sure you are sitting down. #57386

    Tiff, sorry for the delay.

    I have never received any CA 19 whatever counts, no billirubin numbers.

    I’ll play the Hollywood producer here. ” I don’t care what the numbers are, or other problems, just make it happen. That’s I why I pay you the big bucks. ” 😆

    I just don’t know, until I was on this board for awhile, I hadn’t know anything about CA-19 and never remembered to ask.

    Let’s all get well, Grover

    in reply to: Make sure you are sitting down. #57383

    I found this article and pictures that may explain in more detail about the liver and why resection works they way it does. Pic 1 shows how the branches are laid out inside the liver, and how hard it sometimes is to find the actual locations of small cancers. I mean which branch is the cancer in, unless it is large enough to become a tumor.

    The second picture shows the sections of the liver, On my resection, everything is being removed except sections 6 & 7. Because of the size of my tumor, the left lobe is pretty much dead, and shriveled up. He said only about 10% is working. So 1/2 half of my original liver is going. Then other satellite tumors in the right lobe were located in sections 5 & 8 so as a precaution they are removing those also. So I will left with 1/2 of the functioning liver as it now stands. They could already see on the CT scan that the right lobe was already starting to grow ( regenerate ) in to the left lobe area because it had become smaller.

    The article explains haw the arteries and veins are connected to each liver section and how when a section is removed it does not effect any other sections. Isn’t that cool.

    I’m a visual person and this really helped me a lot. I’ve been on my Onc. to get a plastic liver with a hinge that he could open up and show me what he’s talking about. He walks over to the whiteboard and draws a liver ( looks like something you’re 7 year old would draw ) and then marks it up.

    On Friday I printed out 2 pics like I linked to, took them with me, and scotch taped them to his board telling him to have them laminated so he could use them and draw on them for other patients. Of course, he laughed. I’m just taking over, in my own way. He doesn’t know it yet………lol

    Now I could be completely wrong about everything I just typed, but that is how I understand it at this time. Do your own research.

    Hope this helps others. Grover

    in reply to: Make sure you are sitting down. #57382

    Eli My first chemo was 7/22/11. I missed 2 sessions, 1 with low platelets and 1 on 12/30/11 because neutrophils were under 1. At this point my last chemo was on Jan. 20/12. I’m off now pending the surgery on Mar. 1.

    tiff My tumor was first found in the left lobe. Off the PET scan they saw 3 small satellite tumors in the right lobe, they were close to the center. During my CT scan on 11/9 we could no longer see the tumors in the right side and the left lobe was shrinking. At that point the ONC had talked with the surgeon and they mentioned the ” possiblity” of a future resection if we continued showing improvement. My wife and I kept that to ourselves, so’s not to get everyone excited only to have it quashed later, it the improvement was not there.

    I found this cancer on my own. I had discomfort after eating ( even small portions ) across my abdomen right under the rib cage. It was like when you overeat on Thanksgiving. It lasted about 2-3 hours. I then started pushing in on this area and could feel tenderness if I pushed hard enough. In mid May I was running my fingers vertically up and down my abdomen on both the stomach side and then on the liver side. At this point I felt a roundness, a hardness on the liver side. It felt kind of like a 6″ Brat was laying under the skin horizontally from left to right. I knew right then that that feeling was not right. I made an appt. with my family Dr.

    He felt what I felt, and ordered a CT scan, then a liver biopsy and the rest is history. I never had jaundice, no one ever suggested a gall bladder, no bile backups, no itching, nothing other than me finding the swelling. I believe God has been with me from the beginning and led me on this path to where we are today.

    How many people on this board can say they found their hospital and Dr’s on Facebook. My daughter posted on Facebook in late June that her Dad had liver cancer, yada, yada, yada. As we were going thru other testing looking for other locations of cancer. A friend of hers sent a message that she was an Oncology nurse and if we had any questions to contact her. Well, we did and she had worked at IU and recommended these Dr.s. My local Dr and our small town hospital had connections with another hospital in Indianapolis. And I asked my Dr. if he had heard of the Dr.s that had been recommended to me, he hadn’t. I asked him if he minded if I called down there to find out things, like ins, etc. And that is how we found Dr. Helft. We love them and the hospital. Since then another lady in our church also had Dr. Helft as her Onc. Dr. and was cured of colon cancer. Thats why I say my wife and I both believe we were led to those Dr’s

    The chemo worked from the beginning, and I never really had a lot of reactions from the chemo. Somewhere in Sept., or Oct. I told the Onc. that “you may not believe this, but I don’t feel the swelling in my liver area like I did when we started. ” He said, ” Sometimes chemo changes your body and not to think too much about it. ” I believe that, it’s not that they don’t want to give you hope, but ” no false hope “. For instance, I said to my wife, my seemingly successful story will not be shared with another CC patient that he might see next week, because they may feel too much elation hoping for the same results that may not occur. We all are different. He stated at one point, you could take 10 patients with the same cancer, give them all the same chemo recipe and get 10 different reactions, which is why fighting cancer is so difficult.

    I have truly been blessed throughout this journey. I have asked my Onc., more than once if I really had cancer, cause I have never felt like it. Reading other stories here I so sympathize with all the suffering, and the trials and tribulations that we face.

    Sorry about the length of the post, just trying to provide more info that may help others, in their healing, in their trying to understand this cancer and all cancers. It’s a rough battle. Right now my roller coaster is on the top and coasting along, but at any time it may take the big plunge into the valley.

    I’m thinking and praying for all of us, in our fight together against this disease.


    in reply to: Make sure you are sitting down. #57377

    Thanks again.

    Susie, I had the Gemcitabline/Platinol recipe. I would take 4 hours on a schedule of 2 weeks, 1 off, then see the Onc with chemo to follow to start the next cycle.

    Tiff, my story is in the introductions under ” The road traveled by others “
    probably back around late Oct. or Nov.

    To the newer people on the board, if you click on the posters name it will bring up a box. In that box, you can see 2 lines, ie., see all of Grovers posts, or see all of Grovers Topics. That may help to fine out more info and to find older posts.

    Thanks again for all the support

    in reply to: Make sure you are sitting down. #57370

    I want to thank everybody on this board for your love, prayers and support. I want to be able to do the same for you. My wife and I are walking on air right now, trying to understand why us?

    As high as we are right now with excitement, I also know that there could be kinks and roadblocks that have to be navigated. I know that for whatever reason, they might not get all the cancer, that it may reoccur, that there may be infection. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

    So right now thanks for sharing our excitement and supporting us.

    God bless us all, Grover 😎

    in reply to: Make sure you are sitting down. #57357

    Cindy Andrews and I are both treated by the same Dr’s at IU Simon Cancer Hospital in Indianapolis.

    Onc. is Dr. Paul Helft
    Surgeon is Dr. House, not the 1 on TV.

    in reply to: Good News! #57342

    Congrats, Cindy, you are in my prayers.

    We are in it to win it, Grover

    in reply to: No chemo again #57293

    Kris, I thought you were going to Sloan Kettering and I thought they had a very good if not great cancer treatment area. I would start throwing some fits I think. Start being direct and ask questions, and not wait on them to decide.

    Throw your weight around, it’s your body and your battle with CC. Don’t know what else to say, but be aggressive. Push them to action.

    Lainy :) wants you to be nice, but I say push to get what you want. Which is to cure this cancer.

    Prayers coming your way.


    in reply to: Green Tea for cancer? #56483

    That’s Ok tiff. in Aug of 09 I read a “Cleanse” book on changing your diet and clean out your body to allow it to heal it’s self the way it is made. At that point I quit coffee completely, have only drunk about 8 cans of coke in that amount of time, was eating organic cereal, trying to do the best I could.

    Then this. On June the 20th of ’11 my family doctor told me I had liver cancer, and in the past I had shown him the “Cleanse” book to get his reaction. I reminded him of the book and told him to forget it, to find someone to get me a bowl of “sugar frosted flakes ” True story, right on the exam table with my wife and daughter in the room. So I have kept my humor and attitude thru out this ordeal.

    Tomorrow, I am with Candrews for CT Scan ( we got the 2 for 1 price ) and results on Friday. I’m expecting good news, but sadly this is a roller coaster and nobody knows.

    Still no coffee or caffeinated beverage, but I eat anything else. One night after chemo, my wife and I stopped and had Hot buffalo wings. lol…………

    Good luck with your battle, the chemo is shrinking my tumors, at least at the last CT scan in Nov.

    Prayers to you and all others, Grover

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