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  • in reply to: Green Tea for cancer? #56481

    I get my green tea from Kroger’s, they do have an organic like section in their stores. I usually buy ‘Yogi’s’ or I think it is “Healthy Source” or something like that. It is usually about $ 4 for a box, I watch for sales, have gotten it as low as $ 2.98 a box. Also Trader Joe’s, and World Foods are going to have more of a selection of suppliers, you can go more expensive or cheaper, I kind of went middle of the road.

    I do not drink any coffee anymore, only green tea, but honestly anymore they say you have to drink many cups per day for it to actually do any good. They now sell a capsule that is much more concentrated and powerful ( I guess ) I get my vitamins online mostly at . They usually ship the same day, I like the quality of product and right now the shipping is free. They have the green tea extract there, just type that into the search engine.

    Hope that helps, Grover

    in reply to: Important: we need your help #56653

    I was diagnosed with CC in July of this year. Like others there is very little information about this deadly disease on the internet. Doctor’s don’t recognize, the public doesn’t know about it. The “Unknown Killer” the “Assassin” is deadly, quiet and goes about it’s business in the dark. ( I’ve been reading to many terrorist novels :) .)

    The people on this board are friends, prayer partners, and confidants against the battle of our lives. We meet here for information and consulting to fight this battle together.

    I know I have taken questions to my Oncologist that he has never had to answer before. I challenge him with possible treatments, to make sure my care is the best possible. God has his healing hand on me, and this website was placed before me as road map.

    I certainly thank the persons responsible for creating this ” CC Coffee House Meeting place ” for the help it as given so many.


    I give my permission to allow for the distribution of the content of my post.

    in reply to: Lauren’s tumors are shrinking!!!! #55667

    Congrats to Lauren and Pam for the shrinkage. Also to the Dr’s for their knowledge. It’s a long and winding road, but keep on traveling.

    So glad for you, Grover :)

    in reply to: Chemo: Maybe maybe not. #55998

    Congrats, I haven’t had the low platelet problem since the 3rd visit for chemo. But yesterday they threw a new marker at me that caused my chemo to be cancelled.

    Neutrophils, those pesky little white blood cells, min supposed to be 2.5 and mine were 0.9. Dr. Onc said no,no,no to the chemo. Evidently he had said ok recently as looking back at my blood tests, they have been in the 1.5 and 1.7 area. Has to do with my immunity system being too low for chemo.

    Now I’m off for 2 weeks, next visit is Jan. 13th, let the body rebuild.

    I felt let down, like “all dressed up and no place to go” but what are you going to do.

    Prayers to all for a Great, Beat CC kind of year. We’re in it to win it.


    in reply to: New around these parts #55696

    I’ve been reading select pages at random on your blog. Now that’s a blog. Well done. I too have this cancer, at this point all things are looking good, or as good as can be expected while fighting this disease.

    And I can say “I know how you feel” I can be up one hour and crying the next one. I try to stay strong for the rest of the family, but something sets the tears in motion.

    At first my Onc. mentioned resection, even met with the surgeon and he set a date, but a last minute PET scan put the kabosh on the surgery. No liver infusion pump because my liver was not functioning right per the blood tests. I asked the Onc. if this was the ” worst TV reality show ever? ” ” For 1 million dollars……… much crap can we dump on this man and his family”

    I’ve told the Dr. after asking ???? I just want some hope.

    I’ve been on chemo since July 22nd, and the CT scans are showing headway. Thanks to God, family, etc. my tumors are shrinking. Still can’t have the Liver pump as my insides are not plumbed exactly right to allow surgery. Waiting on the next option now.

    But I’m living every day, to see me I don’t feel or look like I have this disease. I’m planning on Operation Fish Attack to Key West, Fl in mid Feb. in between chemo and dr’s visits.

    You are in my prayers and thoughts, please keep us up to date.


    in reply to: Latest scan #55628

    I hope you can’t hear me from Indiana but I’m with you in thoughts and prayers. Fight with all you got, and I’m there fighting with you.


    in reply to: Recently diagnosed intrahepatic cc #55606

    Chris, welcome to the board where nobody wants to chat. I’m relatively new here, having been diagnosed in July. I’m in the Indpls area and being treated at IU Cancer Center. They are doing a great job, and thanks to God and chemo my tumors are shrinking. I think I’m an exception to the rule, sorry to say.

    Not sure about getting chemo started. I was diagnosed on 7/8, was going to surgery for a resection, and then a PET scan showed cancer in the right lobe and surgery was cancelled. They had a port installed on 7/20/11 and chemo began on 7/22/11. Been taking chemo on Fridays only, schedule. is 2 Fridays, then 1 off.

    The people here are great, you will find Pamela from Uniontown, OH up towards Cleveland, and a couple of more from Indy.

    I certainly hope you bring an inspiring story to share


    in reply to: Bowling Fundraiser! #55347

    Pam, You are helping by being here supporting us, and giving us ideas. We love having a foreign correspondent. Mb we can take our bowling on the road, after Sue’s successful event and come your way.

    Much thanks for the ideas and the thoughts,

    Prayers and positive energy sent your way and to Lauren.

    Grover 😎

    in reply to: Bowling Fundraiser! #55337

    Sue, this is just what we need for our epidemic here in Indiana. I read this post an hour ago and didn’t know what to do first. So excited.

    I posted the info on my blog, and pushed all my readers to do something.

    Yes, we will be there bowling, and I aim to be the best. :P We still can compete can’t we, just cause we have cancer.

    If you need anything, let me know, I have contacts. In fact I just happened to be in touch with Dr. Helft’s office after reading this and they know about it, I need some flyers.


    in reply to: Xeloda (oral) Questions #55281

    Although I am not on this chemo I do have sensitive skin. This cream was recommended to me, called ” Udder balm ” Yes it is used by farmers on the udders of cows, to keep those udders moist and able to be milked during the cold winter months. And the farmers use it also, think of all the nicks and cracks on their hands during the winter months. As they used it on the cows, they noticed how much better their own hands felt.

    It says not to be used on humans, but it works great. But we have bigger problems to fight than using cow cream on our feet. My wife goes barefoot all the time and the bottom of her feet were hard, think and felt like medium sandpaper. Within 2 days of using, we were amazed at the difference. Just last night she was using some, which made me think of it.

    I get mine locally at a TSC store. That’s Tractor Supply for you city folks.


    in reply to: Is transplantation an option? For whom? #54920

    Well, I read it, but not sure what I read, and how to understand it. Looks like really not a lot of data to decide one way or another, on both resection and transplants. Like flipping a coin. I’m not being flippant about my remarks, I just don’t know enough to understand all I read. But it looks like recurrence is going to happen no matter which way you go.

    Open to other comments and help?????


    in reply to: Prayer Pants #54369

    And I told my wife no paparazzi…………sheeeeeeeeeeesh.

    It was good to meet another survivor, ( everyday counts, right ), now we’re planning for a New Year’s Eve Chemo party, should we both be there at the same time. Well, on Friday 12/30 Close enough for me.

    20 Family members coming to our house for Thanksgiving, it will be fun.

    PS, Cindy only, my appt. on 12/30 is 11:30, for 4 hours of fun, fyi.


    in reply to: How to stay positive in wake of it all? #54046

    Nobody has an expiration date stamped on their foot. I’m still new here, but I have a Gallagher type of attitude. I’m going out in sssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyylllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeee.

    Hoping you know who Gallagher is, if not search him on you tube. I did it for you. Have fun and enjoy the journey.


    in reply to: Prayer Pants #54362

    Thanks to all for your prayers and support.

    Cindy, Chemo drink recipe:

    2 bags of saline, 1 hour each taken before and after chemo.
    1 large bag of Gemcitabine
    1 smaller bag of Platinol
    84 prayers daily
    1 pair of prayer pants
    semi trailer full of love from others
    and 1 group of caring people on this discussion board.

    LOL………..Don’t know how my brain functions sometimes, my daughter saw a T-shirt in the gift shop that I said I wanted for Christmas.

    It said ” I have Chemo Brain, what’s your excuse? “

    Love and prayers to all of you


    in reply to: 22 months and all clear #54592

    Congratulations, although we haven’t talked before as I’m fairly new. I’m so happy for your continued good news. It keeps the rest of us looking up and forward.

    Continued blessings to you.


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