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  • in reply to: 2 years clear! #59248

    Sounds fantastic! I have a scan set for about 3 weeks from now or so when I’m done with chemo so we’ll see what happens then…

    in reply to: Resection scheduled for April 4 #59262

    Great to hear you have a date!! And yes, when you cough after resection, putting it bluntly, it sucks!! They make you cough also… Have some fun tonite! I’m sitting in Chemo now, about 2/3 done, another 1.5 hours to go… Party tonite at my wife’s friend’s surprise 50th bday party too so I’ll be having a good time with you in spirit! Lots of luck in a couple of weeks!

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58018

    Fever is under control, her antibiotics are starting to work. Also, my CA19-9 was checked a week ago, it was 24.7. I’m guessing that’s a good thing, it was checked on 1/9/12 and it was 34.6 I think…

    in reply to: Grover’s updates #58351

    Walk man, walk! It’s a great refresher and I usually had a nice nap for an hour or so after mine when I was recovering in NY at the inlaws on Long Island. Little more each day and you’ll feel better too! Wishing you luck with the recovery. My scar is still sensitive after 6 months, I’m massaging and trying to get the nerve endings to recover, but it may never according to my surgeon’s nurse. What are you gonna do? I’m glad I’m here, I can deal with dead nerve endings for sure!

    in reply to: Gemzar infused too fast #58829

    I’m getting 1700 of Gemzar, takes 30 minutes… I weigh about 195, 5’10”. I’ve only had about 4-5 minutes of very slight burning in the vein during infusion, but nothing other than that and it was about 4 weeks ago. 10 minutes sounds very quick but as Percy said, unless it was a very low dose you would think that it may have made you nauseous with such a quick infusion. The nurses all say you can’t take more than 30 minutes (toxic or something after that) but haven’t heard anything about too fast a rate…

    in reply to: No blood from the port today… #58819

    And this is why I’m very glad that I’m going with IV throughout chemo so far… I can deal with the needle stick every week for sure!

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58016

    OK, had a quick trip to Jacksonville, FL Mon-Tue this week. Of course, when I’m gone, daughter blows a 103.8 fever… I get home last night, stay at the inlaws and went to get bloodwork this morning to see how I looked.

    WBC 4.8 (1.9 on Friday)
    Hgb 14.1 (13.5)
    HCT 41.3 (38.7)
    Plat 104 (76)
    ANC 2.4 (.8)

    Apparently my bone marrow is working just fine to bring the numbers back up… Dr. said I could be at home which is where I am tonite. Sydney still has an upper respiratory infection, on Zpac, treating fever to bring it down until the Zpac kicks in… She’s quarantined in her room (not that that’s bad, TV and computer in there, plenty to do, and room service to boot!!). Gem/Cis Friday, hopefully she’ll be better by Friday morning as her and her mom are supposed to go on a bus trip with the Venice Y to UF to watch a gymnastics competition…. My mom and brother are coming up for a visit from Ft. Lauderdale this weekend also. We shall see….

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58013

    OK, numbers were down on Friday’s bloodwork… Off week last week, so should see numbers increase by this Friday and hit the Gem/Cis for cycle number 4. Gotta ask the ONC this Friday exactly how many cycles he thinks I should be doing. I have no clue, any suggestions for number of cycles for adjuvant chemo?? I’m pretty sure they are going to do adjuvant radiation with Xeloda as well, I’m going to ask about that as well.

    in reply to: Hello from a frustrated wife #57742

    So very sorry to hear the result, but don’t give up hope. Need to get with an oncologist to start the chemo routine to start shrinking those tumors. So far, I’m tolerating the Gemzar/Cisplatin chemo well and since your husband is close to my age I’d hope that he will have similar results. Wishing you the best with prayers coming your way….

    in reply to: Introduction: 41-yr-old Stage IV Extrahepatic CC #58527

    Hi Sweetgreen. I’m 40 (for another month and a half anyway) and had CC in the bile duct where it branches just inside the liver, no mets, and had a resection with reconstruction of the bile duct with my small intestine. I’m undergoing adjuvant chemo now with Gem/Cis for about 3 more months and will probably do radiation/chemo after that. I had clean margins and clean pathology so I’m lucky in that regard. I wasn’t officially diagnosed until after the surgery and the pathology came back so I didn’t find this site until I came home after surgery. Officially it was considered Stage II also. Hopefully the chemo he is undergoing will kill off what is there and get him to a point where he is eligible for a resection. Wishing you the best…

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58012

    That’s what I thought. But I got chemo 5 days ago and the bloodwork yesterday showed an increase in all of my numbers except platelets, hence the confusion on my part… But I’ll take it, that’s for sure!

    in reply to: embolization on monday #58293

    Sounds good Kris! I had trouble breathing because one of the drain tubes was right below the diaphragm so it was tough on the breathing in part. Take the pain meds, which you well know, they work and help a bunch! Hope you get out of jail soon!! On to the resection!

    in reply to: Grover’s updates #58341

    Fantastic news across the board! Hope you get the last tube removed as soon as possible and get to go home as well. It’s always more comfortable at home. And, I hated to have to take a shower with tubes hanging everywhere, it was WAY easier without them so if you can get that last tube out before the first shower…. just sayin’…

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58010

    Well, they were concerned Friday about my bloodwork, so had me come in today. Here are the results…

    wbc 3.4 (2.6)
    Hgb 12.9 (13.9)
    hct 40.4 (42.3)
    Plat 112 (230)
    ANC 1.9 (1.0)

    I’m still confused. I thought chemo was supposed to pound the numbers down, yet the only thing that went down was the Platelets… Oh well, off week this Friday, next week we’ll hit it again!!

    in reply to: Fourth cycle hit hard #58205

    Today was my 2nd day of the 4th cycle. First 2 gemzar only, last 2 GemCis. No issues so far… I had a slight headache every so often after last Friday’s treatment, but nothing so far today. First 2-3 days are a bit off for me because of the Emend anti-nausea pills. One each day for 3 days. I have a Zofran prescription, but haven’t had to take one yet…

    How did your wife’s treatment go today? Same effects as last weekend or any better? Hopefully for the better. Hope you both have a better weekend than last time. I’m going to try to go to bed now, hope the steroids taper of, don’t want to be up until 4am like last weekend.

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