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  • in reply to: First time posting #94796

    Just thought I would post an update. My husband is now on Hospice care. Our last visit with our oncologist was a difficult one. Scans showed that the massive tumor in and on his liver grew, also the mets in lungs and lymph nodes grew. Two very strong chemo regimens over a 6 month time frame has not accomplished what we were hoping for. His ascites has become a problem so he had to get pleurX catheter which has helped. He has it drained about every other day. Since discontinuing chemo in August his quality of life has improved. He is still skeletal looking since he has no muscle mass left, but his appetite has improved and he can actually eat a little bit more than before. We know he won’t be getting any muscle mass back because the cancer is so aggressive and using all of his nutrients to feed itself, but at least he is able to enjoy his food. We have been enjoying visits with family and friends and trying to live each day like we’re in vacation! Someone once said “having a positive outlook may not add years to your life, but it surely will add life to your years!” We are trying to enjoy each day, for we know that he could turn the corner and decline very quickly. We were told he has about two months left.

    in reply to: First time posting #94837

    Paracentisis today. My husband had about 15 pounds of fluid (7liters) drained today. He’s feels so much better and even ate a little supper even though he couldn’t taste it. That brought on nausea, but we have meds for that…..we’re just thankful that he was able to eat some food.

    It was a good day!!

    in reply to: First time posting #94835

    Thank you, Karen for the informative links. I read through them and yes, while they are sensitive in nature, it helped me to understand more of my husbands condition.

    We had a consultation today with our oncologist and he canceled today’s chemo treatment. He talked to us about the cachexia and what is happening. He ordered paracentisis for tomorrow, another scan to be scheduled after Labor Day and then another consultation on sept. 12.

    It almost sounds like our oncologist is leaning toward no more treatment but won’t make that decision until after scan results. The Y90 procedure is now off the table because of the progression of the cachexia. My husband is literally skin and bones except for his huge stomach. He eats almost nothing, sleeps a lot, is having double vision and some occasional confusion.

    We are trying to stay positive. We’ll be having lots of visits with family and try to enjoy each day that is given to us.
    I’m thankful for this support group!!


    in reply to: First time posting #94830

    We had a lab check today and labs haven’t changed much in 8 days. White blood cell count is really low but not critical. Next Tuesday starts another round of chemo.

    Mary, thank you for the links, they were very informative and helpful. Lots of things to consider.

    Positivity, thank you for the smoothie tips. He does love smoothies, he has to drink them slow and let them get warm because he has cold sensitivity.

    Melinda, I appreciate your input as well. Thank you.

    We will have to decide sometime in the next couple weeks if chemo is just too hard on him. If it’s useful then ok but if not he feels it’s not worth it. Another concern is his dizziness and double vision when he gets tired. Also it seems his reflexes are slowing way down. Walking, talking, are slow.

    Tomorrow, August 2, is our 42nd anniversary. I’m hoping he has a good day!!

    in reply to: First time posting #94826

    Hello to everyone. It’s been awhile since posting an update, partly because it’s been a crazy hectic month. My husband has been on the Folfox/5FU since beginning of May. Had a scan at end of June which showed no shrinkage of tumors. We are continuing with the same chemo regimen through August with another scan after that. He has lost 22 more pounds since May. We are learning more about cancer cachexia which is the main reason for his weight loss, not only weight loss but almost all his muscle mass. Extreme fatigue is also a constant. He sleeps a lot and eats very little. From what I’ve been reading about cachexia it does not sound very encouraging. Any helpful hints or info would be greatly appreciated. We’re ready for the hard facts, I’m thinking this is the beginning of the end stages, especially since this is the first time that our oncologist seemed very somber. We need to know reality since we have much business to attend to. We’re trying to keep a positive outlook but………it’s hard.


    in reply to: First time posting #94825

    Positivity…..Thank you for your response. We will see what the scan says on Monday. On Tuesday we have our consultation with the oncologist. I’ll have my list of questions, including a question about keytruda, and yes I’ve read the latest posts on it and it sounds like a good thing! We’ll be asking also about getting in contact with the reps from MDAnderson for tissue testing and trials. Will keep you updated. I do appreciate any input…..this is the place to be able to glean information and encouragement from people who have there and understand.
    Thank you,

    in reply to: First time posting #94821

    Hi everyone. This is Hopeful (Linda) posting. Today my husband goes for routine lab work. Monday he goes for scan. He’s made up his mind that if the scan shows no improvement or shrinkage of his huge tumor then he wants to quit chemo. His quality of life is , well, let’s just say there is no good quality at all. He can hardly eat anything, continues to lose weight, sleeps a lot and is nauseous almost constantly. If you read my June 15 post I talked about the type of chemo he is on right now. I want to ask about immunotherapy…..if that might be an option for him. And we are still hoping for the Y90. I hope the oncologist will be totally honest with us about what he will see in the upcoming scan. If Y90 would not help at this point, then don’t give us false hope.
    We’ll see how his labs come back today and what the scan results will be next week. While we wait are there any thoughts from anyone about immunotherapy options?
    Would appreciate any input…..
    Thank you,
    Remaining hopeful!

    in reply to: First time posting #94818

    Dear Paulsgirl…..best wishes for you tomorrow for your surgery. Praying for it to be a success for you! Hang in there and let us know how it goes!

    in reply to: First time posting #94815

    It’s been some time since I’ve posted an update. Today my husband completed round 4 of the Folfox/5-FU regimen. This has been a rough regimen. Lots of nausea and each round leaves him weaker and less able to bounce back. He’s lost a lot of weight, no food tastes good, not hungry, sleeps a lot. Our oncologist wanted to complete 6 rounds and then have a scan, but decided to have a scan on June 26, to see if this chemo is helping or not. If we find that this regimen isn’t helping then it will count as a fail and that makes 2 failed chemo attempts which qualifies us for clinical trials, if there’s one available. My husbands abdomen seems to be swelling more, he might have to have it drained if it gets to be much worse. I want to get a second opinion about our treatment. Husband is not so willing to go that route……it takes time, energy, and action that he just isn’t up to right now. We are hoping for a good scan so they may be able to do the Y90if the tumor had shrunk enough. I always questioned the team of doctors decision to skip the Y90 and go straight to chemo when they found out that the tumor had metastasized to lungs and lymph nodes. They said the Y90 only treats the tumor but the chemo treats the everything. However, after 3 months of gem/cis they found that the bile duct tumor actually grew as well as the other tumors, I would have thought that they would have attacked the monster tumor in the liver with the Y90, and then go back to chemo for the rest of the tumors. Getting a little frantic knowing we are on borrowed time, and I see the wasting away of a once healthy , hard working man. It’s hard to watch…..thanks for letting me rant.

    in reply to: First time posting #94814


    Your wife’s situation is almost identical to my husbands. He was put on the same chemo regimen (oxaliplatin, 5fu, and home pump for 47 hours) , after the gemzar and cisplatin failed. His tumors also grew during that time. He started this new regimen on Tuesday, May 2nd. Chemo pump was disconnected on Thursday. We weren’t told the exact trial that the oncologist was thinking of. My husbands tissue was not tested yet for clinical trials. I can see that we need to be more assertive in our questions and demand answers and action. We’re finding out that we need to be our own advocates, and this site has been so helpful. Thank you for sharing your wife’s story. I hope the response to this new chemo regimen will be successful for her and my husband. We’ll remain hopeful and positive! Please keep us posted. I’ll be mentioning the clinical trial again to our oncologist. Thank you!

    in reply to: First time posting #94811

    Marion, thank you for the info. We’ll see if this is a possibility for us.

    in reply to: First time posting #94809

    Marion….where are there places near us that specialize in cholangiocarcinoma? I don’t think our insurance covers out of network. And yes, it’s sad when one has to have two fails in order to have more options. Does not make sense.

    in reply to: First time posting #94806

    I don’t know of any study name or ID number, or if his tissue sample has been analyzed for molecular alterations. We’ve just I started talking about this with the oncologist and reps for the clinical trials. These are questions that we can ask about. Thank you!

    in reply to: First time posting #94804

    We were told that in order to qualify for clinical trials we would have to have two failed treatment plans. We have one, and he strarted his new chemo regimen on Tuesday. They want to do 6 treatments. Treating every other week which brings us to beginning July. They will then do another scan to see if there was progress or failure. There’s so much waiting time! We haven’t sought out a second opinion because it’s not just one doctor involved, but a team of doctors at St. Lukes in Milwaukee. We go in tomorrow to get him unhooked from the chemo pump. This chemo treatment plan seems to really put him down. He sleeps most of the time.
    Thank you for any input you can give. It’s much appreciated!

    I might add that yes, they do have tumor tissue to submit for trials. And I would say that he does fit into categories 1 and 2 for performance status. He’s 64 years old and was the most hard working and energetic man before this ugly cancer took that away. He has slowed way down but on nonchemo weeks he does better.

    in reply to: First time posting #94803

    We were told that in order to qualify for clinical trials we would have to have two failed treatment plans. We have one, and he strarted his new chemo regimen on Tuesday. They want to do 6 treatments. Treating every other week which brings us to beginning July. They will then do another scan to see if there was progress or failure. There’s so much waiting time! We haven’t sought out a second opinion because it’s not just one doctor involved, but a team of doctors at St. Lukes in Milwaukee. We go in tomorrow to get him unhooked from the chemo pump. This chemo treatment plan seems to really put him down. He sleeps most of the time.
    Thank you for any input you can give. It’s much appreciated!

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