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  • in reply to: Want to thank all of you #52103

    I am so sorry to hear of your daughters passing. I to know she is home with our Lord. I lost my sister to this awfull cancer in June. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family.

    in reply to: Enzymes #51928

    Thank you for all of the thoughts and good wishes! Each day seems a little ea sier and then for no reason I start to cry and remember her, like now. I guess this natural. Loosing my parents was difficult but this is that times 10! I did however loose all three of them in the last ten years. Each of them spent there last couple of years with me. My dad in 2001,mom in 2009, and my sister in june 2011! Ithink in some ways I am just grieving for all three! I pray dailey for everyone afflicted with this dasterdly disease and their families for the courage, grace, and strength to see it through.
    I will check with hospice as these are perscription digestive enzymes and are very expensive.
    God Bless!

    in reply to: My Story… #50521

    My thoughts and prauers go to you and your family. Mom is at peace and happy , the grief is left for you.

    in reply to: Hello All :) #50337

    Prayers and good thoughts go out to you and your family!

    in reply to: Clean so far (sort of …) #47909

    Thoughts and prayers go out to you! All will be well.
    God Bless

    in reply to: planning to start Gemzar,any advice? #50462

    Hi. My sister had both radiation and chemo after “succesful” surgery. Good Luck

    in reply to: Our journey has begun…….. #50474

    Welcome. We to are Michigan residents, lower. We got our second opnion at the U of M. They seemed pretty knowledgable and were on track with everyone else as far as treatment suggestions. My sister was diagnosed in Nov. 0f 2009 and is still here doing second rounds with chemo. Good Luck!

    in reply to: Don’t even know where to begin #50371

    I agree with the others and unfortunately I found myself in a similar situation with my own mom, a differant desease but very similar hospital situation. Be strong and BE HER ADVOCATE! Make sure they know you are watching, keep a journal and make it visible, have everyone who is staying with your mom write everything in it. Keep track of meds, times even b/ps and temps everything. It makes the hospital take notice when they know you are writing things down so you will not have to really on memory. My moms doctors got to the point they would ask to read it , some were granted others not.Plus it allows you to ask intellegant questions and record answers for later and other family members.
    Good Luck! Love and prayers coming your way


    in reply to: Hi #47736

    I wanted to share with you. My sister was 57 when diagnosed 2 years ago and she was not given any hope ether. She turned yellow,went to family dr and was sent to gastro.An elderly gastro doc said cancer as soon as he looked at her at the time we were devestated and quit annoyed because he would not budge. He did a stent placement to relieve the Yellow color(bile buildup),and told us that it was the worst possible scenaro, not much hope a few months at best.We went to a surgeon who was much more gaurdedly hopeful. He said he would do a whipple and that her age and what appeared to be early diagnoses would be helpful but that this would be a fight. He was able in 9 hour surgery to remove the tumor and get clean edges in all areas but the liver. She did “just in case” radiation and chemo and now just this feb the cc is back in her liver, she just last friday started gem/cis chemo. I now believe that stubborn old doc may have saved her life.
    Keep fighting for her and keep looking, they need to relieve that yellow color! Keep coming here , there are alot of helpfulm stories, ideas ,and people!

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42239

    Thanx for sharing your story. This is a pretty scarey thing and hearing how everyone is dealing with there troubles sur ehelps provide hope. My sister is being seen by a onc at st. joe’s here in Ann Arbor ,Mi. He is an ok doc but i sometimes wonder about his attitude, seems to be lacking in hope. We did get a second opnion and it seems he is doing all of the things everyone else is doing so I guess he is ok. She will have no part of another doc. I check and recheck everything he says and I ask more questions than – wow. I am a med. tech so I do understand a bit and what I don’t I ask, ask ask!
    Good Luck to Tom and you!!!! Prayers and blessings coming your way!

    in reply to: 11 months in and just found this site #50307

    Hello skb! My sister had similar findings as your husband. She had a whipple with what the surgeon thought were good results that he to did not often get to give. She had clean margins everywhere but a questionable one in the liver also two nodes positive. she had radiation with 5fu and gemzar chemo. Her ct scans were every three months whipple in nov of 09 and cc returned in feb of 2011! She is now under going gem/cis chemo. Good Luck!

    in reply to: Mom’s CC journey #50312

    You have found support here, I will add your mom to my prayers as I do all cc patients and their families.

    in reply to: Hello! #50262

    Thank you all for sharing your stories and all of your advice!!! Cathy I was not aware that cc patients were liver transplant cadidates. This is a hard road for all connected. She had her first chemo on friday and well. She finally relented that she should try to rest and give her body a chance to fight. She still works , a librarian – she is a retired teacher but she still wanted to be with the kids. She will only relent to a 1/2/ day off for chemo on fridays then insists on back to work on mondays! I try to tell her then to rest the weekends only do absolutes and let me do the rest!!!! Drinking is EXTREMELY difficult, it is like pulling teeth. I keep complaining and finely she will drink a little, this worries me for her kidneys. Eating well that is pretty much like a toddler. She has lost another 6 pounds. She lost 100 pounds from the whipple, she had that to loose thank God! I am not quit sure what to do about the drinking and eating, I just went through this with my mom when she was in the final stages of alzheimers but I think this is differant and am not sure how to handle? She is very stubborn, runs in the family! Her ca19-9 is only 11.4 and alk phos is 177, that sounds pretty good -right?

    in reply to: 4 Years and Counting! #49850

    That is Fantastic! I am new but I know that is awesome news, CONGRATULATIONS!

    in reply to: Hello! #50258

    Thanx to everyone! Yes we have had a second opnion. She is being treated out of St. Joseph’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI., the second opnion was from the U of M. She was not willing to travel so. After her original whipple she had a round of radiation and chemo with just gemzar. The original tumor was fairly large but she did have a great surgeon, Dr. Ed Kreske out of St. Joe’s. He did a remarkable job, surgery lasted over 9 hours and he did a lot of resection and got really clean margins everywhere accept the liver and the tumor had pretty much grown to the end of the portal vein.She has had cysts on her liver for years that the surgeon biopsied and they were negative but this is a new spot, also may be a couple of lymph nodes invovled. Anyone got any advice on things to do or not to do during chemo?

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