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  • in reply to: A Meeting With The FDA On Adding CCA To The Disease List #66047

    Thanks for all the hard work in putting CC out there!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Port Removal #66030

    Susie-Congrats!! I had mine removed in ICU while awake because I had a blood infection, so it was an emergency procedure. I was sad, I was very sentimental about it!!
    Lots of prayers and good luck-Cathy

    in reply to: New member #66021

    Cindy, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, I am 3 plus years cancer free! I have an amazing story to share, please read it at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com, there is HOPE!!
    My life was saved at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. by Dr. William Chapman and his team. Dr. Susan Logan was one the doctors on his team and saved my life on July, 4, 2008, she is an amazing doctor/surgeon and has moved to Fresno!! So when you get to the surgical stage (think positive) make sure her name is mentioned to Dr. Flam, you be very impressed. She is familiar in treating CC
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: I am new in this forum – no cancer patient, but relative #65904

    Hi Jon and sorry you and your family had to find us. I am a CC survivor 3 years and 4 months cancer free. Please read my story at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph link, there is HOPE.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Need advice on how to accept help from friends #65897

    I am a CC survivor and very grateful for being able to post that and very grateful for all that my family and friends did, but having medical insurance covers just so much, there is always deductables…. I was in the hospital at least 10 times before my transplant all adding to extra gas, fast food, hospital food, convience mart shopping, drugstore shopping… it all just stretches the budget and in our case never ends. We all know the stress money can cause so if your can family and friends can reduce that, let them. I have also learned (so many life lessons in cancer) that “until you walk a mile in there shoe” it doesn’t make sense, I have a feeling that you would be the first doing a fund raiser for your friend if the situation was reversed!! Go to the party, enjoy there love and let them spoil you, it is the one thing they can do!!
    Lots of prayers- Cathy

    in reply to: New Member #65539

    Amy-Glad your dad’s not having any major side effects. Pam, was right about chemo being accumalitive so the farther into the his treatment he might expierence some. I personally always felt good on chemo day but about 2 days later I expierenced major ache, tiredness.. I usually just rested for about 24 hours and was better.
    I think everyone would be suprised if you googled hedgeapples, you will probably recognize them. I thought the only purpose they served was to trip over and keep bugs out of your basement!! (we put several in the basement every winter!!)
    Lots of prayers-Cathy
    PS-Here is an interesting site about hedgeapples, it is very interesting or very scary LOL!! http://www.mullinslogcabin.net/hedgeapple

    in reply to: Chemo & meds #65717

    Eli- I took both together for months, those were pretty much my symptons! I still have tongue issues and it has been almost 2 years!!! Thanks for the post.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Chemo & meds #65715

    Mark, The funny part is I only understood and knew what was happenning because I saw one of those cheesy lawyer commercials!! I was recovering from second transplant and was pretty drugged and incoherent and knew this things were happenning but didn’t know they shouldn’t be until I heard one of the those lawyer class action commercial saying “if you have or are…” and it was an OMG moment!! We told my doctors and they took me off it right away!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: So upset with BCBS right now #65736

    I am so sorry to hear about your insurance problems. I have BCBS and have 2.5 million dollars in pay out from them and never had any problems except one. I had a spot on my lung and my doctor decided he wanted a PET scan and it came back denied and they needed more paper work from doctor, long story shore after weeks of waiting and getting no where, I called myself and in about one hour of back and forth phone calls and conference calls it was resolved. It should have never been denied and was more clerical error on both side. I suggest you call BCBS and start crying and taking names, it worked for me. I can honestly say BCBS gave me no grief in the last 4 years except for that one time. I am alive because of God, 2 strangers, Dr. Chapman and great insurance (BCBS)!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Questions about Whipple procedure #65729

    Rachael-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I have had 2 transplants, I am very sorry it is back and very interested in your story. I am curious how you recieved a transplant 19 days after being diagnosed, did you not do any chemo radiation… Please share more of your story with us.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Introduction: Stephen Kinsey #65122

    My hearts and prayers are with you and his family. I read his obituary and also want to thank him for giving in his death, the more studies on rare diseases, means more lifes saved.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Chemo & meds #65706

    Mark-I was wondering if you had any side effects from Reglan, I had major, rapid eye movement, protruding tongue…. I still chew my tongue and haven’t had Reglan in 2 years.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Chemo & meds #65704

    MaFoster-Hi, I took all the those drugs except the patch. Megace is the generic form of magestrol or vice a versa, it is an appetite stimulant. If I remember correctly it has something to do with medical mariquana, but I was pretty out of it for a long time!! I really don’t remember it making a major difference. I never had any major side effects from any of them. My favorite (if you are suppose to have one) for pain was dilauted, it worked the best for my pain. My doctor also had me on 3 anti-nasuea drugs for nasuea so I always had sonething in my system.
    Lots of prayers for your dad-Cathy

    in reply to: Searching #65655

    Willow-I refer to them as “strangers” because when I recieved my gift of life they were. I am sad to say even though I reached out and sent both families a letter full of thanks and gratitude they still remain nameless. I am in the process of trying again because it is my birthday, anniversary and the start of holiday season, not only would I have none of those, this would always be a time of sadness for my family. Please CC family be organ donors (cancer doesn’t stop us) because your gift keeps on giving and giving!! Everyday I thank God, 2 strangers and Dr. Chapman.
    Willow-if your sister ever wants to talk please tell her to call. Remind your sister a second opinion is just that an opinion. I have always felt that it only validates what you already know or gives you more HOPE. Second opinions twice saved my mom’s life!!
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Searching #65653

    Willow-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor due to 2 liver transplants!!! Please read my story at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph link. I have an amazing story to share and there is HOPE.
    I like your sister was only 52 and perfectly healthy. I remember when I first found this site and the more I got on it the more the more scared I was because it seemed to be more caretakers and people who had lost ones to the disease. My family and friends didn’t want me to get on it. I was diagnosed on July 31, 2008 and in the last 4 years I really believe there is more CC survivors with positve stories and expierences posting.
    I had many miracles in my story but my first was being put in Dr. William Chapman’s care at Barnes-Jewish Hopsital in St. Louis MO. (Dr. Sonneday did his fellowship under him and call him his hero!) I grew up in Sunnyvale CA. and no what good hands you are in at Standford, but I would start thinking about second opinions on transplant. I was Stage 4 inopreable because of location so transplant was my only option. Dr. Chapman is the kindest most caring man and amazing doctor and will take your phone call!! Dr. Chapman has at least 3 other transplant sucess stories that I have come in contact with. He believes transplant should be an option for CC.
    Willow- there is HOPE, I am alive because of God, 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman (that is how he would list it also). Please feel free to contact me if you or your sister would like to talk.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

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