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  • in reply to: Effects of compazine #54084

    That is so interesting, I took/ take compazine at will and never had any side effects. I also no that when Cates was growing up and had the flue
    etc… real bad, she was given that. I also know how drugs react differently different times. My oncologist put me on Lexipro as a preventive while undergoing chemo and waiting for transplant and it never altered my life, after transpalnt I just stopped, with no problem. I was put on lexipro again after second transplant because I cried all the time-happy or sad didn’t matter!! That was a nightmare and was weaned off and I remember saying “I am back” (I never knew I was gone) after 2 weeks!! I also still have side effects from Riglan.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Hi everyone #57541

    Anderson-I am sorry about your frustration. I just wanted to tell you to feel free to call (618-567-3247) if your FIL would like to talk, sometimes talking to someone who has been there helps. I have 2 Dr. Chapman success stories on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan) that he might like to read.
    I am glad you did contact Barnes and Dr. Chapman we are so lucky to have them in our back yard, you at least have a plan B!!
    We will keep your FIL and family in our prayers.

    in reply to: First bit of good news #57498

    Congrats!!!! Keep posting the positive!!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Transplantation – current thoughts. From AMMF in the UK #57551

    Gavin, Loved your article!! I would usually be very adamant it that works, but I don’t want to tempt fate. I have a little “scaniety” as Jim calls it, so I will wait till Friday and post it works!!
    I would love to send you an email I recieved from Wayne Parson (an orginal member), in it he writes how Dr. Chapman went to Dublin Ireland to teach this procedure.
    Please email me (jrdunnagan@gmail.com) if you would like to read it. Thanks for posting transplant news, it needs to an option and ruled out by doctors who believe it is!

    in reply to: Hi everyone #57530

    Stacy-Welcome and sorry you had to find this amazing family. I am a CC survivor from Wood River IL. (I used to live in Mt. Carmel, really Lancaster!!) I am alive because of Dr. William Chapman at Barnes in St. Louis. Are you using Barnes?? We also have another CC member form Olney. She is using MD Anderson and went to Barnes for consultation.
    There is nothing in the “advice column” to add, and can only repeat the most “expierenced doctor” is soooo important!! You are very lucky because you have one of the best CC centers in your sites!! Barnes is listed as a CC center and Dr. Chapman is one of the best!! (I beleive is the best!!)
    Please read my story at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle for HOPE!!
    Please feel free to email or call me if you want to talk or more info. (618-567-3247).
    Lots of prayers for your father-in-law and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Preliminary reading of my 2 year scan #57485

    Randi-CONGRATS!!!! I understand completely how you feel. I had my 6 month scan and have an issue in my lung, and my doctor said “don’t panic, don’t google it… but we know you will!!” Sooo like you, it has been a long week and even longer 24 hours till thursday morning when I see lung doctor.
    I will keep all fingers crossed and send up lots of prayers for you!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: looking for advice 2nd opinion #56899

    Sally-I am sorry about all your frustration. I have nothing but positive to say about Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. When ever anyone has contacted them the one thing they say is how they are amazed how Dr. Chapman took there phone call!! I am right now dealing with a questionable scan, and when they set up an appointment 3 weeks away, I whined about “to much time to really panic and google” and they said your right and got me in this week.
    Dr. Chapman has not changed the diagnosis of many patients who consulted him, but there has been 2 on our site who has.
    Dr. William Chapman’s number is 314-362-5376. He is one of the top doctor for CC and by far one of the kindest.
    I am alive because of God, 2 strangers, and Dr. Chapman and that is how he would list it. He is so humble.
    Lots of prayers for your sister and all of you-Cathy

    in reply to: Good News! #57348

    Congrats!!! And we all thought the party in Indy was for the super bowl-it real is Cindy, Grover, and all there family and friends celebrating!!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Make sure you are sitting down. #57365

    Allelulia!!!! Soo excited for you. God does have a sense of humor, this is leap year so you have to wait one extra dayand other time that wouldn’t matter!!!!
    Surgery will be no big deal after all you have been through.
    Enjoy the moment and lots of prayers and hugs for you and your family!!

    in reply to: Hi #57232

    LeeAnn-Welcome and sorry you had to find us!I am a CC survivor too. I am cancer free, 2 and half years. I am cancer free because of 2 transplants, chemo and radiation. It is so hard to know what to do with so little data and info for our cancer. I know chemo and radiation didn’t kill me (obviously), my biggest side effect was “tired”, I do know the cancer would have, so I guess a little more toxins in my body could change a very bad outcome.
    I am also in IL. and my “miracle” happenned at Barnes-Jewish, St. Louis Mo by Dr. William Chapman
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: just learning about CC #57065

    Jessica- I am a CC surrivor!! I will be cancer free 3 years May 24, 2012!!! I am proof surgery does work and is an option!! There are several others on this site that will also tell you surgery works. Many many people on this site have proved there doctors wrong!! I have an amazing story to share, I was diagnosed “Stage 4 inoperable” but I had a doctor with his “fighting gloves” on!! Please read my story at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle. (I also have mine and another CC success story on my FB page Catherine Sims Dunnagan).
    I strongly suggest getting another opinion. Our cancer is so rare most doctors are uneducated in it many still have outdated opinions and knowledge of it. The CC site is great place for guidance, kinship and information. My miracle was at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. by Dr. William Chapman.
    I am proof there is HOPE!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: chemo and radiation at same time? #57028

    I also had the same treatment as Kathyb. I had 6 weeks of 5 days a week radiation with 24/7 5FU chemo pump adminsterd thru my port. I had no major side effects untill all was done and then I was extremely tired, just climbed in my recliner and stayed there!!!.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: HELLO: AN Introduction #57021

    I am Cathy Dunnagan 57, born and raised in northern Califronia. I been a midwesterner for 31 years in Wood River, IL, ( right across river from St. Louis MO.) I have been married for 27 years to my wonderful husband Jeff. We have an amazing 24 year old daughter, Cates who lives in Miami FL. I was enjoying a great life on July 30,2008, I had started my first “snow bird adventure” in January 2008 in Myrtle Beach SC . We had invested in a small permanent campsite on Kentucky Lake a, our small lawn care business was doing good and our daughter was entering her senior year at Murray State University! Life was sooo normal!! July 31, 2008 life CHANGED! I was diagnosed with stage 4 inoperable CC, the journey began!! I survived chemo, radiation, and 2 liver transplants.
    Thank you God, 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman.
    Proof there is HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Medicare and Transplants. #56635

    Kathy-Are you just amazed at what knowledge you have on something you just always complained about!! Everyday I thank God for health insurance, I just know that was never on my prayer list before.
    I qualified for medicare for the same reason as you, 2 years on disability. I opted for hospitilization part only because by the time I payed for supplement , part B and drug coverage, I was paying $100.00 plus a month more, and more out of pocket expense (I pay $3,000 a month for my prograf!).!! I also know I was diagnosed with terminal cancer and my insurance company gave me no grief, just boxes of EOB’s!!In order for my family, (which is one spouse and a child) to have health insurance and me afford my ant-rejection drugs I need $20,000 a year!! If Jeff or Cates were to get sick and need to meet deductalbes to be payed at 100%, we would need another $12,000!! I always love to add to this ridiculous scenario by reminding who ever is listenning is we just mow grass for a living!!! I have to add we are blessed to have my husband own his own business.
    Keep posting all your positive notes, we need to keep the HOPE going!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: stent replacement #56811

    kandrie-I had 9 stent changes in the 9 months I was diagnosed, treated and transplanted. My doctors were so good in trusting me to know when, I usually could tell by shoulder blade pain, itchy or nasuea. I had 2 within 1 weeks of each other one time. I was never able to go the 3 months, as planned.
    Lots of prayers- Cathy

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