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  • in reply to: I need you all right now #30229

    Hi Charlene,
    I took trazadone the last few months before Butch passed on, to cope and be strong for him. I was able to cut back after – gradually, very gradually, and now take almost nothing – one pill to sleep at night. I would just say – talk to your Doctor and ask advice from them – they should be able to help you. I am so sorry you are having all this trauma – we will all be thinking of you.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: He is fading before my eyes #30165

    Dear Ashlea,
    I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I will be praying for you and your family, and our CC family will be here for you when you need us.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: How do I live without him? #30179

    Dear Danielle,
    My heart breaks when I read your post. We all know how those feelings can be, and I think Lainy is right – it’s “normal” for these “abnormal” times, or – these is no “normal” right now. For me, when I lost Butch, it’s like I lost my anchor, and had nothing here to hold me in place, so I drifted along. We can tell you it does get easier as time goes on. You will still grieve, of course, but not with the same intensity as you are right now. Some of the things that helped me are – praying for strength and peace, the love of my family surrounding me, returning to work (it saved my sanity, I think), and our little dog Flash . Oh yes, – there was the trazadone I took also! It really helped, and I was able to cut it back with no ill effects later when I didn’t need it anymore (a little at a time). I think it really helped me.

    Thinking of you,

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: My Dad is going away #30223

    I am so sorry for the loss of your Dad – it is so difficult to withstand this loss, and then to be going through such a world shaking event as a divorce at the same time is truly awful. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you, praying that God grant you peace and strength. Heaven has another angel now, to join our other loved ones in heaven, and your Dad is released from all his suffering.

    God Bless,

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: My Mom, Ann #30209

    Dear Amy,
    I am so, so sorry that you have lost your Mom. She will be with you – in spirit – forever, and now she is at peace. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: my husband passed #29433

    Dear Deborah,
    I am so very sorry about your loss. Thank God your husband is no longer sufferring, and that his passing was peaceful. We are here for you if you need someone to talk to.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22004

    Hello Everyone,

    I am back from the Adirondacks – had a wonderful time with my family, but coming home today was very difficult – home to an empty house (Flash was next door with my neighbor). That did bring out the tears, but – it is the way it is now, and I can’t change it, so – I will keep moving forward. We talked about Butch a lot this week, and the kids bring him up often – he was with us in spirit, I know, as you say Sue. I’m glad you had a good time visiting with Sam, and I hope the graduation is a happy time, also.

    Back to work Monday – tomorrow is mow the lawn day, etc. Got to catch up now that I am home. Lots of rain here this summer, and much cooler weather than usual. I hope you are all doing OK, and I think of you often.
    Pauline, I am especially thinking of you as you move through these next few weeks.

    Love – joyce

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21993

    Pauline and Patty,
    I know how hard this time of year is – for all of us, I guess. We are into that part of the year when things went bad last year, and I guess there is nothing much we can do but get through as best we can. It has been 9 months today for me, and the next three months will be very hard.

    Sue – I hope you enjoyed Vegas. Butch and I were married in Vegas – in 1995 – in the wedding chapel on the Strip – across from Circus Circus – the craziest thing I have ever done! (Not marrying Butch – flying to Vegas to do it, I mean)!

    I am wishing you all peace, and send love – Joyce

    in reply to: Did you see “Farrah’s Story”? #30344

    I watched it a few weeks ago – she was still alive and battling the beast at the time. She was a brave and strong person, wasn’t she, and she showed people, through her documentary, what the battle against cancer is like. Remarkable documentary, I thought – although it was tough to watch.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Keeping going #30069

    Dear Janet,
    We can all agree – the paperwork SEEMS endless, and the emotional struggles we go through every time we have to deal with these things are SO difficult. Rest assured, though – there IS an end to it – I just kept plugging along, one thing at a time. It has been almost 9 months now, and something came last week from my 403B through my employer – I had to send them a copy of Butch’s death certificate (AGAIN), so that I could take him off as my beneficiary, and put my daughter on. That was a setback for me, as I don’t like to do it – it just reminds me of something that I don’t want to think about! But you will eventually get through the bulk of it. No wonder we’re grumpy sometimes!

    Love – joyce

    in reply to: Goodbye honey!!! #30079

    Dear Pam,
    Like all of my friends here, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. These are great people, Very supportive, and they will be here for you any time. There are many of us who have lost loved ones to CC over the last months – husbands, Fathers, Mothers, and other close relatives. I lost my husband – Butch – last October. He was diagnosed in March of 2008, so last year is a blur in my mind! I have found it so helpful to communicate with others on this site, and it has saved my sanity sometimes, I think (not sure if I really AM sane, when I think about it)!
    I pray for peace and comfort for you, will be thinking about you.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: My heart is breaking all over again! #30084

    Hi Heather,
    I read your post, and I feel such sympathy for you. I know – it is up and down, up and down. And you did have the accident to cope with additionally – it is just so much. I hope you are feeling a bit better, and that Em had a nice birthday. Those firsts just get to us, I said I will be glad when the 1st year has gone bye – at least I will have done everything once then! I don’t have any words of wisdom – Darla is right – I just try to keep busy as much as possible – it DOES help me. That and prayer have pulled me throuhg this far.



    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21989

    Hello to all my friends,

    I am getting ready to go out and mow before “Antiques roadshow” comes on, but wanted to say “HI”. It is busy this time of year – the “Grands” have softball, and keepng up with the outside work is strenuous, but I am glad – keeps me busy, and I like to be busy – otherwise, I would just sit and think, and that is not a good thing! On Jult 11, I leave for the Adirondacks for a week – rented a cabin on Long Lake for my daughter’s family and myself – I am so looking forward to it – I am hoping it will be good for all of us.

    Sue – good luck in Vegas – I haven’t been there in a couple of years – last time I was there – it was 118 degrees – a bit warm, I would say!

    Lots of rain so far this summer – almost every day. Everything is lush and green because of it, and we need to mow a lot!

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Hello from Barcelona #29705

    Greetings and warmest wishes to you both – our goodwill ambassadors – spreading the word about CC in important places! What a good feeling to know that more and more people are learning about CC – especially Doctors, who are in a position to diagnose earlier, and maybe help some person with CC in their battle.

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Scan Results #29695

    I just read your posting, and am SO SO happy for you – great news. Can’t translater the doctorese, but know the prayers have been working. Keep on the same path.

    Joyce C

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