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  • in reply to: Stomach Pains #18806

    Jane … Sorry Your sister is still having stomach pain /cramps. I can’t think of much more of what it could be. Is she retaining water/fluids more than normal? Has this diseae or medication got her menstral period out of cycle? Flatulence/gas is known to be bothersome with this disease as the liver function is abnormal as well causing to little or to much digestive enzymes. Has she tried a reall good ant acid medication? She could be having some small ulcer like activity where ant-acid and anti-biotic could maybe clear up. If all that fails ,Then I would be asking for a CT Scan and specialist take a look to see if maybe you have a little grow growing and causing pressure or blockage. Hope she can get this figured out soon.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Dad was diagnosed with CC on 8/8/08 #22619

    Hi Swarty….. After you digest as much information as you want and decide on the next step, I would find your local cancer support group, for patients and caregivers. They have plenty of experienced and educated individuals who have been through these challenging times and can be of significant help with processing you and your Dad’s emotions. It’s so easy for this situation to turn in to an arkward and emotional roller coaster. On the same note, this site is available 24/7, if something pops in to your head and you want an answer use the google search or post your thoughts and someone will be more than willing to provide first hand suggestions from personal experience or let you know where on the site or off site to find your answer. Sorry this had to happen Swarty. Been battling 9 1/2 years and still have not got adjusted. Just When you thought you had all bases covered something else pops up. Postive attitude is a must in my book and I’ll keep on saying it no matter what. Time to make some decisions of reality; emotionally, treatment (yes or no), what type, and financially how? I wish your Father the best and pray for all the strength you’ll need as a caregiver. If your unsure about any thing, don’t hesitate to ask.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Teddy Update and Letter Reminder #22614

    Hi Lainey, Your a kind and strong and very caring person. It does choke you up to see someone in such agony, especially when your Teddy has been there. It really hits home and makes you wonder, if they ‘ll be able to handle things or lose ground quickly from complications. I commend you on being a trooper and giving them encouragement. Sometimes that is all we need to keep going. Does Teddy have any ifection problems with the stents? I guess some people do and some seem okay with them. Well, off and running ,got a couple errands to do.

    Bless you Guys!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Need Advice… #15542

    Chrissy… I know your confused on which direction to take. I personally feel after 4 sessions the chemo should shows signs of something. That’s my opinion. Now most Oncologist will go up to as many as 8-9 rounds before trying a different regimen. So my dear, it comes back to the ole gut feeling of what chucks thinks his body is saying and wants. If he has been tolerating and not much change then maybe go a few more rounds. If you can actually notice slipping and things appear to be progressing then maybe switch to another regimen. Oxyplatin is known to be a little rough due to it’s platinum base and can cause neuropathy in fingers and feet. Chrissy ,Idon’t know if this helped or not. If I remember right, I did see some decrease when I tried OXY, but it was short lived. Wish I could be of more help. It’s so frustrating I know. Wish you and chucks the best on which ever way you decide to go.
    Bless Ya,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Stepdad with cc #20547

    Hi Sherrig, Wow that is a lot of fluid, I bet he is feeling better. The fluid can be be cause from a number of reasons. It can be cause by the disease progression itself, or side effects from the chemo,or pain medications. It can be caused by not drinking enough clear fluids(I know it sounds funny but we are talking about clear fluids to flush out excess stomach acid and enzymes), drinking to many carbonated drinks like soda(has carbon dioxide in it), salt, or processed foods with high sodium content, fatty foods, any intestinal inflamation or obstruction. to much lactose and sugar as well. This is why it is so improtant to monitor your diet closely. Some people go all out and go on a strict cancer diet,while others eat pretty much the same but watch out for the salt and sodium primarily and eat smaller meals more often, instead of 3 big meals as it causes so much of acid and enzymes to flow. Hope your stepdad is feeling better.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: AZD6244 #21445

    Hi Jenn, Thanks for the information. I probally would not qualify due to all the chemotherapy I’ve had ,plus my heart beat average about 32-34bpm and skips a little. Doesn’t seem to bother me any. Probally potassium flexing. Thanks again, and glad your off and running with this trial. Toes ,fingers, and eyes crossed for positive results. Well, I’ll send a few prayers your way instead of keeping the eyes crossed ,that make me a bit dizzy. Ha! Bless You Girl!
    jeff G.

    in reply to: Recent News #22447

    Irene….Thumbs up! Praying for only the best. God’s speed !
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: AZD6244 #21454

    Hi Jenn…. Thanks for the link to the study. So interesting and more genetically involved fom reading it. I noticed the time start and end dates have already passed. Are they still conducting the study and have they made any comments on previous patients outcomes. I know i ‘m just full of questions. I guess I could just call them. Wish you the best Jenn. I see you had to have quite a few test and patholgy samples taken. Do you remember anything in particular that they might have said would ne a disqualifier? Sorry, enough questions. Press on my brave warrior!
    God Bless You,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Genetics – The elephant in the room??? #22494

    Hi Frogspawn, Thanks for asking. I’m holding my own, staying busy with home projects, and popping my morphine. About five more weeks or sooner I’ll decide my next course of action. I have been putting weight back on since sticking to the 3 a day Ensure plus meals. At least my rings aren’t sliding off my fingers anymore. Now if I can get my pants to do the same. Ha! Also my attitude has been pretty good since practicing EFT.
    You know genetics is interesting, like you said when it’s in laymans terms. I associate it mostly with Down Syndrome. My friend had a baby with it. Just one, in this case just part of one extra #21 chromosone causes this syndrome. It’s possible I have a missing link, as my Dad was involved in the testing of the nuclear bomb (hot Area) and got contaminated prior to my conception. Shortly after he had cancer in his upper arm and radiation sickness from what iv’e been told. His arm, well they did not leave much meat. The whole bicept area had to be cleared. Then later on down the road he developed on both leg calves severe itchy raw type rash that never went away . Just kept treating it with something. I pushed him to apply for disability and they interviewd him and said no relation. then 8 years later it became public about location ,date , and time of testing and entitlement should be applied for. But he was so stubborn and having already gone through the process, he ignored it and just pressed on with life. Well, I better put on the brakes, rolling along here.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Genetics – The elephant in the room??? #22492

    Frogspawn… I have read along the way of all my researching, some articles about genetic involvement with cancer. The discussion or debate is out there but I haven’t seen that much information flowing. I personally feel it certainly plays a role in some cancers, any cancers if the predisposition is there. From conception to enviornmental and anytime in between. We could have a missing gene to begin wth, Gene interaction and loss due to other diseases, or enviornmental causation. I’m far from being a science guru, I think we all have the genes suseptable for cancerous growth, and many variables surround us that are triggers for different types. Well, that’s about all my thoughts in this scientific realm. I certainly believe genetic and enviornmental interaction should be investigated. You have sparked my interest in this area again. Thanks for the link ,I’ll be checking it out.

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: In hospital with blood infection #22553

    Lisa … It seems I can’t keep up with you young ladys now a days. I keep missing posts. I’m happy you listened to your body girl. keeping tuned in to your body is a major player.
    Bless ya ! and you’ll be out of hospital before you know it.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: The Wellness Community #22588

    Hi Bill, very interesting site. Thank You very much for providing the link. My wife was actually looking for something like this. Caregivers sure do increase their stress and anxiety with out a doubt. Thumbs Up for this link.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemzar & Cisplatin #14701

    Hi Nancy, Glad to hear your recovering well from your surgey and glad to hear your Oncologist recognizes how toxic Xeloda can get. Keep on trucking ,your doing good.
    Bless Ya!

    in reply to: AZD6244 #21451

    Jenn and Dan, Thank You so much for keeping us up to date. A lot of members will be keeping a eye on this trial. We are really routing for you guys. Does it require a hospital stay. Or do you know the protocol yet? Sorry, I’m a little excited when new trials pop up.

    God’s Strenght,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: YOUR PERMISSION IS NEEDED #22333

    Wabals— I can see what your saying. It’s a good start. Oprah has made some world renoun impacts for people in need and continue everyday to do something for someone. The media is such a powerful tool if used approriately. I think Oprah has the broadess base of networking of any show in television history. She has touch the lives of so many. We will make sure the ethical soundness remain intact, I wouldn’t be part of it if it weren’t. Thanks again, for your input, keeps people on there toes, don’t you think? I think we both just want to make sure no one is hurt in the process. At least that is what I’m thinking.

    God Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

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