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  • in reply to: We’re done… #21277

    mybdm…. I echo what everyone else has already said. Love and memories forever. God bless you both. Coming your way, a prayer for strength and peace for the remainder of this emotional journey.
    Jeff G,

    in reply to: Completely Oddball Question (from a Complete Oddball) #21239

    Hi Carol,

    I was 43 when diagnosed. I just pulled out my Operation summary. I was grade 3, stage 4 is all I can make out. There is another report somewhere with the full staging code, but do you think I can find it.

    My left lobe of liver had 14x10x9 cm mass. Resected with 7mm margin
    My gallbladder resected due to 6mm adenoma
    2 lymph nodes of inflamatory state excised from hepatic artery
    Right lobe of liver had 2mm cyst in segment 5 and also hemaginoma also segment 5

    In light of of these additional findings, resection was undertaken. I guess they almost aborted, but probally found me to be a good specimen to operate on.

    Carol, if you look at my picture on the site you’ll see that skinny cancer look on me as well. While looking at the picture imagine my neck area as a size 18. I too go through that same sequence, loose and gain a little, but like you said slowly loosing each time. That’s why I decided to stop chemo for at least three months to see if there is any possibility left of gaining back enough wait to get rid of this skeleton look or at least maintain. We’ll see what happens. probally should have tried sooner. I am now having the thoughts that chemo really did not do all that much overall other than initial shringage and held it at bay a couple times, that maybe it was just the slow growing of the cancer period. Oh well , it’s water over the dam now. Those were my choices and I have to live with the consequences. Did I shorten or lengthen my life. The fight is not over yet. Personally, I still feel positive energy and going to push on. I will be going backwards now and try some of the previous alternatives like IP-6 with inostol and immpower to try boosting my immune system hoping that will allow me to gain back some weight. I’m also pushing on with EFT as I’ve truly had some positive experiences practicing it. Who knows what will happen? Irene, I had surgery but recurrance to the left lobe and both lungs. It was not recurrance either .It was there but to small to see. Like I mentioned above, all we can do is follow through with the choices we make.

    God’s Bless You Guys!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: seeking guidance from other caregivers #18391

    Marian… click on Patient Support above and then click on Ask Dr. Giles. He has a few excellent post on how to deal /cope with exactly what your talking about. It’s a bummpy road no matter how you look at it. However, Dr. Giles gives you some really good pointers. Share your emotions, talk and find a place to justlet it flow out. Check out Dr. Giles section for starters.

    God Give you Strength!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Completely Oddball Question (from a Complete Oddball) #21236

    Irene— I took that gamble and went over five years with no treatment other than monitor growth by ct scan every three months. In fact when I started chemo I was still doing okay. I even had micro mini mets in lungs for about fours years. I only started treatment because the size of tumor onn my liver had gotten approximateky 8.5by 6.8 in diameter and decided I should probally try something. To this day I cannot say whether chemo did me any good at all. If anything maybe broke my body’s defnse down and created some problems. Radiation twice. Once to liver and once to lower spine area approximately one year ago. both shrunk and remained stable as of today. Wish you the best Irene! You can only trial and error these treatments as your right, nobody knows for sure. In my opinion I would try staying on any one type of regime no more than three months maybe four. If it is not showing anything positive. By then it’s time to move on. Where are your tumors ? did anyone talk about some type of radiation? or HIfU? I took radiation 3-d conformal straight to one side of my remaining lobe of liver which was a big gamble, but it seemed to have payed off.
    God’s Strength with making the tough choices!
    Jeff G.


    Haiminh…. Good to hear. Sounds logical that tube could be rubbing on liver aggravating things . Pulling the tube away from liver abit will allow healing properly. Glad to hear she is on antibiotics. Only one last thing is be careful when she gets up to walk if she hasn’t already , as if she has lost a considerable amount of blood she could pass out upon standing. However blood will replenish on it’s own to normal level if not to much was lost. Yellowand pure sounds better than dark and coffee ground looking. Make sure her potassium level is normal as well. Loosing alot of fluid /dehyration can cause potassium depletion belownormal levels. Hopefully in the next 3-4 days she will be doing alot better.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: CAT Scan or MRI and how often? #21325

    Hi Sophie,
    I agree with Hris and Lainy onthe every three months and once a year MRI. I also feel that a chemo regimen for three months is suffucient time to know if it is holding things stable or reducing .If not I would push to try something else. My opinion is there is no sense in subjecying your body and wearing it iut if something is not working. Some oncoligist like to push it to the limit until it has really accumulated to highand all you get is more side effects but no efficacy in my opinion.

    Bless Ya girl,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Completely Oddball Question (from a Complete Oddball) #21234

    Wow! some heavy thinking going on. No punt intended. I have one idea that struck me. What dosage level of chemo is all of us getting? As this stuff searches for cc cells it has to kill good cells. Maybe the more we weigh means more cells to kill before causing an unhealthy effect or side effects. I too was overweight. The initial surgery dumped about 40lbs, but I gained most of it back. After about 3 years of chemo and radiation I’m back down about 40lbs again. Actually closer to 50 lbs. Now that I have decided to stop chemo for three months and try alternatives again and EFT, my weight is starting to climb again. Lets see how the next three months go. Next Ct scan is scheduled for October 31,2008. I will monitor my pulse and BP until then maybe have a lab done in between. Right now I’m sitting 10 lbs over my high school graduation weight of 165. While in the later years of my military career, I was expected not to go over 186 for my height and body fat measurement. Well enough is enough ,if I can get back to at least 190 and maintain that’ll give me a little in reserve for an emergency or something. The other 30 is gone I think . I also wonder how long my cc has been with me as well. I use to be anavid donater to the Red Cross blood drives. Are their test good enough to pick up on cc or are people recieveing cancerous blood? There’s a question for you all. Bestest to you All!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Haiminh… Sorry to hear the troubles your Mom is going through. I’ve read your posts and going to be quite frank with you. If your mom is still bleeding I would go with your gut feeling and get a patient advocate or head of hospital involved. In my opinion this is not normal. Some bleeding yes ,but vomiting No. A surgery of this type can have complications. Do they know for sure were the bleeding is coming from? Is her blood pressure being monitored closely? Have they provided her with a transfusion? Transfusion may be needed. Normally a drain tube is automatically put in during surgery. Could there possibility be a bowel perforation? I would be watching closely and speaking your mind. Where did she have her operation? Is there other doctors available to check her out? Sorry for being so blunt, but if your uncomfortable and feel things are not adding up, play it safe my friend. As far as chemo that is an individual choice we all have to make. Some choose to do few rounds, other choose not. Their is no evidence either way in my opinion. Best wishes and good outcome for your Mom real soon. P.S. With all that going on keep close watch for any signs of infection. One last thing is she on any antibiotics? If she was actually vomiting alot of bile, a high possibility of infection. I’m no doctor Haiminh, I’m just thinking out loud as if it were my mom going through this. Is her health considered normal otherwise?

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Barb “The Commander” at Home Hospice #20411

    Peggy…. Thank You . If you look in the Rememberance section below, you’ll see many acknowledgements from all the members of this site. God bless and strenght.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Discussion Group Help! #21292

    Hi Rick, Here is my suggestions. Keep or throw. I do think the site can be condensed a bit and maybe help on the confusion of what to post and where.

    Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation

    From the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation to you: Announcements and Updates to keep you informed

    Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Calendar of events: Meetings, Symposiums, Studies, Podcasts, Fundraisers, etc.

    Suggestions/Ideas: If you have any suggestions or Ideas for the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation, Please post here. What you suggest may be of great benefit to others

    General Discussion and Events…….Delete


    Patient/Caregivers Sharing Current Events: Breaking local news, upcoming television specials, Podcasts, Events. Feel free to post times and dates and locations of any cancer related topics/events

    Features and announcments and Suggestions……delete

    Combine… Research/ Clinical Trials

    Combine… Nutrition and Alternative Treatments

    Thought for the Day……. Nice but If not going to be used ……delete

    Thats about all I can think of today.

    Thanks Rick! P.S. I think a lot of people don’t realize that there are links on top that take them to the different places and subject matters that practically provides all infor you could possible get with the exception of personal experiences. If highlighting them links or somehow bring them links to members attention. Maybe in the Introductio area make note of above links. Just a thought.

    in reply to: Too Many Sweets!! #15688

    Jen , My reserach shows equal contraversy about the in take of sugar and about whether it makes your cancer cells grow. The heads of Oncology at Mayo says it’s a myth. However if the liver is not functioning properly it would have a tuff time processing or breaking down the sugar intake which would cause a rise in glucouse count. Also, having a liver disease can in some cases cause the onset of other diseases of other organs because it ‘s inability to break down and filter and release certain enzymes. It sound like he is borderline diabetic; has he ever be check for that. I have worked with diabetics and know their blood sugar levels can change drasitcally within an hour in some cases. I would certainly cut back to at least half portions or something or try switching to no sugar products of the things he likes and see what happens.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Low Point #21214

    Mybdm, I’m so sorry things are getting worst. Have they considred given him a bile thinner to maybe lesson the juandice? I don’t know what it’s called but it does help a little. If you haven’t gotten calles back call them again and let them know thing are getting worse and a would really like to get in asap. Even though he has intrahepatic it could be possible in my opinion to get some relief depending on location of tumors by placing a stent or drain. I sure hope you get to see someone real soon.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Mom has this horrible disease #20164

    Hi Patty, yes it can get confusing sometimes because of the different sections and individuals post in different sections for different subject matter. If you look at the very top of posters name you’ll see the date posted. Sometimes people don’t catch or see the Rememberance section before answering an old post. Sorry, it’s a busy site. checking the date willl keep you on trach though.
    Bless ya, Jeff

    in reply to: Barb – The Commander – #21208

    To Barb (AKA) The Commander, A firm salute of honor and farewell to a remarkable women! Many blessings to you and your family. You will not be forgotten.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed today in Jenkintown, PA #21204

    Hi Jen, Sorry to hear about your Dad. 82 years young. Jen, would you consider your Dad to be a healthy 82 ? I ask only because additional health issues can complicate what type of treatment and or surgery Doctors may have to offer. I don’t say this negatively or lightly, but just a fact to be aware of. If you don’t have already here is the link for Fox Chase Cancer Center:
    Any question or want opinions we’ll certainly do our best.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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