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  • in reply to: Bad news #20860

    Rank …Sorry to hear about your Dad. Glad he is going to be near family. With his stomach so distended that black stool could mean some internal bleeding from some little blood vessels popping as well. I would keep an eye on it. You might want to consult the doctor if it continues to see if they recommend anything at this stage.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: CT scan tomorrow I am a nervous wreck #20875


    supercalifragilisticxpeladous!!!! Do you think I spelled it correctly? I don’t seem to be able to find spell checker on this website.
    Bless ya!
    Jeff G.


    High sophie… In my opinion I would keep your appt. with Your Oncologist and see what advice or plan he may have , but discuss with him you would like a second opinion surgical opinion and also ask about qualifying for a transplant. He may agree with the surgeon. But it is your right for another surgical opinion! but will Insurance cover another one? Did the surgeon mention anything about the galbladder as it’s a meance if it also involves CC. Usually when there is sign of mets surgeon steer away and recommend pallative chemo and radiation treatments. Sophie I’ve been considered pallative for 7 of my nine years. The second year when they found mets to my lungs I become 100% pallative. I have plugged along trial and error and been my own advocate . I still remain hopeful as so many novel treatments have popped up during this time and more still coming. If your uncomfortable with your Oncologist then by all means you can try another. If this oncologist has work with you and and got you to a surgeon and surgery exploration it sounds like he is working as hard as he can for you and within his scientific means. If it turns out to try different regimens of chemo then you need to understand that if a chemo is FDA approved and you see that results is taking place with someone else even though not cc specific, like right now my regimen is for colon specific but some studies have shown positive results with patients with cc. You need to know the Oncologist can prescribe that treatment if he feels it will might work better for you. Your options are far from over sophie. Keep faith and hope going and advocate for your self. I can feel your sadness and frustration. Also remember SSDI application if you should have to give up work. Then the catch 22, Insurance coverage you’ll have to weigh and decide which way to go as if you do give up work how long can you keep it going from work then transfer to Cobra then hopefully that will get you to the 2 year limit before medicaid. I wish I had more answers to give. I think I’ve probally said enough for now except really practice meditation and visulization and EFT and ocean waves or white sounds.try to balance your energy toward healing by getting rid of hidden negative emotions. EFT is really becoming quite an amazing thing and is being practice through out the U.S and Europe. Don’t hesitate to ask more as you go, as who knows what’s around the corner. I hope I’ve not scared you with all this stuff, but it is nice to know infor to keep in mind and or try .

    God Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Histone deacetylase inhibtors #20835

    Hi Chrissy, Good going girl ! Love your positve and persistent approach. I wrote it down on my research sheet but hadn’t got to it. It will be interesting to hear what chucks Oncologist has to say.
    Wishing only the best!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Spread to prostate?…. #20947

    Hi Mary… Personally I have not heard of cc mets to the prostate not saying it’s not possible. I would be liening more to a separate prostate disease. It is known that us mature gentalmen can develope different prostate problems. In most cases a pill to reduce the enlargement. I have researched prostate cancer and mostly all cases is cureable and more quickly and easily curable the ealier found and dealt with. There was on the news the other night a young college student was Dx with prosate cancer and just made a place in the olympics. He was told surgery sooner would be in his best interest but the yough man is determine to go for the Gold. All I could think of is I wish I could make that decsion so easily. Mary I don’t remember if your hubby is doing any chemo or not? As I can tell you my prostate is continually enlarged with a high PSA due to side effects of chemo. It has been for 3 years plus now. Now I do know that prostate cancer can and does mets to lungs and brain, well look at Lance armtsrong. That’s what happens when you prolong treatment. Wish you guys the best and get that prostate problem looked in to. My brother had problems last year and one 30 minute out patient surgery took care of it. I can’t remember what the procedure was called but it took care of the problem. My Brother called it a mans menopause thing. I just replied okay..

    God bless You Guys!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Need advice: which major cancer center? #20926

    Kristen … I started with resection of liver and gallbladder over nine years ago at Mayo in Rochester, Mn. They are a great teaching school of medicine in my opinion. Although my CC returned and mets all over My Oncoligist now in Kansas is at least up with the times and follows other major hospital protocals. He follows Sloan,kettering memorial and Mayo protocals primarily and he stays in touch with whats new coming out of the NCI. Excellent surgeons and Oncologist at both. It’s your choice young lady. Don’t rule out possible 3-D conformal radiation. Iv’e had what I consider two treatments on two different locations with positive results. wish you the best in your decision making.
    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.


    Hi Dutch… I’m glad you found this site also. It is full of personal first hand experiences that can help you guage where your Mom is at and what could be of help to and her side effects.

    All the sysmtoms you mentioned can be a combination of all sorry too say. If she has started chemo then probally that is the most likely for most. Stool sofetener for constipation, lasixtablets as shortness of breath probally implies water around her lungs. Simple chest x-ray can determine that. But if pnuemonia is expected (usuallysome pain invovled but not always) a ct of lungs would help incase she needs antibiotics. Dry cough .. hydration is so improtant to keep the cough productive. Should be drinking plenty of fluids water and weight helping drinks like Ensure or Equate is the same thing if you read the label and less expensive. If she is really advanced ther is no telling how long survival can be. I imagine she is quite depressed and with that saying she may not be motivated to deal with her side effects properly. Also the fact that she has witnessed her two sisters pass away from cancer who knows where her thoughts may be headed. It’s an individual choice to fight with the odds greatly against you or accept and let end of life take it’s course. Please feel free to read more by clicking on the tabs above cholangiocarcinoma and newly diagnosed. Awealth of information you will find. I myself have survive this cancer for over 9 years now and shooting for 10 plus or possible remmisssion. So to answer your questiion long term survival is possible but you have to remember it’s so individual for everyone one how they respond , how early it was discovered , wheter is is operable , if other other medical condition exisit, If it was operable and came back. Nostraight clear cut answers. Second and third opinions from experienced surgeons have proven to be very beneficial for some cc patients. Please use the search above Jeffg select all post and you will probally see discussions of about most everything you have on your mind.

    Dutch I sorry to her about your Mom this CC is very relentless as are other cancers. I wish your Mom the very best and what ever she decides, taking care of the side effects will help reguardless. Anti-acid tablets are good to be on hand, Immodium if diarreha starts up, and anit-nausea meds are a must when taking chemo treatments. I also advise plan ahead and take before you need to get full benefit. I hoped I answered some of your questions but certainly encourage reading more by clicking on the tabs and searching. Love ,comfort and support and not being alone really helps in my opinion. Local cancer supports groups can be very helpful.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Miracle Man #20612

    Hi Lainy, Only side effects was slight itchy at and around point of beam entry and some tiredness. I had two 15 day treatments to two different areas spent more time driving back and forth . Usually checkin 5-10 minute wait, 5 minutes treatment to get the different 3-D angles to encompass most if not all of tumor. Of course this all depends on how well organized the radiology center is. Marion,( My Bestest Co-Moderator) I had a plate of lovely sea scallops the night before lobster Ha! A man has Got a eat! I did have a big healthy coleslaw with them.
    Ta Ta for now!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Miracle Man #20610

    Hi Lainy… I can feel the heat right through the internet lines! Insurance Companies are so so so! I’ll leave it at that. If they could only look at the big picture and look ahead.
    Admire your come back attitude though and your plan of attack. I had IMRT twice in the last year plus. Directly to my one and only lobe of liver and another tumor tickling my spinal nerve roots Both areas still remain reduced and stable no growth.
    You guys have a very happy family reuion! I had mine in Maine three weeks ago and loved it. I Ate three Lobsters in one setting. Well, my wife Valerie could only eat one of hers sooooo Ha! Marion (moderator) I know you are reading this. I just could’nt resist.
    God Bless You All,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: CT scan tomorrow I am a nervous wreck #20864

    Hi Debrah,

    First of all, I wish only the best of results for your CT Scan tomorrow. You know us CC patients can send mixed signals to those who love and care for us; Primarily because of the emotional burden we carry and how we express our feelings toward them. Not knowing your family I can’t assure you of anything, but my experience with my wife is she is just as afraid of results if not more. She has a hard time talking about my results ,pain, discomforts as she feels I don’t want to think or talk about it. When I try to talk about things she really doesn’t want to discuss as it scares her. I guess what I’m saying is what your going through is a normal that we wish wasn’t. At the end of the day a little cuddle and kiss with I love you gives us strength. Turn on the ocean waves knowing I’ll go to the spare room probally after couple hours of sleep. She knows I do it for her so she can get a restful nights sleep. Also to allow me to sleep in a position so I get proper rest. Debrah I guess what I’m saying is CC brings with it a bag of mixed emotions for us all and we work our way through it by staying as positive as possible. Last night I said to my wife, with all these side effects I have had, I did not want to do cycle three of this chemo tomorrow. She says, It’s what ever you want to do Jeff. I didn’t even want to say that much, but I replied, I’ll wait until I see what my blood work looked like and discuss my side effects a little more. She calls me from work today to ask if I’m doing okay. (really wanting to know if I was doing chemo) I’m fine Blood work couldn’t be better so I’m pressing on with chemo. She says you sure it’s okay? Yep no problem. Now she feels okay cause I’m okay but I didn’t tell her that I insisted on a chest xray to rule out some causes of my side effects that were on my mind. Xray, showed fluid build up in right lung area which was why I’ve been having shortnest of breath. Now when she comes home she’ll ask again and I’ll let her know just fine and that I asked for and x-ray and they increased my furismide and started me on some potassium which should help to withdraw the fluid more quickly.

    Not to carry on but as you see above enough information was exchanged to get the message out that all is ok (status quo) and I got the information I wanted before pressing on with another round of this chemo. Also I did not overload my wife with more worry than she needed as she has to drive home. Isn’t it amazing how protective love ones can be of each other.

    I’ts so human nature to know your more than okay. I’ve found family need to know just a little more than I’m okay as they need validation that we really are. That’s a good time for a hug. And if it isn’t okay it is still time for a good hug in my opinion.

    Knowing that my family will be taken care of is the biggest fear I have but I know if they collectively support each other things will go okay. Although we know “There ain’t no garauntee” Just another fear slammed upon us.

    Debrah, I’ve rambled on and don’t know if I made any sense at all. Emotions are surreal and I feel should be shared as much as one would like and as little as one would like. Sometimes as a family and or as one on one approach when the right time presents. Channel that strength debra to relax your mind but don’t blame yourself or ignore you have to be ready to devise a new plan of attack things don’t go as well as expected. I’ve had the wind knocked out of my sails many a times in the last nine plus years. You know as some people are sick of hearing “stay positive”, I sincerely believe positive emotions and pressing on is a must. Yes I have my down outright dumpy and insane days. Then I adjust and spring back in to my +++++++++++++ mode. Still Rambling Ha!

    Wish you the best Debrah! Let your guard down a little with the famly and let the emotions of love flow freely. You’ll feel better for it.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Bad news #20856

    Dear Rank and Family,
    I can’t add anything that Joyce has already mentioned. This CC has a mind of it’s own and end of life senerios are so different. there is a book and some information on line “End of Life” by DR. Ira Brock that I have found to be helpful with planning, emotions, hospice care,and like Joyce mentioned love and not being alone.

    I’m sending a prayer your way. God’s love and support for you all during this time of anticipation and sadness.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Dizzy spells? #20741

    Thanks for the up date. I hope your sister is doing as well as can be expected. I’m glad the rehydration helped a little . It’s like a balancing act sometimes; to much fluid then not enough. I ‘m sending a little prayer your way for your parents and you hoping your sister can remain as comfortable as possible, she has been through so much already. A big hug for your sister!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #20844

    Hi Dawn … Sorry to hear about your Mom. I agree with what Kris said 100%.
    God Bless, Jeff G.

    in reply to: Bile Duct Surgery #15030

    Hi Lainy… Great to hear about the Vit C helping and more so of your daughter’s fiance in remission. Vit C seems to keep coming back around to this site. I know vit c is very effective with detoxing the body and helping the immune system to fight. I drink the 130% no sugar added grape juice full of vit c. Great to hear all is stable.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Bile Duct Surgery #15028

    Handyman……. I have just finished cycle two of this triple cocktail and start cycle 3 Monday. Nausea, tiredness,low energy, and appetite are primary side effects of this regimen and I can also see sign of hair falling out again. I have to take figrastim injection at home for 5-7 days starting day 5. I wear a Cad pump of chemo after initial fill of chemo from day one until day 3. (46) hours. Some increased pain, not much, in area of known tumors. first couple of days runny nose and some eye watering and then eye dryness. Then some bone and muscle pain due to the figrastim injections. Just as you get to feel half way good next cycle begins. Labs weekly. Nausea med, I took day two twice daily to prevent vomiting. Appetite I just forced myself to eat. lost and gained back about 10 pounds on each cycle. Don’t hold back on the nausea med and be careful how much dairy products you eat or you’ll be on the toilet dehydrating. I don’t think I left anything out. Wish your wife the best! Meditate, hot baths, listen to waves, rest but not to much. I really try to just take one nap during the day so I can sleep at night, but if I get so tired and start bumping in to things I take another nap.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. some flushing and minor breathing shortness comes and goes,just got to relax and not let anxiety build and it will go right away.

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