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  • in reply to: We’re about out of options #20509

    Alicat859… As soon as I get back home to my computer I’ll surely give you some more information of whaty I have experienced, But you have to remember it is different for everyone; but is some common things that can be done to help.
    God Bless You Both!
    Jeff G

    in reply to: Bile Duct Cancer stages #20429

    Belle… Your doctor is right. It is difficult to say what will happen next. It also depends on exactly what you mean. If things do not change she’ll become weaker every passing day. If things do change’ like eating, infection stopped,and weight gain she could very well live for months if all is flowing properly and other health issues don’t come in to play. It’s very difficult for anyone to suggest what is next. Only the lord knows for sure. Has she been taking anti-nausea meds regularly? May help with the vomiting. What kind of infection is she taking antbiotics for? Have you consulted with another doctor (specialist)? Does your doctor feel things are at the point were hospice should be considered? I’m so sorry Belle, I wish I had some positive suggestions or ideas. May you find the strength to deal with this trying and emotional time.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Please Help with nutritional needs #20486

    Hi Patti … Sorry to hear of your brother’s condition. Hope surgery is an option. I Drink Equate nutritiona drinks and Dan Active immunity probiotic dairy drink. Comes in little 3oz 4 packs. Dan Active is not that nutritional as equate drink but has 3 active cultures to stimulate immune system according to the label. You can check it out and see what you think. Also if his white blood cells are low the doc can prescribe filgrastim injections to boost his infection fighting white cells. Please feel free to view other infor on the site and don’t hesitate to ask questions.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: We’re about out of options #20505

    Alice and John …. Gemcitibine and cisplatin is considered first-line treatment for metastic cancer. I have tried this combination. I believe it was my second regimen tried. It did not help me and I had more emergency room visits with this treatment than any of the others. It’s an individual choice but I would certainly take in to consideration John’s present condition. I personally would say enough is enough. I’m a firm believer in hope and prayer but I’m a realist at the same time. It’s like the regimen I’m on now. I will try one more round, now that I have seen the accumilative results and have a scan and if nothing stop chemo for quite some time. I may not even do another round as to much is going on with my length of recovery. I am really sorry that all those regimens and trials did nothing but cause misery. A phone call surely is not the way to say sorry I have nothing else that will help. If I was to do anything at this time I would boost my immune system with B-6 and B-12 and filgrastim. stay away from procrit if possible,from what I have researched it is a pretty high risk drug for complications. Again, I’m so sorry to see things going this way. I wish I had a magic wand and could heal with it’s touch. My heart aches for you both. If his liver is having difficultly now putting more toxins through it would harm it more, where as rebuilding immune system may buy a little more time. You guys certainly have reason to feel depressed. You have really fought this beast head on. It once again it falls back to individual choice. No I’m not going to be the chicken, either choice is not good and personally more chemo is the worst of the two at this stage. Lots of support and prayers coming your way.
    God Bless You Both,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. John your one tough and brave Man but we all have our limits. The human body sometimes just won’t keep up with our determination and mind set. You know what I mean I’m sure. (If you want to take it to the limit one more time) , It’s a tough choice you have to make. John I e-mailed you directly with the current regimen I’m doing if you for some reason want to try and I guess your Onco would have to support it as well. Sorry for being so blunt but I’m angry for you and hate seeing what you have had to endure.

    in reply to: Mother With Cholangiocarcinoma #20511

    Mroudebush…. Suggest second opinion or possibly third. Also suggest some form of radiation of liver as well. I had 3D conformal external radiations about a 1 1/2 years ago. Scans since then have shown slight continous shrinkage, but I have had some other chemo regimens since then as well. The radiation was done as pallitive treatment for pain but I surely believe it stopped the tumor from growing. Some members have been to KU. I don’t remember who or what results. Please use the search above it my provide you with lot more infor. Also click on cholagiocarcinoma above and try using the drop down menu. It is full of information. Sorry to hear about your Mom, but positive attitude and second opinion my real in a different verdict/perspective of your situation. When a Doctor starts giving you estimated times of life span ,then I would shoot for the sky and go for another opinion and try radiation. Type in radiation of liver in search an see what infor you get. Sorry of about your Mom’s recurrence. I had liver resection and recurrence as well. Mets all over my body and organs but I’m still here. The six to 12 months prognosis given, so far has been 9 years and 2 months. I wish your Mom and you all the best. Please do use this site and pop down infor tabs above. A wealth of information.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My father, my friend, my hero #20496

    Lana….. I’m so sorry your father never got the chance for surgery. I’m sorry for your lost. You were there Lana and did all possibly human to help your father. I agree with you, it seems that the individuals who have given and contributed so much to helping others, leave before their time. A life time of unconditional love and in return cancer… so hard to understand. It’s okay to feel angry Lana and yes the grieving will leave you feeling numb , empty, and alone for a while. Take the time you need Lana but remember your Father loved you as well and and surely wants you to be as strong as you possibly can and and be happy. Yes you will miss him but you will also cherish and remember those times when he made you smile. Lana ,I know you fought this battle all the way right along side your father. Please don’t feel any guilt as you know the control was not in your hands. You have been a loving and supportive daughter. It makes me feel so good and proud to know you have inherited your Father’s trait of giving and helping others. Lana, that is pure love straight from the heart. There is no doubt your father was proud and thankful. May God give you strength Lana. Vent anytime you wish!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Waiting and praying for surgery #20194

    Hi Sophie…. You bet I’ll Jump in! Keep a solid postive mind as much as possible. Get in a dark room once or twice a day and meditate to total relaxation. Tell yourself over and over your a fighter and you want this CC gone! Also prayer every day as “you’ll never be alone if God lives in your heart” (Heb. 13:5). Now that I have given my preliminary speel, You go for it girl ! Hope is a beautiful thing. Every morning I go outside with a cup of coffe and just look around and appreciate I’m still here with my loving family. I even notice the different shapes of clouds and the patterns of airline jets make. Iv’e actually seen the shape of a heart one time; well it looked close enough to me. I’ve seen the clouds form a Thumbs up for the day. I watch for rainbows as well, but I don’t seem to be able to get to the other end in time to grab that pot of gold! Ha! I will one day. You take control Sophie and put on mind on the power channel! I really hope and will be sending prayers your way for the best possible outcome. It sounds like your surgeon has a plan of action. Tell the Doctor you really want all CC removed regardless if at all possible . Let him know your a fighter and you ready to take it on if he his. It’ll be tough thoughts and hard going Sophie, but you have already shined through with positive determination and what more can you ask for. I have no doubt everyone on this site will be sending their thoughts , and prayers your way. I’ll even cross my toes and tape them that way if you want? Well, got to help my 29 year old son move into his apartment today. Third go at it; and I just have a great feeling he’ll be successful this time. Best of enough to You!
    God Bless and Brotherly Love,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Don’t hold back, you advocate for yourself while in hospital. If you want chocolate Ice cream or orange sherbet let-em know!

    in reply to: New CT scan for John #20465

    Barb.. I’ll be Jack LaLaine. Ha! Ha! Ha! best laugh I had today. He is still pumping those muscles on a commercial I saw recently. Can’t remember what product was advertising though. Ha!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New CT scan for John #20463

    Hi again Charlene, I just spent 3 hours researching several sites about maitaining weight and rebuilding weight. Basically everything I mentioned in the last post is pretty much right on. That includes my peanut butter , and egg theory, Excercise, Muscle toning and massage,Chemo treatment is side effects we all know of. anxiety/depression and environmental conditions that cause it. So I’d suggest everything I mentioned in previous post. Just start searching cancer nutrition or weight control and you’ll see High protien ,fatty food, dairy products… How I love my homemade banans splits and loaded pizzas and pasta of all types. I reviewed over 16 different sites and come up with the same. Taking a break from chemo is a excellent Idea. I mentioned that in another post that sometimes I feel doctors push to much to fast and we abide with decsion because of fear. Primarily worry of growth of tumors. I keep going back to my first oncologist of which I took his advice . If it is going to work now it will work then and by then there may be something that works better. Thats why as soonas I know within 3-4 treatments it is not doing any good I move on and try something else. I’ve had some good responses some pretty bad responses and still looking for the even better. You know a thought just run through my head that lost of some weight is actually healthy if you know what I mean (for some not all) If I did a body /fat measurement according to my hieght, I would probally be right on the reccommended healthy wieght. I know we are all different with different circumstance , I’m just a caring guy who wants to throw out whatever could possibally work for some one and improve their well-being.
    God Bless You Guys
    Jeff G,

    in reply to: New CT scan for John #20461

    Hi Charlene … Glad to hear no change in size of tumors. Just for the record I have lost weight in the last month. Personally I feel my weight lost is due to a combination of things…. 1st the chemo wears you out for sure, 2nd it is normal to drop about 5 lbs during the summer months and I’ve been out side sweating up a storm a few times. 3rd lack of exercise my metabolism drops and I keep catching myself not eating as much. I’ve notice I’ve noticed when I stay fairly busy my energery goes up and I’ll eat more. I sneak out to subway a get a loaded meat combo with extra mayo. Also I found it very important not to take more than 1hour nap sometimes shorter as sleeping a good 8 hours at night is when your body really recouperates. I also believe in all the the light possible during the day, not direct sunlight though. If you stay in gloomy dark rooms that seasonal depression disorder can reduce weight in my opinion. I have to open all the blinds and have my mind working listening to the radio or on the computer. Exercise so important or your muscle tissuse will waste away and that is hard to get back especially doing chemo and taking pain meds. I guess I constantly sike myself up to motivate and eat. Beging of May I was 182 and today I’m 172. With this extra week off chemo and going to Maine to see my Mom. I plan on eating all my favorite foods especially Italian sandwiches Maine style with all the vegtable oil dripping out of them. It will be interesting to see my weight when I return after one week. I have noticed that I no longer desire steak on the grill. It’s know chicken or pork ribs fat and all. I also for lunch have a couple peanut butter,banana,and sugar free strawberry jam sandwiches..protien ,potassium and fruit all rolled into one. If I drop below 170 then I’m going to worry. I was 170 when I got married 31 years ago. That is what I seewhen looking in the mirror now. My max weight was 216 lbs. before all the chemo started just over three years ago. Also muscles rubs with aloe and cucumber every night befor going to bed. Just my thoughts but like I said If Idrop below my high school weight, It will be time to stop chemo and go on a 100% fatten me up diet. For me it is a major sike my mind up game to fight off the other crap. Don’t know if this helped bit but I’m going to keep eating my greasy KFC and plenty of potatoes and gravy. Also poached eggs on toast 2 slices of toast loaded with margerine and 4-5 poached eggs depending onhow many I break. the fill in with bile I have not experienced. Oh one last think is being on lasix because of to much water retention I think contributes to lost weight for me. I find it hard to keep fluid going in. But I know I am because of peeing all the time…I don’t think it’s possible to get a good balace there most of the time and it causes weight fluxuation.
    Good Bless you Both,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Any doctors doing any new research??? #20449

    For my mom… You can check all the major cancer centers by clicking on cholangiocarcinoma above and you can go search cancer clinical trials or go to the website section of this site and you will find links to different centers including the NCI cancer Institute. You may want to expand your search to bile duct cancer trials, gallblader trials or liver trials They usally break them down from there although you will find individual ones as well. search adencarcinoma as well. I remember seeing a couple trials a couple of weeks ago but don’t remember eaxctly were. http://WWW.NCI.GOV will certainly get you rolling. Feel free to roam this site as it is full of information that may be of help as well. I’m sorry to hear of your Mom’s recurrence. Mine did as well. But stay positive and remain hopeful. As each page is turned new informations is popping up. You really have to be persistent and research. Please do use the pop down tabs above to lead you to a wealth of infor.
    God Bless You and your Mom,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New member diagnosed 1/18/208 #20440

    Welcome Gallatk, Great news about your surgery! My advice to your local surgeon is to take a hike!!! He is definitely out of the picture! I had resection and gallbladder removed in 1999. I’m still here! Tell him to put that in his pipe and smoke it! I did not start chemo until approximately 6 years after my recurrence which if had been removed initially I would not be doing chemo now. It’s different for everyone and you press on living everyday planning things to do tomorrow and a month or year from now. I would, like Marion mention become knowledgeable and be prepared. But by all means press on with life. Monitor with scans and take actions if something ever does show up. I’m glad to hear they removed your gallbladder as well. It is probally the biggest trouble maker of this disease to begin with. Again, welcome and feel free to ask any question s. Take time to browse through the whole site. Please excuse some of my post as like the most recent one I tend to go off brainstorming and have a little vent now and again. Will look forward to your posts in the future. This site has been super. You don’t have to be bashful at all. Wishing you the best!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20326

    If your an cantankerous old broad , then what the hecht am I ? A Boisterious stubborn Jackass (AKA mule)? Ha! who knows? If you got any good ideas I can adopt pass them on. I’m pretty thick skinned.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New member diagnosed 1/18/208 #20438

    Kris, I loved your post ! It just push one of my buttons! I personally just want to add… a news commentator concerning Senator kennedy Said something to the effect that currently most surgeons /doctors are thinking and practicing current protocol and don’t seem to be able to break the training mentality of their training /internship. However when the pressure increases from patients and younger generation doctors your going to see changes in treatment ,more out of the box thinking and highly more proficent methods of managing and possiblally curing this crap. If it was happening now by more of our current doctors alot more people would be staring down this cc with alot more confidence. Each doctor should be doing individual DNA and gene profiling and repair or circumvent the broken link, not just pumping chemo and radiation hoping for the best. There currently shooting in the dark(some not all) We keep saying it is so individual well do I have to say more. My Onco has been trying everything but has not profiled me as and individual. This will be a awesome topic when I see him next. My body is missing something or has to much of something that is causing the disruption and they’ll never know until complete dna /gene workup is accomplished so a repair can be done. It’s like using a diagnostic machine to figure out why your automobile won’t run. There is some organization on the west coast , a scientist who does this work and can find the faulty link(s). I’ve been tryng to locate again but having problems. He analyzes everything and sometimes I remember it to be a liver fluke parasite that can be killed will injection of an antidote. Like being biten by a poisonus snake that causes continuos inflamation and cell grow until the anti venom is given. I’m going to make calls to scientific laboratories and see what it would cost, lord forbid we know the insurance companies won’t cover something like that. Well, as kris says have to remain positive and hopeful, but we need to start thinking outside of the box if our doctors are stuck in the mud and not dealing with us as individuals. Oh yes I just went of on a tantrun but if we knew the missing link ,we would have a hell of a lot better chance correcting it with other conventional meds. Maybe I need to just eat 30 bananas a day or stop drinking out of alumin cans. I think the answers individually is so close in front of our eyes and we have not been screened properly/ scientifically, just blood work to verify yes or no. I not going to doubt myself. I might have to move and live at a different altitude to correct my problem. I’ll stop now with my ramping and raving. But I am going to go scientific enternal, and eco external and see what happens. Do ya all think I’m nuts or what? Something I keep doing has held me around this long. What the hell is it? Please excuse my French,German or swedish however you want to put it. If anyone knows of a great scientist or laboratory please let me know. I want to know what is deficient or to abundant and balance it out. I want to find the missing link! Cheerio for know!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma – same size for past 18 months #20246

    Ram dev….. After18 months and no change I would be looking for some different opinions from surgeons. Also radiation treatment has shown to reduce tumors to allow for surgery. As far as mis-diagnosis it is possible, although I have not done any extensive research in this area. If your wife has had no change or mets to other areas of the body in others words clean scans and her tumor markers and blood work don’t support the diagnosis and if the the bile itsself dosen’t support the diagnosis, I would be getting another opinion(s). It is possible the tumor is apotosis(dead). They were able to put in drains , were their any mention of stents. Ramdev, I don’t want to in any way give false hope, but if what you say is true I would be knocking on some doors and asking for referrals to some specialist to confirm what can be done. I was mis- diagnosis when I had my recurrence. I was told it was a hemigenoma(sp) Blood blister and it turned out to be CC again, that mets every where. 18 Months with no change or mets is quite a puzzle to me. I would definitely check it out as it would be a blessing to see if something else could be done besides external drains. It is something I would surely check in to. Whether the possibility of corrective sugery is is a choice due to location of blockage only an expert bile duct surgeon can tell you that. Wish you and your wife the best on whatever you decide to do. Please do let us know as it would be of great interest to us members of this site.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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