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  • in reply to: Taxotere no longer appears effective ? #20188

    Hi Peter… Fly in to Maine evening of 25th and return morning of the 29. Just a short little visit to see my Mom and my brother decided to have a family wedding while I was there, So another family reunion I guess you could say. Yes , I agree carpentry is good therapy. Nice to hear from you. Sounds as you have been quite a busy Man.
    Take Care and Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Taxotere no longer appears effective ? #20183

    Hey guys! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Like Lainy said I’m a well seasoned player and the game is far from over. GO Pack! and keep on trucking! Still feeling pretty good Joyce, thanks for asking. Just finished remodeling the kitchen so the will be my testimony of how I’m feeling. That’s rough work. that’s the second and last time doing that. Valerie will have to settle for paint or change the curtains anymore. Ha!
    Bless Ya All! …… Kris…I almost forgot, the bird house I built had a tenant. (Robin) I watched for the last 2 months or so. Little blue egg to birth and flew away with mommy and daddy. Didn’t have to use my hair after all they built their own little nest.
    Jeff G.


    Hey Lisa.. metanasties, that is easier to spell and pronounce. I like it ! I like it! Ha! Joyce… After filling my gut with roast chicken I came to the conclusion that resection if possible is the right route in my opinion. For myself I decided also to look in to Hydrozine sulfate Therapy. If the doctor won’t do it for the cancer ,I’ll tell him he is doing it for weight loss. That means I’ll have to stop pain meds and anxiety med for a while. I think I can handle that for a few weeks to see if it works or not. we’ll see next week what the Onco has to say. Mary I’m so happy all is going well for you guys! Thumbs up!
    Bless Ya !
    Jeff G.


    Hi Joyce…. No knowledge of the aggressiveness of University of Pittsburgh. I have heard they are a good institution and nothing negative. Dr Nagorney was my surgeon over nine years ago He is the Professor of Surgery, Gastroenterologic and General Surgery at Mayo. My personal feeling is he is a super surgeon. I consulted with him a couple years ago about possibally during surgery again and he basically told me there was nothing he could do as it had mets and stated it was systemic and surgery would not help. Now with that being said Dr.Gamblin may feel he can do the resection of liver and remove the nodes as well. The thing sticking in my mind is if you have the resection your keeping the mass away from the portal vein and possibally giving yourself years of living, I’m using my self as an example but we all respond differently. Mine returned to the other lobe of my liver but away from the portal veins. At about the same time it mets to my lungs and now to my bones and soft tissue. So as far as Mayo turning him down was most likely due to they feel it is systemic because of the mets and would be subjecting Butch to surgery that would be of no help. Therefore recommending chemo. Chemo in the pass three years has done nothing for me except slow things done quite a bit. But again chemo reacts different on different people. I guess if it was me and Dr. Gamblin is aware of the node and is willing to go ahead with surgery it just may buy you years of life. I’m sorry if this was kinda blunt. I’m just telling it like I see it from already being there. Wish You and Butch the very best! Please do keep- in- touch. Hope is still in the air. You just never know.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Mom has this horrible disease #20153

    Hi Lisa L…. Lisa how ols is your Mom and how extentsive is her cancer? Is it in one primary location or mets to different locations. Does she have any other illnesses that may hamper her in recieving different treatments? I really can’t suggest much without knowing a little more of her cancer. Ther are alternative chemo treatments, radiation of different kinds, and even another opinion might be worth looking in to. The fact she had several blood clots makes me think her cancer is pretty advanced. I’m so sorry your Mom has to endure this awful disease but there might be some other options yet. Although Mayo is normally reliable ,I have seen other treatment centers attempt some novel treatments. But as youknow from reading there are no guarantees when dealing with this mean disease. If you like tell us a little more and maybe some members will come up with some ideas for you to think about.Is your Mom having to deal with any pain yet? Wish your Mom the best and strentgh for you during this trying time.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Scotts Transplant #20134

    Hi Brenda… Just peaked at your blog…. and I can’t say enough how happy I am for you both ! 1.2 almost perfect ? I would say it falls in the perfect range myself Wow! Now you know and Don’t worry as you surely have had it explained to you ,it is common to have post surgical infections especially with the big ole drain tube. So keep a close watch on shivers ,chills and sweats, and check temp even after release from hospital for a couple weeks. That’s when my infection became noticable approimately 8 days after tube was removed. I was in isolation for another 9 days back in my home town hospital until I was back on my feet again. It would not have been that long if I hadn’t been so stubborn and waited so long. Here I am giving advice and you have more doctors than you can count right now. I guess It’s my mother hen nature.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed from Brunei – South East Asia #20050

    Joel … I’m so sorry to hear of your Mother passing. My sincere condolences to you and your family. May your Mum rest in peace. She no longer has to battle the pain and suffering. May you find the strength during this trying time.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: FYI Scott has gone for transplant!!!!!! #20126

    Brenda… I’m praying for you all! ICU and waiting is a nerve racking time. I hope and pray that he can breath on his own real soon!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: For my mom…. #19739

    Shelagh … I have no doubt the people of Vancouver will see two strong and proud sisters walking tall for their most honorable Mom ! On -going Research plays a vital role in bringing a cure to the table. Every step you take helps that cause.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemzar & Cisplatin #14688

    Nancy… Really glad it did the trick for you. I do the same thing with stool softener or vegtable laxative tablets. I just get that feeling and know I should take one or the other. With pain medications you have a choice; back off on pain meds until the bowel wakes up or take something to temporary wake them to keep things regular.

    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: FYI Scott has gone for transplant!!!!!! #20123

    Brenda and Scott…. All the hope and prayers for good positive results ! Have they set a surgery date ? I just want to add a special big wish that day!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed from Brunei – South East Asia #20047

    Joel … I am so so sorry to hear that your Mum is having such a suffering bad time. I can relate to the anger of those people who don’t know their head from their A–. I and others on this site will agree with you 100% with what you have shared and continously preach exactly what you have said. One thing to remember Joel, is this type of cancer is so much unpredictable and can catch people off guard in a heart beat. Even on this side of the world even the best of doctors and centers can’t help. It really depends on how quickly it is discovered, where it is located, and how quickly appropriate intervention takes place. I would at least think pain management can be applied to make your Mum comfortable. Also appropriate drains and monitoring for infections. Joel my heart goes out to you and your Mum! Remember not to beat yourself up as it is not your fault! This disease can take our loved ones away so quickly or linger on for years battling it. We can only do what his humanly possible my friend. TENDER LOVING CARE as you said goes a long way. Many times we find ourselves with that one and only option. God’s Speed my friend and don’t hesitate to vent anytime you wish. For you and your Mum … You will never be alone as long as God lives in your heart…..which is obvious in your situation. Yes it hurts and angers us all to an extent. Joel please do update us if you wish and if there is anything at all that we can suggest to make your Mum more comfortable we ‘ll be here!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: mum #20116

    Jilly… May your mum rest in peace. I’m sure she knew and accepted the Lords hand. My sincere condolences.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Yes we will look forward to seeing your catalogue when the time is right for you.

    in reply to: One week Post Taxotere # 8 #20115

    Hi G…… Glad to hear your shouder surgery went well. I’ve had mostly CT Scans but if I think something is going on I will usually due the MRI from head to abdomen. I seem to always get a really thurough report when I have them. I have both with and without contrast. Well got to run. Just finished backsplash tiling in the kitchen, well 3 pieces left to cut and then grout in a couple days. Had to stop for a 2 hour nap (lol) Don’t no if it ‘s ole age or cc. probally a little of both.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: High Platelets? #20062

    Hi Charlene.., Did a little research and found that elevated platelets are called thrombocytosis and can be seen in people with or without significant medical problems. Can commonly be seen when a chronic inflammation is present which will causes infection. In other cases it can signal a more serious problem called myeloproliferative disorder(abnormal growth of blood elements within the bone marrow. This is something I have not heard of before in these medical terms and I would probally ask for a better explanation from John’s doctor. Is it possible that the CC has got into his bone marrow? I don’t know just relaying information researched. This would explain nausea and losing weight. I’m not a medical doctor Charlene but it sounds like inflammation due to infection or mets to bone marrow. Please don’t react on my research but get a good explanation from the Doctor. See what can be done . I think drinking ensure is not the answer. It’s so hard for me to even post this as it is research infor and not personal experience on this one. I hope it is the lesser of the two and antibiotics will clear up. Myself I can’t get or keep my platelets up to reach the normal range. You may have already found your answer as I see your post was unanswered for a while. Wishing you and John the best.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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