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  • in reply to: Babblings of a grieving person #17068

    Hi Kate, Long time no hear! Just want to say Hi and tell you your Mum and her video painted an ever-lasting picture in my mind. Living on a Greek Island in a casual, free, and simple way. Living with the beauty of nature and enjoying the peacefulness of it all is so serene to me. Kitty Cats and birds galore. Your Mom was a special one of the kind Mum who won’t be forgotten. What you shared and how you introduced and spoke of your Mum is like I’ve known her for years. I really envied her style of living care free as the wind blows. She was a women full of wisdom; I’m lucky to be able to color in a coloring book, let mine paint and sell my own paintings. Kate just wanted to say you were a loving and caring daughter and took the bull by the horns at the time it was needed and you came through with flying colors or colours(proper English you Know). Because of you, your Mum left this world feeling loved and with great dignity. Keep on smiling!

    God BlessYou and Family,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. I think you and Joyce have a close match going for the longest post. Ha! tootles! Cheerio! for now.

    in reply to: SIR spheres vs. chemotherapy #18029

    Pauline… I had external beam to the liver with mets to both lungs. It had to be approve as pallative treatment due to uncontrolled pain. Only other thing my Oncologist won’t do chemo and radiation at the same time as it creates to much havoc to the immune system. I would give Wayne, above your post a call and ask for doctor Kennedy’s contact information. They just may have an answer for you. I just don’t recall it ever being mentioned about SIR-Spheres either way if had lung mets. I would think If I had 3D-IMRT with lung mets why not SIR-Spheres.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Great News!!!! #19801

    Charlene…. It certainly does cause some outbursts. It effects the central nervous system and makes you very irritable. I warned my wife ahead of time and apologized so many times. I felt so bad afterwards. I have even loss my patience in Walmart and my wife has more than once took my arm and lead me out of the store and apologizing telling the clerks I was on some real tough medications. I know when I’m doing it, but I just have to get it out. So now I go to store like 5-6 AM when no one is around. When at a large gatherings my wife will hear me starting to get frustrated at something and she will hold my arm like going down the wedding isle and rub my arm with her other hand and it distracts me enough to stay closed mouth. I’m not a raving lunitic by any means but I have gotten raised Tone and spoke my mind. I don’t seem to have much anger anymore just frustration and I take myself out of the situation. So if your Doctor says no, then he needs to take it for awhile and see how his nerves respond to this chemical. Any med that alters your central nervous system can cause frustration, stress, depression, nerves, jumpiness, I have so much nerve damage now, that I have uncontrollable twicthing and jerks. Maybe if This chemo chews up enough nerves the CC cells will stop growing? The list goes on. Wishing you guys the Best!

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Xeloda (capcitabine) not as bad with this Taxotere.

    in reply to: First time here, mother passed at age 54 in 2006 #19862

    Hi Liz, Congratulations with graduating from college! Thanks for sharing about your Mom. It’s obvious you and your Mother had a loving bond. The Mommy Journal is just a nice idea. Hopefully, it will allow you to process your grief a little further. Don’t feel guilty about your Dad living alone and having to pay bills; like your Mother said “life will go on”. The only thing I would say is if any of those bills might be college related it’s not uncommon for students to start picking up at least part of the tab after graduating and in to the work force. Maybe that does’nt apply to you. I just feel your Mother would be so proud of you and I’m sure she is watching and cheering happily from above of all your accomplishments. When it comes time for marriage and having children I think you will sense your Mother’s presence in some way.
    Liz, I think that leaving my loved ones and not knowing if they will be safe is what concerns me the most. I have already had a Family meeting with my wife, grown up daughter and son. I told them the same thing your Mom told you” Life will go on”. I have fortunately been fighting this disease for 9 years althought it is getting tougher as each month and treatment goes on. I’ll keep my hope and faith for a remission or maybe a miracle cure and I’ll encourage others to do the same. Great strides scientifically have been surfacing. Like polio and smallpox we’ll get there one day; unfortunately many of us won’t be able to fight long enough to see that day. I feel comfortable and free already for some reason. But if I can stay around and be self sufficient and be with my loving family a little longer that would be nice.
    Liz I’m glad you posted and shared. I hope you you are dealing with your grief, it sounds as though you are. It can take a while but eventually we keep recalling the happy memories and get past the end of life experience.

    Wish you the Best Liz! Your future will be what you want it to be!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. As far as your friends and their disrespect for their Mother’s; I can understand your anger. Just keep yourself empowered. You have gained and have learned the hard way of the meaning of unconditional Love and also the wisdom to know what individual responsibility is all about.

    in reply to: Husband diagnosed w/ metastatic CC #19869

    Sue … Sorry to hear about your husband’s surgery results. This sight has been extremely helpful and supportive for me. Many members have and are trying different types of treatments. Any questions don’t hesitate to post or use the search. My only option at this time is chemo and radiation. I’ve been going at it just over the nine year mark last month. Keep faith and hope.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Finally, all of the answers #19853

    Tanoland… You might ask doctor if there is something else she can take for pain as some people respond differently to different pain meds. I actually take Morphine slow release 4 times daily and Hydromorphone every 4 hours if needed for break through pain. Might help? It could cause drowsiness as with any pain med but I seem to do just fine with this set up. I’m glad to see you have a large supportive family to help each other through this trying time.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Val Wilson #19827

    Matt… I’m so sorry to hear of Val’s passing. At age 41 it just don’t seem right. I’m sure she will be one of God’s best Guardian Angels ever! May Val rest in peace and may God give you the strength and understanding needed to work through this emotional time of your life.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Sister has Stage IV Bile Duct Cancer w/Metastasis #19659

    Tanoland… I’m glad to hear that your sister has started chemo. I’m sorry to hear that it is spreading so fast. I really hope this chemo will slow things down for her. I can imagine how scared she is right now and you as well. I know it is hard to be positive and have hope. Like most of us ,hope is the one thing we have to hold on to. We have to remain positive and pray and hope for the best outcome possible. Tanoland, hope is about all any of us have to hold on to with this disease. Your going to have to be strong my friend and love and support Shirley as much as you possibally can. Only time will tell now. I wish I had a magic wand. Please tell Shirley she has all our love and prayers of support with a whole bunch of hope things will turn around for her.

    God Bless You Both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Communication issues #19759

    Hi Joyce… Your such a sweetheart! It is difficult sometimes to type what your really trying to put across on this site without it coming across the wrong way to some. You know, I’m glad you agreed to agree to agree and I agree with you as well. I thank you kindly for your supportive comments. I wish we could be guardian angels and just go around and vanish this disease in everyone affected ! Back to the Doc on Thursday. Fluid seems to have dissapated. Probally will go another round of Taxotere.

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Communication issues #19757

    Joyce— Like I said throughout my opinion it is an individual choice and I respect that. I feel there are many factors and reasons why some choose to fore-go treatments and go for quality til the end. I surely weren’t attacking Robynhar for her husband’s choice. My first few years started out the same way as her husband and then I had a change of heart/purpose. I just feel there is such an array of possiblilities in progress and I just differ in my opinion about chemo not being of any help. It’s like the flu, smallpox, any other historical epedemics you can think of, someone has to find the right combination and I would just like to contribute as much as I possibally can until a miracle happens or my time to move on comes around. I am happy that Robynhar and her husband built everlasting memories and again I respect their right for making their individual choice in dealing with this cruel disease. God’s love and support goes out to her and all she has endured.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. I think we are all mature enough to be able to agree to disagree. At least I feel that way.

    in reply to: Update on Val Wilson #19830

    Partice and Dave… They have my deepest thoughts and prayers. I’m sooo sorry they have to be going through this.

    God Bless You All !

    P.S. Patrice how is Dave doing? Holding his own I surely hope?

    in reply to: Fluid Build-up (Abdomen and Extremities) #19804

    Rjody… Try to stay away from can goods or other products with high sodium content. Also table salt. As already mentioned diuretic can be prescribe to help. I take one tablet of Furosemide in the morning. But I don’t have fluid build up as you described of your loved one. If to much fluid it may have to be drained. There is side effects involved with Furosemide. Usually dizziness, the most common but there are others. Another important one is to watch your potassium levels. Your docotor or Pharmacist can explain others. Normally very well tolerated.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Chemotherapy #19787

    Just wanted to say … don’t forget to submit forms from doctors or social services to drug companies for medication assistance. You will be surprized how generous and compassionate they are when you are going threw a financial rough patch. My son has recieved assistance several months now for free medication. They just need to have the doctor sign off and then they send it directly to the doctor for ditributing them as precribed. He qualified as low income and unable to work at this time. Hopefully that will be turning around real soon. No he don’t have cancer and I respect his privacy as he does mine.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Communication issues #19753

    Hi Robynhar…. I’m sorry that you feel chemo and the Oncology world has nothing to offer. That is your opinion that you are entiled too. I just can’t believe your doctor says he had nothing more to offer. These other chemos for other types of cancers have shown very good results and are still in the pioneer stage. My opinion is that Oncology and surgeons have been making quite an impact in dealing with CC. I have no doubt in my mind that I would not be on this earth as today if it weren’t for great professional surgeons and super oncologists. I have not been given no false promises and believe my life has surely been extended due to the persistance of my self and the willingness of my oncologist to at least try different types of chemo of which I have seen with my own eyes. Maybe I won’t live a full life but I’ve enjoyed the last nine years. There are new innovative techniques and drugs being discovered and fine tuned each and every day. Statistics are always behind times. The only current statistics is the number of people that are born or die and then that is only accurate if it was reported. I look forward to living and loving those dear to me and if it means trying something different or new then so be it. Some 0ne told me once,” That the Lord will help those who are willing to help themselves” I guess I and alot of others are willing to do that. Another more non -bibical saying “no pain no gain”. As long as I continue to see with my own eyes my own scans and my own blood work, and my own face in the mirror, and hear myself snoring awakening myself, I will press on with my path of trying chemo or radiation or some new invention that kills cancer cells. That is what I prefer to do. I may not have any bone marrow left in my body when I’m finished or maybe I will. It was certainly an individual choice of howyour husband chose to deal with this CC, but I personally want to give it a whirl and keep searching for something that will fight this disease where does it go from there if some one doesn’t? I ask my self, how would we be able to see at night without light or go on vacations using modern technology if some one didn’t trial and error. I guess we all have opinions and choose different paths. This post is just my opinion. Everyone has one and that again is something I respect as well. I am happy that you had a great summer vacation and spent quality time togeter. I wish you the best. I’m am truley soory to hear of your bad experience with hospice as well. My true sympathy goes out to you for your loss as well, but I really have to say, many others on this site are really choosing to be positive and battle this disease to extend life or possibally hit a cure. We have hope. You made some points about money and research that were understood. That’s why we have Organizations such as Cholangiocarcinoma.Org rising to the challenge to intensify public and political awareness and working on obtaining research grants and raising funds where possible. They are making a huge difference although a lot of us don’t see what is going on behind this web site. Their and our work will benefit maybe one of us or at least get a head start for the future. I apologize if I have over spoken but I personally have hope and want to try if not for myself for others as well. Together we can change those outdated statistics. I think we have a real head start in this arena already.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Chemotherapy #19783

    Tanoland.. I also had gemzar and Xeloda at one point with my treatments and it reduced my tumors about 40 % and held them at bay for about six months before I moved on and tried something different. I remember cutting my dosage of Xeloda in half to 2000 mgs daily instaed of 4000 only cause it for me was causing to much tingling ang and pain in my finger tips. I did fine on the lower dosage. I would have preferred to stay on the full dosage but that was an individual choice at the time. If your counts are dropping that is good! In my opinion it is eating up some of those free radicules of cc and slowing things down. It’s when you see if they stop responding you try something else it has given me quite a few years. Thats why I pay close attention to the scans. In fact I just shaved my head again last night as being off Taxotere for about two months and then starting up again this month show it is still going after them cells. Unfortunately have to take it slow and easy with this chemo as it eats white and red good cells as well. I have to counter act that with injectionsof figrastim and antibiotics each treatment. It’s like a wait and see if my marrow will outlast the cc cells. One last thing is you got to eat and drink no matter what when doing this chemo stuff. Do alot of snacking as well.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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