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  • in reply to: anyone exerence personality changes long before diagnosis? #19131

    My personality has changed so much. I look at just about everything differently. As much as I push and try to remain positive I sense a little withdrawal from interaction with my family. We have discussed my feelings and have had great support from my family but I still have to keep realing back the closeness and family love that I want. Another part of me wants to stay low key and isolate and wierdly put distance between me and my family so as to maybe make it easier when they day comes. It is so mentally challenging to plan vacations or other events, especially long term plans as I don’t know what the future holds. My changes seem to have begun after diagnosis so very slowly. Then when the decision to begin chemo things were really a rollercoaster. I have had to pull myself up out of the darkness so many times. It’s like one of those television commercials for depression,(it hurts). It’s like a cycle of emotions low then high. I’ve read a lot about this subject and it is considered normal but does take a toll on your loved ones as they are hesitant on how to respond from one day to the next. Now that I’m seasoned, it is getting to be easier as I’ll now say lets make plans, lets go do this or that but I do so openly with the understanding that if my health declines to the point that I’m unable to follow through we’ll just have to reschedule or whatever. I guess you would call this a form of adaptation. Like I’ll stay at the hotel and nap while they go to the pool or maybe I’ll be the first one in. It’s an arkward way of living but it’s living and enjoyment just simply watching the ones I love have fun. Even if PaPa can’t do the big ole cannon ball splash anymore it is fun . Hope, faith, and love will see me through to remission or in to God’s eternal peace. So each day I’ll try my hardest to be happy and continue living with my family! There is a reason for all of life’s events irregardless of which direction the road will go. Smile be happy to the most extent possible is my mind set now-a days.
    God Bless to All!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: just got home from the hospital #19108

    Alice… Just thinking out loud… Could he possibally be trying to pass a kidney stone? Yes, Wednesday sounds like a long time to be waiting. There were many times I told my wife let’s wait and see and then within a couple hours off to the ER we went. With his stomach swollen and hard I personally would be looking for some answers now not next week. Has John tried soaking in a real warm tub? Alice I’m not trying to create any panic just trying to give you some ideas. Has he tried laying in different positions using pillows to support his lower back, side, or stomach? Did they check his kidney function? And like Carol mentioned Ascites? he may need stomach fluids drained. Play it safe my dear even if you have to go to a different hospital.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: just got home from the hospital #19105

    Alice, It sure sounds like side effect of oxaliplatin. Very harsh drug I went only 3 rounds and stopped because of pain and and started noticing a slight bloody stool and tinge of blood from a couple vomits. The nausea from the drug causing the vomiting can’t in itself rupture varices. I would recommend some immodium to stop diareaha and nuasea med to stop the vomiting. I know for fact went my varacies popped around my rib the bleeding was very painful. I only went to change gears automatic when it happened to me. If he continues to see blood I would not hesitate to visit the ER. Usually the varacies will stop bleeding. Did they due mri or ct to ruled out any possible mets to another location? I pray things calm down and John can get some rest. I really wish I could give you something concrete. MRI discover wear my bleeding/popped varacies happened.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Maine Coast Sea Vegtables/medicinal/botanical #19086

    Ha! It did say not to use paper towels to cover your food in the nuker but didn’t mention paper plates. Chemicals are use to make both soooooo? I guess you probally should take a set of good chinaware, I mean corningwear or what ever. I wonder if we should stop using toilet paper, the world would have fun if that word got out.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Maine Coast Sea Vegtables/medicinal/botanical #19084

    Hi Becky,
    Your quite welcomed. You enjoy puerto penasco. Vitamin D from the sun is good in small doses. Don’t forget your sun Lotion. Ha! Sea salt good move. Also no microwaving food in or covered plastic containers even if they say micro wave safe. Just added this as I was just reading some new John Hopkins update. I guess Dioxins can expell from the containers while being microwaved. So take a bowl and plate if your going to use the hotel nuker!
    Have Fun!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: new to board #19002

    Mr. J.
    Glad to hear you are getting a second opinion. Get a third if you have too. Yes, some of our true blue professional doctors have some arkward bedside manners but they usually know their stuff. Be sure to stay hydrated with all that sweating going on by dring plenty of water. Definitely let the Doc know about all this sweating. Have you been checking your temp at all like when you actually notice the sweating? Hope all gets on track for you soon.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Itching, itching, itching #19062

    I used solarcaine sunburn spray or Gel. gave me relief enough to get to sleep. I also remember someone soaking in a warm water tub with baking soda. Also warm steamy shower using a soft body brush opens up those skin pores and rinses them out. I personally have the steamy shower first and then apply the solarcaine what a relief. I don’t have itching that often depends on what I eat that get my liver pumping and also cutting back a little on pain meds helps me. Also I find that if I feel like my colon is a little to full, a fleet enama (Insert and Squeeze type) gives me almost instant relief. I don’t do this very often but with pain meds slowing down bowel movements a lot of the time you don’t poop as much as you should even if going on a regular every other day or so. That slow backup allows time for absorbtion in my opinion. Sorry didn’t mean to get so gross with my suggestions. More water drinking helps. There that cleaned it up a little.
    Bluntly Yours!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: new to board #19021

    CandyZ…. Bad night sweats … Have had many. Three primary reasons for me was side effect of Chemo, infection or fever breaking, or immune system fighting off bacteria which tends to happen more at night or when laying down for nap. Main thing is to take your tempature; Anything above normal take non-aspirin fever reducer. If that don’t help and/or your temp spikes above 100 I went to ER for evaluation. Turned out one time to be a sinus infection. Another time was pnuemonia. Unfortunately we can’t blame the everyday viral or bacterial stuff on CC. Well, You can if you want. When my immune system is down then I do. Also, shock from from your body fighing the changes of the CC would fit in my opinion.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: What’s helped me #19075

    Peter, Thanks for reminding me. I need to get a swim suit. Donated my other ones as they were to big. Actually, When I read your post I was thinking about you mimmicking a porcipine(sp) in vermont. Ha!

    in reply to: new to board #19000

    Mr. J. Will be thinking of you and wish you a very positive surgery!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: What’s helped me #19073

    Hi Kristin, Just wanted to say good for you! I love your positive attitude. I could’nt agree with you more about being centered and taking the whole person approach. I do admit I have not tried acupuncture I guess because I get stuck so much already Ha! Certainly sounds worth trying if your getting that kind of relief. Kristin, I’m glad things are remaining stable. Keep up the great work!
    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New to the board #18992

    Hi JoAnn, Surgery, Chemo, Radiation and a few alternative supplements. March 16th will be 9 Years. I still have CC on remaining lobe of liver, mets to both lungs, bones, and soft tissuse. I’ve tried many chemo regimens. Have had my share of roller coaster rides and don’t care to go to an amusement park with rides any more. Currently on Taxotere only every three 3-4 weeks. Will yake a break after this next one on Wednesday and get ready for a vacation to Hawaii. I do take morphine and break through pain meds as needed. Taxotere, after 3 years of different chemos seems to be holding all stable. It is hard on the white blood cells and have to take antibiotic and filgrastim injections days 6-11 due to immune system is practically wiped out each time. With all that said I remain hopeful and positive and expect to push on at least for another three years. Maybe the miracle cure will come around the corner. Will never know if you don’t stay positive and keep on trucking. I would recommend every 3-4 months a complete CT Scan and any new pain anywhere in the body should be investigated with CT or MRI and even nuclear Bone scan. 3-D Conformal radiations is good for me when hot spot pop up. Even though my Ct Scans look scary when ever I read them which I do get a copy for myself each and every time. I like to watch the numbers and make sure Oncologist doesn’t miss something I think is of concern. Self Advocation goes a long ways with this disease. I am on SSDI now and become domesticated around the home as well as remodel projects. I do the shopping and still drive where I want to go. I Love to cook and being able to have a meal ready for my wife makes me feel useful and I even surprize her once in a while with blueberry muffins and banana/rasin bread. Yes we are all different with our genes/DNA etc. But your 100% right about being aggressive and staying alert. It certainly sounds as though you are right on top of it. I don’t hesitate to be a pest at the doctors or when going for chemo. Get to know your Oncology Nurses they can be of enormous help at times. I( think evryone in the ER knows me now and know what to do when I show up. First thing is they listen and do what I know has to be done or checked out. Yes, I guess I came to grips with this disease and decided to live with it and put up a little fight at the same time. As long as it works I’m not going to knock it. Best wishes to you and your father. One last thing, this web site has been a main support system for me and others as well. Feel free to post anytime we are hear to share experiences and new ideas.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: hope on the horizon #19008

    Jules … Nice to hear from you. That link/article was extremely interesting to read. I agree with you, there is hope on the horizon. I will certainly keep a close watch on this one. Thanks for posting it, as hope gives many the energy and mind set to keep on trying.
    Bless You!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: What happens next? #18972

    mtmama… I don’t really have much to share at this point except CC with cirrohsis involvement can seriously complicate things. I would still recommend a second opinion. I would also recommend as I’m sure you already, know to put the vodka away as it will seriously hamper any treatment and will surely dehydrate him so quickly. You can get copies of scans and reports and fedex overnight to a different cancer center like sloan kettering, Mayo, ect. Click on Cholangiocarcinoma above and it will give you the contact infor of major cancer centers who have dealt with this type cancer. Sorry to hear about your husbands condition. Have him drink plenty of water and get prescription for nausea would be of benefit to start off with. I’m sure the radio frequency has irritated his digestive system from the inflamation. Prayers and thoughts to you both.
    God Bless ,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Back to the hospital! #18981

    Chrissy, So sorry to hear of chuck’s episode of pain. I’t’s easy for me to say but let’s get the results of the stool sample. Believe me the flu and pneumonia is going around this year really bad. Our hospitals in Kansas ran out of bed space at one point a few weeks ago due to the severity of the flu virus. I myself thought the worse a few weeks ago. I ended up in the ER as well and instead of cancer complications, I had walking pneumonia in one of my lungs. In fact I just had x-ray today and will find out if it has completely cleared up tomorrow when I have my follow-up with Oncologist. I really hope they determine what’s up real soon. I pray it’s just an infection that can be cleared up. The fact he had the runs ,etc. leeds me to believe his bile system is working and you said he appeared to have no juandice which is a good sign in my book as well. Big hug and prayers chrissy.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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