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  • in reply to: Help, My mum has nonresectable CC #18674

    Andy… So sorry to hear about your Mum. Did the doctors explain why it is inoperable and why they are just considering pallative care? You can always get a second opinion as sometimes there is a difference of opinion between doctors. However if they show you CT Scans of the cancer and you can see for yourself how badly it has spread and why it is not operable it is a choice for her to make. Andy it’s hard hearing of a diagnosis of such. There are others on this site from England who have sought out second opinions at a cancer Center in Leeds. I don’t recall the name, but it is a well known hospital and suppose to have the best of doctors experienced in this type of cancer. Sorry I can’t offer you more information , but I’m sure if our England members see your post they’ll probally know the doctors name as well. Wish you and your Mum the best possible.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Hospice #18661

    Bill & Kathleen, I’m so sorry things have progressed to hospice. 5 1/2 years of battling this disease my heart goes out to you both. Kathleen I wish you what you deserve……. Lots of family love and comfort……. God Bless you and the whole family!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: why remove the biliary stent? #18626

    Site Members,
    Metal vs Plastic stents…… I just finished reading 17 studies that have been
    conducted on stents. It is amazing how much information there is as far as comparability of effectiveness. Also different types of metal and plastic stents. Also I discovered that metal stents can be replaced as well as being unclogged with a balloon type rotter rooter. There is also different types of metal stents to include polymer coated to help preveny tumor invasion as quickly. I also learned that they can even place plastic stents within the metal stents. After reading all these studies it boiled down to little to no difference with the exception that plastic stents were easier to replace and less expensive than platinum stents. The primary concern was age, location, aggressiveness of tumor causing blockage in both types from the direction of the bile flow and of course infection once bile flow begins to restrict. Overall it falls back to the individual and how advance and aggressive their disease is. When it came to prolonging life the metal stents came out on top by only a small margin (3 percent) according to one study I read. If you just do a search (metal stents vs plastic stents), you will get plenty of information to digest , including vivid pictures of stents being placed and cleaned out. I wanted to bring this infor to everyones attention so you may make a well informed choice and that second opinions apply to the type of stents due to so many factors involved. As with having a resection, there will be difference of opinion between doctors. We have to remember to advocate what is best for you and your body. That comes from knowledge of subject and challenging your professionals with approriate questions and then do your own comparison of your situation. I think I have got to take a nap now. Wish you all the best.
    God Bless !
    Jeff G. P.S. I think I’ll visit Subway before the nap. My hunger outways my tiredness.

    in reply to: why remove the biliary stent? #18619

    Hi Candee, Sorry about your Mom getting an infection and hope it is cleared up soon. It is so often I read about infections involving stents. I’m trying to determine in my own mind , what percentage of these infection are due to lack of proper sterile conditions and the body immune system rejecting the placements. I have noticed individuals with metal stents seem to do some what better. Just thinking out loud. Wish you and your Mom the best.
    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: why remove the biliary stent? #18616

    Sorry to hear of your Mom’s condition. Not knowing the exact procedure I can’t be of much help to you. The only thing I can think of is after placing the stent and reviewing, they may feel a different lenght or type would be beneficial in the long run. It is fairly normal to have stents changed every 2-3 months to prevent clogging and infections. Some people start out with plastic stents and then end up changing and having metal stents which are easier to keep unclogged with out having to change. I’m sure other on this site will respond to your post who are actually doing very well with stents. This is just infor i’ve read from other members on this site. I personally have not needed a stent as of yet.
    Wish your Mom the best and remember a second opinion is always a good Idea in my book.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: stem cell transplantation #18603

    Hi Lana, Stem cell transplantation is still going on and more research is being conducted every day. I personally have not seen much media lately. I know there has been some successes and again not. I remember a hockey coach with family, back in my home town tried as a last resort about 7 years ago but was to no avail unfortunately. I think the controversy about stem cell and how research initially slowed them down but from recent research show it is still a viable option although very complicated and time consuming procedure. I don’t remember anyone here on this site trying that option but I could be wrong. You have got me doing some research on the matter as well as bone marrow transplant. In fact I had just talked with my sister a couple weeks ago about UNC and Duke if she would kinda check things out for me beings she is right there and see how active their programs are. Sorry , I couldn’t be of more help .
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My husband just diagnosed with cc #16975

    Lisa , you enjoy that skiing girl. I never tried snow skiing but have done some boat sking. I can imagine it’s more free going and challenging. I really get in to watching the ski competitions on television. Do you do any of those high jumps or are you a zig -zagger (what ever that means Ha!
    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New direction for John and update on insurance meds #18606

    Charlene, Sorry to hear the change in John’s Dx and change of TX. I’m very pleased to hear you went postal on the insurance company and got results finally. I have had to do that a couiple times myself. They apppear to listen with open ears when you mention legal ramifications. There are supportive Insurance companies out there but then you always have those who drag their darn feet. what type of chemo is John going to start back on. You said it was holding things in place which is good sign in my book as long as it ‘s tolerable.
    Wish ya both the best! Going to take a nap;up all night pinging because of steriods! I thought I was going to squeeze by this time but fool on me. That decadron got me again.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: 2008 #18506

    Patrice and Dave, Good to hear! Wish you luck, cross my fingers, and knock on wood ! I really hope that they have something good to offer.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Introduction #18573

    Hi Tiffany…. Sorry to hear your Dad’s condition is so far advanced. I do pray that his time of Hospice is comfortable and without pain. Sorry to hear about your Sister as well. It seems the hurt of loosing a loved one goes on for a long time. My heart just want’s to wish you and your family the best during this trying and emotional time.
    Bless you All,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: CA 19-9 Results #18588

    Ann… CA-19 count as you probally know is used for monitoring the aggressiveness of tumor activity; lower the count less active, higher more active. I can’t say for sure but with blockage the serum can’t leave the body properly and and is more likely to be absorbed, With stents in place the serum can flow and depart the body more quickly. That is just an educated guess. I really can’t think of anything else except maybe a big change in diet. I’ll keep on researching this that is for sure.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Introduction #18568

    Hi Tiffany…. Sorry to hear about your Dad’s DX. Welcome to the CC site. If any questions pop up at all, feel free to ask away, vent , or tell your story. Your 100% correct, this is one caring site and we will due our best to assist you informational wise and with emptional support as well. Quite a few years of experience on this site. Where is your Dad at with treatment now,if he is having treatment that is?
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: 2008 #18502

    Karen…. Dito!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Update on John #18546

    Charlene… I agree with Marion about the doctor advocating for their patient. However 99.9 % of the time you’ll need to inform his or her nurse/s what you need and they’ll put the letter of support together for the doctor’s signature. Usually your doctor is so overwhelmed with patients that they rely heavily on their nurses to cover them with administrative requirements to make things happen. Also, the nurses can fax or call your Insurance company for you to provide the justification needed. I’m so sorry you and John are having this problem. I’ve found working with the Oncology nurses have been of great benefit with making things happen sooner and more effectively.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemcitabine and Tarceva, side effects? #16914

    Thanks Barb, Everything is non – refundable so immuno-suppressed or not I’m a going. I will read up on Father Damian.
    Jeff G.

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