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  • in reply to: SIR spheres vs. chemotherapy #18015

    Richard.. I have not had SIR Spheres but I did have 3-D conformal external radiation to the tumor of my liver approximately one year ago. My oncologist coordinated with a Radiologist/oncoloigist and it was determined he could encompass the entire tumor left lobe as my right lobe was resected in 99. I have had no growth or pain of the liver since. I have had no side effects other than a little tiredness during treatment one time a day for 15 days. treatment time about 5 minutes each. The tumor was 6.4 x 6.8 CMs. It is now 6.1×6.2 CMs. I think it killed the tumor myself. I had mets to the spinal area and about 6 months ago had same procedure. Again no problems and 2CM shrunk and pain went away. I do have mets to other locations and intend to press Doc for more Radiation as it seems that where ever I get radiation it kills the cancerous hot spots I call them. Your prescreen/scanned to get exact calculations of the beam and width and angles and marked on the body. I’m no Doc but radiation does great for me so far. But I’m sure the location of tumor can make a difference. Wish you the best.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Intense pain a sign of something positive – is it possible? #18014

    Richard, I have more than one time told my wife this chemo seems to be working or doing something as it is causing pain in liver and lungs. I’ve told my Doc about this and a couple times he kinda agreed but it was temporary in my case. I really do think if the chemo regimen is working or doing good for you there will be some pain. I have been to ER several times before becoming a chemo Pro Ya Ha! I surely do believe in miracles as well. My wife brought it up first but last week I was having trouble sleeping and went to the living room to sleep. That Night my wife said she saw my Dad at the foot of the bed as clear as day and he told her all was going to be okay. I saw a quick vision of something in the living room and felt the presence of my Dad. My wife never talks about anything like this. It was just so unexplainable both of us experienced this on the same night at the same time. God works in mysterious ways!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Request for prayers for my dad #18000

    A few prayers from me you surely have and everyone on this site each and every day!
    God Bless You All !
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New here; mom-in-law recently diagnosed with CC #17610

    Hi Gregg, My sincere condolences to you and the rest of the family. May Mom -In – Law rest in peace !
    God Bless You All,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Using the forum and family members #17960

    Kris , My wife comes and shares with reading the posts sometimes and can only read so much before it sinks in and then she finds something else to do. I mainly get on line when she is out or at work but she will ask how is everyone doing. I have giving her and my 30 year old duaghter the web site address so I imagine they are having a peek now and then. So I guess it is another one of those some can deal with it and others not.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Dr. Jerome Canady #17781

    Tom, I surely wish you and your Dad the best. I personally Have no opinion of Dr. Canady one way or the other. He Basically stated that he uses 3-D imagery to determine the best approach or if surgery is possible. All surgeons use 3-D imagery. There is obvious differences of opinion in the medical arena. But then again isn’t that how break throughs and progress come about? Especially if toes have been stepped on or if someone was not included on the invention side of his life. Well, I said I had no opinion but gave one away. I pray that he can extend life as professionally as other surgeons. I guess my sources for making decisions have to come from somewhere other than tabloid news.
    Again, I’m talking about his professional ability as a surgeon not that he was denied priveleges at a hospital; as if there was incompentency issuses the news would be more on the lines of his right to practice medicine period. I wish Your Dad the best care and treatment possible! I opologize if my earlier post felt like I was attacking, personal feelings of how much damage news media can do to a person probally seeped through a bit.
    God Bless
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Dr. Jerome Canady #17775

    Tom……. I agree with Jules, This site traditional has been providing information to all members on the different options available including different hospitals, surgeons, oncologist through significant research from significant and professional articles and publications. Individual members have expressed their experiences of which other members have drawn from; I would say this is first hand personal information freely submitted and to be shared. Dr. Canady came to light with an amazing media shock to us all. It’s amazing how much of an impact the media has over people. The bottom line is that they do not have the privilege to any information of any patient under the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 and the HIPPA Act of 1996, Therefore are unable to provide nothing more than public interest stories to boost their ratings. This one found it’s way to our friendly non -political and non controversial web site and has been creating tension for many members since. As Jules mentioned and I agree, enough is enough on this particular doctor. This is a sensitive and emotional time for members. This site is not a tool for individual members digging for information on a particular doctor. If you have a genuine interest in this particular doctor, make an appointment with him and determine first had for yourself. If other newly members want to share their experience and provide their personal opinion great. But we do not want or need to be requesting there personal information a week after supossively having surgery or at all, I would think a little tact and diplomacy applies here. All members by now have access to this doctor’s e-mail address, location, and telephone numbers. They now have the tools to make an informed decision. Whatever is voluntarily in time, provided by other members with undue pressure concerning this doctor would be surely welcomed. This post is soley my opinion and is not intended to demean or offend anyone and their beliefs. I just feel that enough attention to this media driven topic that gives “nothing tangable” is over. I will say one thing from personal experience, not even microscopic exploration can determine disease free of cholangiocarcinoma, Therefore, I still say hope is in the air for a cure as a surgeon can only extend life through resection and cortorizing vessels, and implanting stents, and other procedures, hopefully long enough for that miracle of a cure to arrive. I guess my opinion is let go of the media hype and wait to see if anything positive is voluntarily posted from members who may have used this surgeon’s services as we do for any other member having surgery with some other surgeon.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Mother June #17939

    rbeuscher…. My sincere and heart felt condolences to you. I’m sure your Mom is resting in peace and happy to be living in the house of the Lord. You will miss her surely, but in your heart you know she is okay and watching over you as you read this post.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Thank You posters #17949

    Bazel… My sincere and heart felt condolences. May your Dad rest in peace for eternity.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Still well 12 months after diagnosis #17882

    Hi UK Wife, I would agree with Joyce. AFter my resection of my right lobe of liver and gallbladder, I chose to do nothing for 5 years except monitor with quarterly Ct Scans. Even though I could see it was growing and even metastised to both lungs I stiil monitored. It was very slow. About three years ago I made a decsion to start trying some chemo regimens to see if something would work. I honestly feel that I bought some extra time by doing so. It appear some chemos worked for awhile and others did not do anything. But it is certainly an individual choice as chemo can react differently on different people. It’s tough and rough with some not so bad with others. There is about a 12 year difference between me and your Husband. If he is in good health other wise I would say you need to decide if he wants to try something now as if it gets to far along there is certainly a tendency for more mets and growth. Some people have said completely no to chemo and chose to let nature take it’s course. I am so sorry your husband has been touched by this disease. There are new drugs out now and plenty of trials going on. I would try as hard as possible to keep a positive state of mind. Once you let your guard down and get deeply depressed in my opinion you will be selling yourself short of precious time with loved ones. I’m not saying thats the case all the time as some of the most postive thinkers and people supported with overwhelming love did not get much of a chance to fight at all. In my opinion hope is in the air and I continually look around the corner for that miracle. Remember to get more than one opinion not just from an Oncologist but surgeons as well. There have been many cases seen where one specialist say no and then another says yes. Some hard choices to make is now upon your husband. I wish you the best!

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: still missing you #17873

    Dear leebythesea…. My heart felt condolences. The four poster bed in the meadow you can see the serenity just thinking about it.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Not so good news #17863

    Hi Kris… Just want ya to know I’m here with everyone else , wishing and praying for only the best of outcomes. You grab that bull by the horns and if that isn’t enough kick it square in the ????? posterior. Stay as positive as possible girl. Your a fighter, I can feel it in your post. With support from Hans and your family and your other family here on this site, you can reach the impossible.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Mets to lymph and/or bone marrow? #17748

    Dear Cathy, I would have thought he should be feeling a bit better by now. But when you said he is working that answered my question. Even light duty or using the mind can tire you out pretty quick. I stopped working When I started Chemo as I found myself just from habit pushing myself to much. What would otherwise be a normal day really can wear ya out at least it did me. CC he should apply for SSDI as soon as possible. 3-5 month waiting time for approval usually quicker results with CC patients. Retroactive from date of application so sooner the better the back pay will come in handy for some .
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Hiccups after chemo #17812

    Relaxation soaking in a hot tub is the only thing that would help me. Sometimes 2-3 times a day. It was dtermined in my case to be the premed decadron (steroid) that is used prior to getting my chemos. They are very annoying and wear you out.
    Best Wishes,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: 3 year old with cholangiocarcinoma #16511

    So happy to hear it’s not CC. Hope a liver donor will help her as soon as possible.
    Jeff G.

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