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  • in reply to: HICCUPS #14066

    Hi Jliu… Thanks for asking. Ribs and spine bone feeling good enough to start backing off of the heavy pain killer. Now have to get rid of the soreness of an inflamed colon due to sluiggish bowels,of course due to the pain meds. Ha! I might be without pain and soreness by next week. I Will have follow-up with regular Oncologist today. I don’t plan on any more chemo until radiation is completed and I’m back up to where I want to be. First thing is to review and delete all meds prescribed and start a new base of what is for what.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Mom diagnosed with CC #15998

    MSSocialWorker…. I’m sorry to hear about your brother. You said stage two? Was any discussion of resection due to no mets? I had resection of entire left lobe and gallbladder in the beginning due to no identifiable mets elsewhere. Does his CC involve both lobes? Also maybe discussion of resecting gallbladder at the same time. I only say this as it sounds so familiar on how I started out and have always said if I were wiser back then, I would have done chemo either a little prior then a mop up after surgery. I just feel strong about this post for obvious reasons and would hate to see your brother be worn out with chemo if a resection is possible for a better prognosis. I know it’s a devastating decision but by all means get a second opinion and explore your options. Where is your Brother going to be treated? MS SW, Please don’t get me wrong, I am not a doctor just someone who has been there and I just want to make sure your Brother gets off on the right foot. If What Iv’e read in your post is what is going on I wouldn’t hesitate in a heartbeat for the second opinion. You asked for input and I’m giving mine. Doulbe take on this one is my personal feelings. I can only say this to what was written in your post, not to give any false hopes although I always feel there is hope. God Bless You both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Pain killers & nausea — any suggestions? #13793

    G, It’s Tuesday and hope Sir-Sphere radiation went okay for you . I’m in the same boat with my left lobe missing. We’ll have to be as cautious as we can. Some years ago I mis-understood when they told me my liver would regenerate back to normal. At the time, I thought that it grew back to normal size. but nope it only regenerates internally the vessels required to function properly. Wishful thinking didn’t even come close on that one. G, we are all an inspiration to each other. This website is so sharing and giving of knowledge that it provides strength for us all in some way at some time. Take care and let us know how your doing when your up to it. Rest comes first which I seem to keep forgetting.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: HICCUPS #14064

    Hiccups…. It was the decadron that was causing my hiccups. It is steriod base and prevents your diaphram muscles from properly fluctuating to allow air and gas to escape. It basically overstrengths your muscle to work against itself. At first I wasn’t having them cause I was taking Clonazepam 1 mg. at bed time and as needed for anxiety. But after IV and IV of decadron during chemo it got stronger and counter effected the clonazepam. This last week when I went in hospital for a few days for pain management , I started having hiccups again. Guess what ? They had started me on decadron to assist with getting my pain under control. When I told them what was happening they had to set me up with withdrawal instructions of which I just completed by lowering the dosage each day for six days, as it can be dangerous to stop steriodal medications cold turkey so I was informed. I’m sure there are many ways to get temp relief as Jliu168, I tried Gaviscon it helped a bit but the culprit is not with me now. If I start Chemo again and decadron has to be part of the anti-med, I guess I’ll have to figure something out when that time comes. Darn if you do ,Darn if you don’t Hey?
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Pain killers & nausea — any suggestions? #13791

    Hi G…. Thanks! I thought I would just go and give the doc’s and nurses a hard time for a few days. It was like a mini Vacation Ha! I just couldn’t believe the inconsistencies in the knowledge and way they did things from shift to shift. Just totally amazing. I quizzed them with the same questions about my meds and what they were for and side effects and of course I just said oh okay thanks. Unbelievable.
    How is things going on your end lately? Some more radiation treatments for me the next 2 weeks or so. Take Care!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Bob’s move to hospice #15985

    Dear Rhonda … I am so sorry that Bob’s options have now come down to hospice. I can relate to the falls and injuries. I helped my next door neighbor about 1 1/2 years ago go through the final stages of at home hospice. The biggest concern was her husband’s safety due to being so out of because of pain medication. I look back now and ask myself how she ever managed but she did with hospice help and help from a couple neighbors. Her Husband Greg had a few cuts,bumps, and falls no matter how hard she tried to avoid it. He also had some bouts of I guess you can say not wanting to cooperate in certain ways. Primarily because of parynoia from the meds again. Gentle persuassion would eventually get good results and get him calmed down and resting again. Rhonda, If I could lend you a helping hand I surely would. I pray that God gives you the strength you need and gives your son the knowledge to deal with his Dad’s situation. You guys remember to give each other big hugs of support and share your emotions. My wife was sitting beside me while I read your post and it saddened us deeply just seeing what you have to face ahead. We shared our emotions for a little bit. Again, God bless you all !!!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My dad has cc, treatment or not #15993

    Dear Paula … I agree 100% with Ted and Patty. It is a tough call to make. Personally if I were of your Dad’s age and know what I know now I would have probally chosen quality of life over quanity. Taking his previous condition of Lupus in to consideration is another factor to look at for sure. Iv’e found that a few of the problems with going the chemo and radiation quanity road is age, previous and current health issues and really having the support and knowledge/medications to deal with the side effects of either chemo or radiation. Just the liver resection alone I can imagine took a toll on him emotionally and physically already. Paula, If your Dad’s CC is low grade and slower growing opposite from some of us that have got hit with the real aggressive type. He might want to feel good and and press on without treatments. Maybe once Liver is fully regenerated a course of radiation may be more appropriate. I Had 3D conformal radiation on my liver when I actually starting feeling pain and pressure on the liver itself and had good results. Radiation is accumulative and I didn’t realize the effect until a few weeks after radiation stopped and the pain in my liver stopped. I’ve actually had little if any pain to the liver since that treatment done back in Dec. 06. Well, I probally just gave you more to dwell on. The bottom line is the limited freedom of Individual choice when dealing with this horrible relentless disease. Paula, Like Ted and Patty said it’s in God’s hands. Irregardless which direction you decide upon , It will be and already is in God’s hands. Being a lot younger than your Dad I’m still pushing ahead with different options and maintaining hope for something to roll around the corner that could be a surprize for all of us. I’m optimistic but certainly understand the reality of the bigger picture and have come to terms personally, that I’ll be in loving hands irregardless of which direction I am at or destined. I surely wish the utmost and best possible out come for your Dad !!! Paula you can always stop treatment at any time you wish. That is your Dad’s choice also. I just mentioned that again as some people can tolerate treatment well with proper administratation of side effect meds. Like PRN’s I take before I need until waiting until the nausea is already clobbering down on me. Also, If there is only that one spot and it is where you can get to it with radiation I would be asking about that option. I better stop rambling. I could go on forever sometimes. Any questions Paula just jump back on this site and there will always be someone that will respond and try to help the best they can. We all have something in common but have had different turns in the road. God Bless you for being such a loving and supportive daughter.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: METS TO SPINE BONE #15976

    Hi Teresa and Mary, Thanks for the encouragement ! Granddaughter’s 3 rd birthday party today. All dressed up in her halloween princess dress. She didn’t take to long to get back to the blow -up swimming pool though. She says Pumpkin can I go swimming now? Ha! She has called me pumpkin instead of PAPA since she started to talk. Take Care and God Bless You both. It is so nice to be able to just chat once in a while. Back and forth to Radiation treatments next two weeks or more and doctor appointments of course. Cherrio! Ta! Ta! for now.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Pain killers & nausea — any suggestions? #13789

    Hi Deeko… Iv’e been in hospital for the last few days specifically concerning this issue. Pain management I found is so importtant. 1. Change your medication to another type of pain killer Myself was morphine so4 60mg 3 times daily and with the understanding that I can cut back if I few it is to droggy for me. Along with this I have Diluad ( generic name is HYDROMORPHONE) 4mg to Take every 4 hours as needed for breakthru pain. Again, don’t use unless you have to. 2. Egg carton crate mattress is grreat for pain relief. Can get at Wal mart for $40.00. Supports your body and applies pressure on body points to allow proper blood flow. 3. What ever you have or are doing that keeps your body/spine out of alignment will not help no matter how much pain medication you take. 4. Adema/ water retention can case pain. DEXAMETHASONE will help relieve adema/water retention and help with nausea. METOCLOPRIMIDE HCL 10 mg every 6 hours Is primarily for nausea. So, if no edemia is involve you would take this instead and personally take every 6 hours more continously than not even though it is says PRN. You can cut back slowly after nausea is under control. Deeko in 3 days I put 6 pounds on just from sorting out out my pain. Pain if not controlled will hamper your battle right from the begining. If all this fails then you should be requesting CT or Preferabaly MRI of thorasic to insure cc has not mets to wear it is blocking or putting pressure some where it shouldn’t. In my case after MRI it was found an additional tumor was developing and and was putting pressure on my spinal roots. Found just in time before it got into spinal canal itself. Had 2 radiaton treatments already and is working well. I do have a neuro surgeon consult set up just to cover all bases. I don’t think it got in to the spinal cord yet but want to watch closely and make sure the radiation does the trick. 5. When nuasea under control and appetite returns, eat slowly and make six small meals a day instead of three. Don’t want to eat heavy that to could be putting weight on your intestines and cause pressure thats not needed. Also right now start drinking nutrirional drink like ensure or gerneric form from Walmart to get srength and desire back to conume food more. Pain and control can make or break your good progression with battling cancer in a heart beat and if you can get it turned around you’ll do great and feel much better. Remember PRN doesn’t always mean wait until feel nausea then take, but take it before so it will do you some good and keep taking effect for a while until under control and the cut back slowly if no longer needed. Prevacid I tablet each mornig at lest 30 minutes before breafast to reduce your stomach acid for the day works wonders. I know things were getting out of control for me quickly ,then discovered the hidden culprit ,got back on track and been feeling great for the last 2 days gained weight and sleeping like a baby. Deek0 have your dad give it a whirl and get the prescriptions from your doctor. Generic form works just fine and in my opinion get him off the crappy oxycontin, never did like that drug. Also, does your dad have this favorite recliner he likes to hibernate to? Big problem with proper ergo posture of spine and muscle, and blood flow. Hope this is of some help to your dad and others who read this post. I was home about one hour and got rid of the chair I was using at this computer as with in 15 minutes I was in terrible pain. Went and got me a chair the contours and fits my back and supports my arms and walla no more pain! And it took a while to post this to you so I know it worked instantly for me. Best of luck Deeko for you and your Dad. Lets us all know how things go for you. God Bless.
    Jeff G. P.S
    Had to edit this post. It was obviously written under the influence of prescribed medications . Cut the dose back a little today.

    in reply to: need help deciding #15955

    HI Bosco… I guess from past experience I had the best of luck with gemzar and carboplatin as far a tumor reduction is concerned. I took the full 9 cycles until it stoppeed being effective. The carboplatin is pretty harsh and caused alot of nueropahty for me. I guess if there is no other options of chemo at this time It is as good as any in my opinion. It took my tumors down 40% but grew right back once completed. Good luck with your choices and wish your sister the best.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Anticipating first visit to oncologist – advice? #15856

    Nn…. I’m sorry to hear about your friends diagnosis. It is difficult to recommend types of treatments as everyone responds differently to different treatments. If you go to the research section of this site there are many links to some top notch cancer centers that can provide you with lots of information. Also, whats working /Good News section has onfor of what alot of members have tried or are trying right now. Myself, I’m taking Oxyalplatinum(sp) IV and Xeloda orally and my blood work has shown significant change for the better, in fact all my blood test are within normal ranges. However, some people have had to stop or reduce the strenght of this regimen due to complications. I had to cut back dosage before I could tolerate it and continue with cycles of treatment. You say JJ has had surgery to determine non -resectable? Did they do any type of resection ? Did they say how much cancer mets are involved and where? What Cancer Center is JJ going to? I’m not trying to be intrusive but there are members on this site from several countries and states who would be more than willing to provide some suggestions and input of where to go for really professional care and what type of treatment may be available in your location. One thing I did notice immediately is you said JJ was given weeks or months? Is Her cancer that badly mets? Or is that something you were told just because of the type cancer? Nn, You can tell JJ that number one is a positive attitude to the best of her ability. One thing that seems to be agreed upon is get a second opinion and even then some people have far exceeded many of the prognosises given by doctors. I personally have been battling this thorn in the side for over eight years. I’ve had surgeries and now on my 4th different chemo regimen. Ive used different supplements and tried some alternatives and continue doing so. I’ve had my roller coaster rides primarily caused by treatments not the cancer itself. I do agree that there is no known cure at this time but you can be treated to slow things down or possibally stablize it for awhile. JJ needs to understand there is always hope!!! and that cure could be around the corner who knows when we’ll wake up and hear the news. I guess I better close for now. I wish I Knew a little more of JJ’s infor/condition so I or another member could give you more than a pep talk. Hope to see you on site again, I’m sure there is plenty more advice to be shared.
    Wish You and JJ the best!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Stable disease! YAY! #15948

    Alright Lainey!!! keep on Bee -Bopping! Don’t ask me where that came from, it just feels good to hear of your progress.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: ASCO 43rd Annual Conference Jun 1-5, 2007 #15891

    Hi Sara …. Thanks for the ASCO links. I really think the world of oncology is moving in the right direction. Many different approaches being taken is good.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Post surgery questions #15943

    Holy Smoly Kris, Sorry to hear about your trying endeavors! First, the liquid sounds and bubbly sound effects can be normal especially after a major surgery as yours. My gall bladder and half of my liver was removed years ago and I still have sound effects. Also with a surgery of this nature it is common to have a prescription of some type of ant-acid possibally Omeprazole to keep your acidity calmed down as with your gall bladder now gone you don’t have a storage bag per say releasing enzymes for digesting as needed. You kinda have a constant flow. This could explain the bubbly to an extent but primarily the acidity burn feeling should calm down with ant-acid med. I would definitley get that check out as to much constant acidity/enzymes could be causing the start of some sores /ulcer activity. The signs of recurrence would be basically the same and with the liver involved it’s not uncommom to have pain in the right side of your chest, shoulder , and even hip. You actually should be aware of unexplained pain anywhere due to if it was to return it could actually return to a different part of your body to include lungs and bones and of course other organs . Mine returned to the liver and both lungs and suspected as far as I’m concerned tenth rib on the right. As far as hormones and getting pregnant and having children I don’t dare touch that one except I have heard and seen it done by women but did they have CC which is considered systemic cancer I don’t know. I would certainly get an Oncologist you can trust a soon as possible and get a CT Scan done to see if things are going okay post-Op. I would have a list of my symtoms and questions about getting a prescription for ant-acid and also discuss if any post-Op chemo is something you want to think about especially if your wanting to move on and have children. You have got quite a decision to make there. I know as a man I’m not suppose to be trying to make babies while on chemotherpy treatments as possible birth defects could occur just base on the nature of the drugs themselves. Like smoking or drinking but maybe a lot higher risk. Going back on the pill would be a good question for the oncologist. Kris love your positive attitude, just get yourself an intelligent Oncologist and hopefully all your questions will be answered by a medical professional. I certainly wish you the best Kris and hope you are able to move in the direction you desire.

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Best Friend just diagnosed.. 34 year old male..stage 4 #15903

    Stefanie, Sorry to hear about your best friend. Not much I can add to the post of Jliu168. I would just repeat that getting a second opinon for surgery is a good idea. Is your friend located near any major cancer centers? You asked about the mortality rate. You can look at it statistically and individually. I would say that a lot of factors go in to how long a person can survive this relentless disease. This site has seen members succumb to this disease within 3 months from time of diagnosis, but have also seen members and know of individuals who are still battling this disease after 8,9,10, years with surgeries, chemo, radiation and alternative treatments. It is important to understand it is not clear cut. It depends on how bad it has spread and to what organs. It also depends on the individual and how they respond to certain treatments.( ( This disease is hardly ever discovered soon enough for a good prognosis)). It is not considered curable but is treatable, It also depends on the medical professionals and if they can utilize their expertise to the fullest and if your BF’s condition is such to allow them to do so. I better stop now, I have a habit of rambling. Be strong headed(positive) and optimistic Hard choices to be made real soon. God Bless and wish your BF the best.

    Jeff G.

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