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  • in reply to: RIP Gran… #15774

    SerenaD…. My sincere sympathy. May your Gran rest in peace. I to am glad she did not have to lay in bed and suffer in pain. At 87 years she certainly lived a full life, although we all wish for a little bit more. God Bless.

    in reply to: New diagnosis #15739

    Hi Cherryle, I’m so sorry your Mom is having so much difficulty and pain . I wish I could tell you something that would help but I can’t. I agree completely with what Mary has posted as she and her husband have been where your Mom is at. I have had abdomen drains a few times due to post surgical infections but thats it. Like Mary said You got to really advocate for yourself. It don’t matter what stage of the game your at, if your Mom and Dad feel they are not getting the proper care and their Oncologist is not envolved enough then speak with the hospital advocacy team member or Head Social Worker for some assistance. Cherryle dear you are about 100 miles away and I can imagine you are at wits end not being there and seeing whats going on. Please hang in there and if you really need to change hospitals go straight to the emergency room to get things going. It’s going to be tough girl and I can’t tell you what should be done but go with your gut instincts. Don’t feel afraid of asking for the hospital advocate and let them know your worried and scared and see if they can check things out for you. This is part of the roller coaster ride and sometimes with this CC you have to stay on the ride until it stops. My heart goes out to you and your Mom and Dad. I pray only the best of outcome for you and that things calm down soon.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: my husband is running out of options #15753

    Bob’s Wife, Bob has really been fighting with all is might . I wish I could reach out and take it all from him. It saddens me so much to hear how rough he is having it. My prayers of support for Bob and You are coming your way!
    Jeff G. P.S. No need to be sorry . You write as much as you want. We are here to support you in whatever way or words, thoughts ands prayers can.

    in reply to: New diagnosis #15731

    I have not personally had chemo and radiation at the same time. I have had it back to back though. I asked my oncologist about doing it at the same time but he though that because of the amount and number of years I’ve been doing chemo that it would be to rough for me personally. I have talked with other people at my chemo home who are doing both and say they are doing just fine. I only remember one guy having to hold off on his chemo for a week because his platlets got a little low and needed to regenerate. So to your answer, it is common to do and personally I wish I had done it at the same time. It’s like giving them cancer cells a one..two punch. I may still look at that option down the road spite what the the Doc thinks; if I feel up to it then I advocate give it a whirl unless they got something else that sounds good. You would think I was looking at a menu hey? God Bless ya guys.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New diagnosis #15729

    Hi Cherryle, Yes I am currently taking Xeloda pill form and Oxaliplatin by port a cath. I have not heard of liquid form but am sure it is available as a lot of people can’t swallow the horse pills. I have only had to take antibiotics once in the last three years. Both antibiotocs and Xeloda have caused me some pain gas related. Xeloda initially caused loose bowels but now with reduced dosage I have had some constipation. But now I take duccolux stool softener 2 gel tablets on the end of day three only if nothing is moving . It is very mild but works great in relieving gas and having a bowel movement or two on day four. Cherryle just a reminder that all people can respond and have different symtoms and side effects. It sounds as your mom has more going on than what I am at the moment. Not sleeping well could be several things… Xeloda, pain, stress and anxiety. I take prescribed clonzepam before bedtime and as needed when my mind gets working overtime. It has done me a world of good just getting that full nights sleep. Fortunately it is not expensive. Might ask your GP about it. It also sounds like your mom needs to drink more fluids and keep hydrated as much as she can. It will help with many side effects. I hope this was of some help. One last thing is I also take a pill 30 minutes before breaskfast each morning to lower my stomach acids to a minimun as the chemo has a tendency to raise acid level that can also cause discomfort gas related pain. Bottom line is talk will your Oncologist and or Nurse and inform them of what is happening as normally you are more in touch with what is going on within your body and most of the time you need to advocate what you need. Bless You Both!
    Jeff G,

    in reply to: New diagnosis #15726

    Keeep hold of the bull’s horns Gerry!!! Prayers will be coming your way.
    Bless you and your family and pray things go as smooth as possible for you during this trying times.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New diagnosis #15725

    Hi Cherryle, Glad to her your mother finally gets to come home!! Keep a close eye on her temp, chills, or sweating for a while. Hospitals are surely needed but very easy to pickup infections. I’m sure you know what I mean. God Bless you and your Mother. P.S. Your mother is on the same chemo regimen I’m on. Started out a little rough but just finished my 5th round and going along fairly well.
    Jeff G.


    AK, You can check this web site out. It offers a lot of alternative methods for relieving juandice. But I would be very cautious and I wouldn’t try anything drastic or without approval by your Doctor. The bottom line is surgery to unblock the bile ducts with proper sents or drainage tubes. These alternatives are more in line for slow sludgy build up types of blockage and may do nothing for you or may give a little relief.( I agree with jules ; Peter Lodge has recieved many testimonials of a true professional. I wish your Uncle the best through these trying and uncertain times. As my British 80 year old Motherlaw tells me all the time “Keep your Pecker Up” I never have asked her where or how the saying originated. In the US we would say keep on trucking or take the bull by the horns. Stay positive!!!! That’s really important to the best of your ability. God Bless you all.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: QUESTION ON CA-19-9 LEVELS #15705

    Hi Kris, What I have to say probally won’t make put you any more at ease but I’m going to be up front with you. To the best of my knowledge CA19-9 protien serum levels can fluxuate up and down for many different reasons. Even for individuals without CC. You are probally pretty close on what your thinking but maybe ahead of yourself a bit. You said he had to have dosage cut back due to problems; I suspect maybe the higher dosage created inflamation and swelling, Did he have an infection like cholangitis? You said he was in hospital for 11 days, was that because of the chemo or related condition? If he was having bowel problems (constipation) He had a big drop in exercise while in hospital. Was he given additional medications for anything. I guess What I’m saying Kris, is let things calm down and let his body adjust to what I call half way normal. Who knows what is normal anymore. Yes they use CA19-9 serum levels as a guage and they(doc’s) like seeing the numbers on the lower side as you said but it doesn’t confirm 100% that the chemo is not helping him. My experience is Ct Scans to verify tumor reduction, no or little growth, or anyother developments is what I consider the primary measuring tool for me. My CA19-9 levels have gone up and down so many types I’ve loss count of where they are at. I do know that when ever there has been a change that stresses out my body causing interuption of half way normal functioning it has elevated. It is a serum that is produced within our digestive system ,so anything we eat, drink, do or don’t do normally will make it go up and down. Kris, Please don’t get me wrong as my intention is not to try to sugar coat anything. My heart felt prayers to you both and I hope hubby is feeling alot better now. Other Members please QC me. Thanks.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Sad to report #15700

    Dear Joyce, I am sending a few prayers your way. I am so sorry to hear your husband had to make the decision to enter Hospice. I surely pray that he gets some relief real soon. I too at the age of 51 with this horrible disease know I’ll have to make the same decision sooner or later. My heart sincerely aches for you both and your family. I’m just lost for words joyce. God Bless you and your Husband and may he guide you through this trying time.

    in reply to: Too Many Sweets!! #15682

    Mary, I think your post fits in both categories. Ha! Popeye the Sailor Man can’t fight Bluto without his spinach. Gosh ! I would have been wired for for sound. Did he fess-up before or after he got sick?
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Please remember Joni and Staci #15678

    To The Craighead Family in Nebraskas…..Joni and Staci my heart felt prayer to you both. May Mike rest in peace.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Therasphere #15663

    Lana….. Hope is always in the air ……. Therasphere I understand can be a toughy for a couple weeks of post side effects. Wish you and your Dad the best ! A prayer of support is headed your way!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: my beloved mum. #15669

    Hi Carolann, My sincere / heart felt sympathy to you and your family. May your beloved Mum rest in peace now and you all cherish the lovely memories of her for eternity.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Mum #15654

    Hi Kate…. My heart felt sympathy goes out to you and your family. I want ya to know how proud I am of you for jumping in and taking the Bull by the horns. You advocated and supported your Mum temendously. I know it was rough, but I’m sure she was very happy that you did. I watched the video clip and have to admit it made me chuckle. Cherish the great memories kate …it will lesson the sadness a bit. Okay,I replayed the clip 3 times It just made me feel good. I don’t know what Simon Cowel would think of the vocals but I thought it so sweet and Idol. God Bless ya girl ! You know your Mum is resting in peace now.

    Jeff G.

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