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  • in reply to: Block duct/High bilirubin #44265

    Hi Andie

    Sorry I can’t help on the symptoms front. When my mum has been yellow she has had all the itching, nausea etc that usually goes with it. I hope that your Dad continues like this for a while yet as it sounds like he is doing well despite the symptoms he does have.

    As for the babies…well I have four girls. The first was good as gold so we thought baby number 2 would be terrible, and then number 3, and then number 4……but they all slept well, fed well, and played well. However, the teenage years I am SO not looking forward to. The eldest is 8 and we can see small glimpses already of what we have in store !

    best wishes


    in reply to: Thank You, Henrietta #44307

    I heard about this book on the radio a few months ago and found it such an incredible story. Of course with my memory being terrible I promptly forgot about it ! I will put it on my Christmas list now…
    I hope you enjoy the talk.


    in reply to: Mum passed away today #44137

    Dear Varun

    I am so sorry to hear about your mother. It sounds as though she had a peaceful end which must be a blessing.
    My thoughts are with you.


    in reply to: I am home…for good! #44117

    Hi Kris

    That’s fabulous news. To be surrounded by familiar things can be such a tonic. And having your cats (and Hans of course !) around you is just brilliant.
    It sounds like the home health team have finally got the message and pulled out all the stops. Well done and enjoy.


    in reply to: Tired easily, no energy and just diagnosed, is this normal? #41433

    It’s great to hear that you MIL is doing so well with her stents. I know that with my mum she was very ill when her stent blocked, and the difference is just amazing when all is working well. My mum only managed 2.5 months for the first stent but she is on 5 months for this one and at the moment still going strong !
    Best wishes to you and your family

    in reply to: twiddling my thumbs #43967

    Hi Kris
    What a great surgeon and oncologist you have, to be so much on your side. Can they not influence the home health team? It just seems so obvious that being at home and sleeping in your own bed is a better place to be.
    Good luck with the German referral and I hope that home health come to their senses.
    best wishes

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #43985

    Hi Andie

    I am sorry to hear that you all had a difficult weekend. Is there anything the doctors can give your Dad for the full feeling ? As for friends visiting, that must be such a tough one. I don’t know if it’s a difference between men and women but my Mum seems to have visitors all the time, and she does like it as they help take her mind off things. Of course the first time she sees them it’s hard but then they start reminiscing and thinking about good times, which gives her positive vibes even if it’s only for a few hours.

    I am annoyed for you about the scan issue. I know that when I was trying to get second opinions etc for Mum earlier in the year it was very difficult getting scans on disk to send elsewhere, in time for MDT meetings. It seemed like there was no hurry to them. At least it sounds like the scans will be sent quickly this time….even if it is due to a misunderstanding. I really hope that they get to CK in time for this week.

    My mum is napping more and seems to accept it, but she is keeping busy at home and in the garden as much as she can. I think at this stage there is nothing worse than giving up totally. Even small achievements can make a difference emotionally.

    I hope that you are looking after yourself as well.

    best wishes

    in reply to: Guess What Time It Is? Teddy Time #43993

    Lainy, it is good to hear that Teddy is still able to enjoy the little pleasures in life. My brother has just had an operation and couldn’t shower for two weeks….he said it felt SO good when he finally could !
    Do you go for the whole turkey and pumpkin pie extravaganza ?
    I really hope that you and Teddy (and your friends/family) get to give thanks for all the time you have together.
    best wishes

    in reply to: Surgery a success #43778

    Really pleased to hear that your husband is doing so well after surgery. I will keep my fingers crossed for you for next week too.

    in reply to: things so far #43591

    Your posts have made me laugh and cry, but most of all have given me strength to try and deal with my mum going through CC. I hope that I can send some of that strength back to you now.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you

    in reply to: Teddy Boy —not doing well #43694

    I just wanted to add my thoughts and prayers at this time. I am sorry to hear that Teddy is getting more pain but it sounds like they can do something about it at least.
    Sending you both hugs and best wishes from across the pond

    in reply to: My Dad – Update #43413

    Sorry I haven’t posted for ages but I have been thinking about you and your Dad. I am sorry to hear that he never got to start chemo but it is good that you are still going for second opinions. Even if he is not great at the moment the option of going to see someone else for a possible treatment might be enough to give him a bit of energy.
    Although Mum is doing very well on chemo there are definitely days when she is iincredibly tired and has a morning and afternoon nap.
    I know on the inside you must be finding it so hard, but being there for your Dad, and your Mum, must be very reassuring for them. It’s great that you are able to spend time together, and that your Dad is keeping busy and is still able to be active.
    I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that something may come out of the second opinions.
    Thinking of you

    in reply to: Surgery is scheduled #40976

    That is such great news. I am so pleased for you all. Not long to wait and a good attitude from the doctor too.
    Keep us posted and best of luck

    in reply to: Burping and bloating #43223

    Hi Lesley

    I can’t really say much about what might help your Dad but my mum has had a lot of bloating and burping. She is now on chemo but definitely had this before hand. From what I remember they just prescribed her anti-nausea meds which helped with the bloating and therefore the burping. She has always been quite ‘windy’ (!) but was more so. Mum has continued to have a good appetite but I guess some types of food are worse than others.
    Maybe the doctors can just prescribe some anti-bloating meds. There are plenty out there…..
    I hope you get it sorted soon
    best wishes


    in reply to: New plan, new surgery #42997


    All my thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow. Your positive attitude is an inspiration to me (and so many others).
    Wishing goodbye to all that vomiting


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