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  • jmoneypenny

    Dear RANK,
    I am so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing, and the pain and grief you and your family are going through. My heartfelt sympathy to you and yours.
    -Joyce M

    in reply to: Prelims back from my latest scan #23261

    Great news, Kris! Have a great trip – you deserve it!!!
    -Joyce M

    in reply to: Teddy Update-Itching #23241

    Great news, Lainy! I so hope he continues to feel well and the B12 stops the itching – I know that can be the most distressing symptom! I’m going to take some B12 right now, since I’m a vegetarian and that’s the only supplement I really need, but I always forget. Thanks for the reminder.
    Much love to you and Teddy!
    -Joyce M

    in reply to: John fought a hard battle #23194

    Dear Alice,
    All my sympathy on the loss of your dear husband. Sometimes it’s better to think they’ve just gone away for a little while, to help you cope. I wish you peace in your time of grief-
    Joyce M

    in reply to: My husband Jim. #23002

    Dear Darla,
    I am so sorry to hear about Jim. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you.
    -Joyce M

    in reply to: Not sure where to post? It’s been over a year… #19448

    Hi Kel,
    First of all, I want to say what a brave person you are – your courage and selflessness come through in what you write. What a great attitude – and your worries for your son are only natural, and just show how much you love him.

    Your story especially touched me because I lost my mother to cc, and because I have a daughter who is 5 and who loved her Grandma Fifi more than anything. My mother didn’t talk much about her illness, but she did say her one hope was that my daughter would remember her. Of course my mom’s memory is all TOO alive for me, but I try to keep it alive for my daughter, too. My mother was very lucky to live to see her only grandchild, I know, but we always want more. My daughter had to go to grief counseling and so did I – and you might want to suggest that to your son. He needs to feel he can lean on someone when things get rough – friends, family, counselor, clergy.

    Anyway, as a mother, I can understand how you worry about your son – I would be so worried about my daughter, no matter what age she was. There’s just no helping that, I think. As an orphaned daughter, I can tell you that your son will have some tough times after you’ve gone, especially since you two seem very close –that’s just part of the grief of losing your mother, and there’s not much that can be done about that, either, I think. But he WILL be okay, because he was raised by you, a loving mother, and I”m sure you’re proud of the person he is and he will live up to your highest expectations in the end. I was 40 when my mother died and I’m still trying to come to grips with it – but I guess whether you’re 20 or 40 or 60 you’re going to be devastated by the loss of your mother. I agree that 19 is such a pivotal age and I’m sure he’ll have some adjusting to do, but you can help him now by saying all you need to say, letting him say whatever he needs to say (just because I know so many people agonize over what was never spoken). He will be sad, he will be upset and angry, but he will be okay. There will be a void in his life, but he will be okay. And he will always keep you alive in his heart.

    Your love for him is so strong that it will sustain him for the rest of his life, and if he has children, he will pass on your legacy and raise them as you would have. You can’t really lose a mother – not completely – I feel my mother’s presence in everything I do, every day. She was such a part of me and I’ve tried to incorporate everything wonderful about her into my outlook and it’s helped me deal with the pain. I’m often told that this pain is the price I must pay for loving someone so dearly – that the loss is so sharply felt, but I was lucky to have such an amazing mother for even this short a time. And your son is so lucky to have YOU — and he’ll have you always and forever, to comfort him when he needs it most.

    Sorry I’m rambling – I wish you and your son only the best, and hope you beat the odds and prove those doctors wrong.

    Many hugs across cyberspace from someone who had a mother like you,

    Joyce M

    in reply to: A Good News Day #22992

    Great news!!! We’ll all keep our fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for Teddy.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: 1 year, 8 months without Mom #22891

    Thank you all so much for being there and your wonderful, caring words. What a great group of people!

    I can’t even imagine the pain of losing your daughter – that’s almost too much to withstand. I admire your strength and courage – you describe the grief process so well. Thank you for sharing with me, especially after the recent loss of your sister. I hope you can take some small comfort in the fact that you’ve helped a fellow griever with your wise words.

    I love your ideas about the Mallomars and including my mother in the DIsney experience – what a great piece of advice! Who knows – I may see you there in November! Your spirit is so bright and positive and I really appreciate it.

    You always say the right things – kind and funny. You made me laugh – thank you for that. Your work with the Oprah letters is invaluable and gives all of us a sense of purpose.

    in reply to: New findings on CT scan #22749

    Congratulations, Jean! It’s great to hear the good news – much success to you!
    -Joyce M

    in reply to: parents anniversary #22732

    Dear Jolene,
    What a touching way to celebrate your parents’ anniversary. You are such a thoughtful and caring daughter — you and your mother are so lucky to have each other, to grieve together.
    Wishing you all the best,
    Joyce M


    Hello Sue,
    My mother also had two small nodules on her lungs, and they didn’t biopsy them but assumed they were mets from the cc, as they said that was common. I would listen to Jeff and get them checked out, just to be sure. Don’t mean to worry you!!! But it’s better to have peace of mind and see if anything can be done. Hopefully it’s nothing.
    -Joyce M

    in reply to: Butch is going on hospice #22853

    Dear Joyce,
    So sorry to hear about Butch, but I’m glad that he’s going to get some help – and it will help you, too, if it’s a good hospice team. It’s a terrible time for you right now, and I hope you have some shoulders to lean on.
    All my good wishes going out to you and Butch. Please know that you always have a sympathetic ear.
    Much love,
    Joyce M

    in reply to: Fred Gard #22879

    I am so sorry to hear that another wonderful person was taken by this disease. My heartfelt sympathy to you and your daughters.
    -Joyce M

    in reply to: Hello everybody #22660

    Hi Lina,
    THat’s so great that your mother is open to diet change and supplements – sounds like she has a wonderful attitude, and that’s half the battle!

    The language barrier must be frustrating for her — I”m sure there are plenty of bilingual Spanish doctors in all the NY facilities, and I know that many of them offer translators (but I guess that’s your job! but in case you can’t be there it may be helpful). On a completely irrelevant note, I dated a Colombian guy for 6 years so I’m very fond of Colombians and would love to visit there sometime! You’re very lucky to have a supportive extended family.

    It sounds like right now your mother just has to get back on her feet, so you have time to make the big decisions. I’m sure they won’t put her through any unnecessary pain or treatment right now, and like I said, she can always try chemo when the time comes and then stop it if she finds it’s too debilitating.

    Best of luck to you in your research – you’re a wonderful daughter.

    Joyce M

    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #22754

    Dear Ron,
    Here’s hoping the new course of action does you some good and zaps some of those nasty tumors. Let us know how you’re feeling – we’re all pulling for you!
    Joyce M

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