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  • in reply to: Update..more questions.. #80979

    Thank you! That sure does. We’ve tried the shakes and she was getting tired of them, maybe I can try to add some variety. I’ll look into those medicines as well! Thanks so much!!

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72250

    Our hearts are breaking for your family!! Lauren gave this terrible disease everything she had and had a great support system behind her who gave their all as well! Keep your wonderful memories of her close!!! Hugs and prayers
    –kami and Julie

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72180

    Pam—continually sending prayers up for Lauren! My heart hurts knowing what you guys are going thru…it’s such an up down process I’m surprised you find it in you to report to us each day! I am greatful you do…my mom asks everyday day “how’s Lauren doing” it’s as if we know you already thru following your blog! Healing thoughts being sent your way and hope Lauren continues to improve!!
    -kami and Julie

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72135

    Praying continually for you, Lauren, and your family!! Lauren has been such an inspiration to my mom and our family!! She’s definitely a fighter and has the attitude and tremendous support to make it through! Thanks for the updates, I know it has to be the last thing on your mind when you’re worried and caring for her….thoughts and prayers from Iowa!
    -Kami and Julie

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70158

    Yay!! Praying for a great recovery!! So glad to hear she’s doing well! Will continue thinking of you!

    in reply to: Y90 and insurance companies #68858

    Thanks marions! I will check that out…thanks!

    in reply to: Newby #68852

    Hello Again!
    Sorry it has taken me so long to respond back to everyone. Thank you to everyone who has written on my wall and read my mom’s story. As you all know things can change everyday…not anything huge but mom was unable to have chemo last week since her magnesium was low. We’re told this is very common and cisplat just knocks your magnesium out. She had to take pills and go in to get IV fluids and so far her levels seem to be back up! The dr said there is nothing she can really do to help this…anyone else heard any different? I guess fluids and pills aren’t huge but just adds more to what she already takes/has to do!

    Pamela–I have been following your blog and have caught all the way up with it! It’s absolutely crazy how our stories are so very similar but roles reversed! I’m absolutely thrilled to see all of lauren’s progress and how well her body has been handling everything. It truly gives me a lot of hope knowing the “impossible” we were given at the beginning CAN happen!!

    PCL1029–Thank you for your information..I will have to get my mom’s reports out and look at exact measurements and where the tumors are located. The doctors have told us they don’t think that the chemo can shrink it enough to have surgery, but said they would reevalute with us as we go. They were most reluctant to do surgery because she had cancer in both lobes already and said even if they did surgery on the left half the right half already had growths. Again i Know this is not much information and from your story it seems it IS possible to have surgery if there are lesions in the right lobe…I will be getting back with you shortly after I go look at mom’s reports.

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