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  • in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33283


    How lovely to read your good report of your Dad’s night. I’m so pleased he managed to get some good rest and is comfortable on his new mattress, fingers crossed the cocktail of drugs is working well for him just now.

    Here’s hoping for another good night tonight,

    Thinking of you,


    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33276


    Just came to check in this morning to see how the night went with your precious Dad. Hoping that you all got some rest overnight ready to face what ever today holds for you.

    Praying for peace for your Dad ,


    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33513


    I just want to echo what has already been said…

    Thinking of you and your family as you take the next step along the journey with your Mum.

    Sending you my best wishes for you to find the strength you will need in the days ahead.

    {{{Hugs }}} Katie

    in reply to: Heart breaking 6 months #33570

    Hello Doug and welcome to the board,

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious Mum and the difficult 5 months you went through before she passed away.

    I lost my Dad 7 weeks after diagnosis at the end of June this year, he never regained consciousness after a failed liver resection, dying 9 days later in ICU. I know just what you are feeling, lost, bewildered and with such a raw pain in your heart that you think will never heal.

    Here on the board you will find comfort, support and genuine friendship. I didn’t find the board until after my Dad had died but since then have come on daily and class the friendly folk on here as ‘family’.

    Please keep visiting, it really does help. I am now nearly 6 months along the journey of grief, and although the pain is still raw, it is gradually sinking in.

    Wishing you peace and strength in the next few days, weeks and months.


    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33266


    Sending you positive thoughts and prayers as you and your Mum take this journey alongside your Dad.

    Hope he has a better night and that you and your Mum both manage to get some sleep, I know how hard it is when things are so tough….

    Hugs, Katie

    in reply to: Strange test results – good or bad? #33138


    Fabulous news!!!! Here’s to a great Christmas for you and your family,


    in reply to: Introduction #33488

    Hi tchoskins,

    Welcome to the board hwere you will find friendly, supportive friends, somewhere to ask for advice/questions or just generally vent your feelings.

    My Dad had cc but sadly passed away quite quickly after diagnosis, only 7 weeks. I live in England and he was in Florida so I have spent much of this year over there, supporting him and latterly my MUm.

    Wishing you all the best with your new regime of chemo, keep us informed of your progress.


    in reply to: Mom Receiving Hospice Care #33478


    I just want to echo the words of support everyone has left for you. We never got to the stage of needing hospice support with my lovely Dad.

    We lost him pretty quickly to this horrible disease back at the end of June, within 7 weeks from diagnosis he had left us. He had surgery but sadly, never regained consciousness and died 9 days later.

    Like Pam said the hearing is the last sense to loose when coming to the end of one’s life and like her we whispered and talked to my Dad to tell him how much he was loved….

    You are doing a fantastic job, the strength comes from somewhere to carry you through this, I don’t know from where. Sending you love and peace as you love your Mum until her journey in this world ends. I know a little of what you are feeling.

    Hugs, Katie

    in reply to: new member ,just wanted to say hello #33471

    Sending a big warm welcome to the best support you will find!! I know I am a bit biased but the people on here are some of the kindest, knowledgeable and compassionate you will ‘meet’…..

    Looking forward to getting to know you, congrats on your progress so far.


    in reply to: Can’t imagine the end w/my Sister #33322


    Just to say how terribly sorry for your loss of your precious sister. Wishing you peace at this dreadfully sad time

    Katie x

    in reply to: New on the forum, saying hi to all. #33353

    Hello Jelly/Su

    Firstly a huge welcome to the board. Hopefully you will find support, new friends, understanding and answers to any questions or worries you may have.

    I know just exactly how you feel, my Dad was diagnosed, had two lots of surgery and died within 7 weeks.This was at the end of June. He too had been perfectly health, strong and capable right up until the end. He even drove 100 miles up to hospital for his liver resection, 9 days later he was gone.

    Like you said at least our parents didn’t suffer or deteriorate, or experience the problems associated with this awful cancer. For your Mum to be working right until she was diagnosed is fantastic. She was obviously doing the job she loved, helping others.

    It is early days in your grief, do you have other family members who can share your memories and talk about your Mum? I know you say you have no siblings. It really does help to talk and to keep your Mum’s memory alive in your heart.

    Wishing you peace as you walk this journey,

    Hugs, Katie

    in reply to: my twin sister and CC mets #33330

    Oh Heather,

    I don’t know what to say to you other than I am so very sorry for the pain and distress you are going through at this time. Like someone said on here a while ago nothing surprises us like the ferocity of this horrible disease.

    How alarming for you both that so soon after her surgery it has surfaced again. All I can send is my thoughts and prayers and strength to you both for the treatment that is ahead.

    Hugs, Katie

    in reply to: We will not be overlooked at the medical conferences #33226

    That’s great news in an attempt to get our voice heard!!


    in reply to: I can hardly believe it myself! #33181


    Great news!! Have a wonderful Thanksgving


    in reply to: My wife #33199


    I am so very very sorry to hear of the passing of your wife Carla. My heart goes out to you at this most bleak and desperate time. May God wrap his arms around you and your family in the days ahead.


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