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  • katrina

    I am sure that I misunderstood something regarding Gem/Cis but I don’t know what it is. Back in December of 2010, we found out that a large study had been done (some other country) and found that GEM/CIS had a better outcome than Gem along. And that it gave extended time. I took that after my successful liver resection with clear margins, and nothing came up. Then about 6 months after I stopped treatment, a bit came back to a lymph node. We hit it with Gem/Cis and just a small amount disappeared but we were able to get that with an MDA operation to remove it. That’s not the end of the story, but the part that relates to Gem/Cis.

    in reply to: Novartis BGJ 398 Clinical Trial #87991

    And another late March CT Scan. My last scan at MDAnderson showed mild improvement. Course, the difference between mild — and having more metastases is a long, long way so I am grateful. Very grateful. I connected with the Facebook’s BGJ398 posts. I see a few new and many former trial members. It covers a bit more re: Did you get this side effect? That’s the mystery when on a trial. They don’t tell you about them in advance of course, but it can be hard to know what to blame it on sometimes. Having it affect your thyroid counts has been a relatively recent thing. So check those counts with your home doctor until and unless the manufacturer has enough evidence to call for its testing.

    in reply to: Novartis BGJ 398 Clinical Trial #87982

    Hi all. Surprised we don’t have more BGJ 398 people chiming in here. I would love to know how the rest of you are doing that began before I did (August 2015 I believe).

    My 3rd CT results are in. This time, my results seem to be one smaller, one stable. Both of them are under 1 cm. Yea. I must say I find MDA’s CT reports are rather confusing as they are talking about one new one in the last few months, they can’t see the original one where the bile duct stent is, and the one at the collarbone area.

    Anyway, I do wonder how folks are doing when they started out with larger tumors on this Trial.

    As a volunteer for a few survivor groups for one on one phone conversatn for someone having been there, done that — or is around the same age group — I find myself saddened that many of them are still being told to start chemo, “make your final plans,” but no mention of a surgical option or opinion. It isn’t discussed nor are the scans explained. I struggle to find the right words to ask if they know the details and when they don’t, to get them and check 2nd opinions to be sure that a more experienced surgeon can’t tackle it now or follow you to see if it becomes surgical with some treatment. I had three calls like that in one day.

    in reply to: BGJ398 Trial update #88884

    Hi all. On the BFJ 398 trial at MD Anderson: Just a quite note as I’ll have more test info in a few weeks. I have been using BFJ 398 Trial at MD Anderson since about mid (?) August 2016. My second scan in early December showed further reduction of the 3 malignant metastasized lymph nodes. A clinical nurse said that is about 40% reduction total. I am not sure about her estimate as the 1st time, some of them were just called “stable,” but I am therefore optimistic about my next test. I frankly don’t know much about their expectations, or if anyone has gotten to zero and how long they continued treatment after that — or went on a “maintenance” dose.

    On side effects: My top hair thinned more on top and I just heard about Toppers and a few lower extensions I might investigate. I have learned what all to help avoid or treat those little mouth sores (with white heads). in mouth or tongue. I have lost 30 pounds which looks good on me, but I (and they) don’t want me to lose one pound more and I really have to make effort to find the things I can eat that are 1) okay to eat 2) don’t taste bland or 3) don’t sting in my mouth 1/2 through the 3 week out of 4 treatment. Also, some things that help preserve my nails. I always turn to the internet and then specialists to address it as the oncology people aren’t as much into side effects as they are into saving your life. :-)

    I heard there was a Facebook site for our BBGJ 398 trial people, but I don’t know how to find it. Does anyone know?

    in reply to: Novartis BGJ 398 Clinical Trial #87977

    10/02/2015 update:
    My first CT scan after starting BGJ 398 in this trial was promising. One tumor shrank and the other two are stable. I believe the doctor was surprised because I have been taken off this treatment several times due to my blood labs being off or I needed a stent replaced.

    Gosh, my hair is thinning. Anyone else experience that or have a tip?

    in reply to: New member, Mother has been fighting 5.5 years #89956

    Hi Maria,

    There are more reasons now than ever to have hope. I’m still here 6 years later. A woman I know has beat back her liver metasticized cancer for over 20 years — utilizing the next newest thing that came along. Keep learning and keep your oncologist on his toes! :-)

    in reply to: why remove the biliary stent? #18628

    Even though this question is years old, I would like to offer some updated information in case someone is currently seeking same. When I had to have a stent in my bile duct, it had clogged up in 2 months. They replaced it with a slightly longer plastic stent and that lasted 10 days. We are presuming that the length was too much. So we changed it out again for a plastic stent. Two months later, I have the uncomfortable signs that it is clogged again. This time, my GI asked if I wanted a COVERED metal stent. I knew from reading online that the regular metal stents were hard if impossible to remove, but studied have shown that this plastic coated metal stent is easy to remove and should last 6-8 months. We aren’t going for palliative, we are trying to diminish it with this new Trial medication that I’m on (See BGJ 398).

    in reply to: Gemcitabine, Cisplatin, and Abraxane in Advanced Biliary Cancers #87338

    My oncologist said that the doctor handling that combination on a trial said that it wasn’t going so well.

    in reply to: Novartis BGJ 398 Clinical Trial #87976

    Hi there. I am a new member to the BGJ 398 Trial at MD Anderson. After the 1st week, I was taken off for a week as my phosphates were too high and I was dehydrated. (Nothing like cancer treatments to get you dehydrated without even knowing it.) So we’ll try again this week.

    I already got some side effects: red sore spots on my tongue after I ate a tomato but it went away after swishing several times with baking soda and salt in warm water. The ball of the foot on a few toes hurt like there is no padding. Many foods are tasteless or off. Some are not at all affected. I got diarrhea for 2 days with some chills but no fever — then used two times of Immodium which cleared it up. From taking Xeloda and having Hand Foot syndrome before, I soak my feet each night in warm vinegar water. I use roomy soft padded shoes. I’m going to check to see if they will let me use Biotin and RevitaDERM as I was recommended that before and it helped. So far, they have nixed hair vitamins.

    I wanted to answer HamptonSarasota’s question about how to get the genetic testing. A few years ago, MDA did it in house for me but they could only do it on 50 genes and nothing showed up. This time, I heard about the Foundation One in Boston from the head of the TargetCancer Foundation (for research for rare cancers including cholangio). So when I asked MDA surgeon who would do the actual test, sounded like they sent it out to one of two places, with Foundation being one of them. I asked for them.. They test against 350 genes. This trial is a fit for certain types of cancer, including ours, if they have the FGFR ones. Mine is FGRR 2. I have 3 other alterations but they have no targeted therapies yet.

    To Patty, just FYI also. The Greek Isles many times are at a steep incline. Some have transportation; some not. If you do go, ask your host about which ones you can or can’t do if walking up very long steep inclines are tough with this treatment. Hmmm, if Banks are closed, I wonder if the hotels and restaurants would even take your credit card?

    Thanks to everyone for sharing tips and treatments and support.

    in reply to: Confusion over report #89414

    The only true cure for now is when it is resectable (can be removed by surgery). Many doctors use chemo or radiation to weaken it, slow its spread beforehand if there is time). Many oncologists I hear aren’t getting these patients into surgeons. They take for granted that the surgeons won’t be able to help. I recommend a surgical opinion. My surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey E. Lee, Chief of G.I. surgery, woudl be a great one. Their procedure is to ask for an appointment asap from him. They will ask for some of your records and scans to re-evaluate. Then they will let you know if htey think they can help or see you (your condition) in person. They may take it to the Tumor Board to get everyone’s assessment (radiology, oncologist, etc) to get a second opinion from them. Dr. Javli here is an oncolgist who does a lot of work with our cholangio and is involved in research and trials. Their department was the one that wanted gene testing to see if I was a candidate for the Phase II BGJ398 trial which has shown some hope of large reductions in the past. Only people with a FGHR gene alteration would be helped by this one. It is a pill form but you still have to comet here weekly so it may be better to find that trial closer or where you have family for mid-week housing.

    in reply to: Anyone here like me? #56579

    Thank you. I survived all that with Xeloda and then surgery to remove it. It was in a very precarious position. And I was cancer free for 1.5 years. But, hello ICC again as of 5/15. This time, it showed up in the bile duct in the pancreas and a few lymph nodes near my shoulder.

    This time, we got some really good gene testing (checks 350 types). I have 4 alterations, one of which has 2 targeted treatments that are fair and 1 that is showing promise in a Phase II Trial at MD Anderson: BGJ 398. One one week and the treatment shot up on phospherous sky high. So no treatment this week. Will lower dose and increase the phospherous blocker. It’s very slow growing but must admit that I do fear it may one day increase in its speed.

    in reply to: 1st chemo day #84879

    My experience with Gem/Cis was that my premeds with some kind of steroid gave me energy that day. I’d plan shopping or fun those days. Then the next 2 days might be low energy and fatigue days. I slept whenever I wanted to (preferably in the media room on the recliner).

    As treatment went on for months, I’d be energetic for a bit, but I couldn’t go over 40 minutes of activity without resting. At the end, I found myself drifting off during my favorite television shows. Big deal for me was my doc watching over my blood tests each week, eating foods that were good for me, not getting around foods that made me nautious (garlic roasted chicken, things with tomato sauce, spicy stuff). Always drank a bit of Sprite before dinner. Hope this helps some.

    in reply to: Help for Xeloda side effects? #88825

    I have had Xeloda by itself two different times. I had more problems with Hand-Foot Syndrome and how heat affected me. I can tell you much about that.

    But Headache? If I had it, I must have been able to get rid of it with an Excedrin or asperin as I don’t remember that being a big issue. As always, telling your oncologist, nurse, clinic nurse about it should give you some benefit.

    in reply to: TACE /Chemo only once…. then CRBT ? #87180

    I have had some good luck asking doctors via e-mail for any suggestions. It was hard to find out which cancer centers specialize in this, or if it is just is an advanced GI issue, but I did get thoughtful responses. I’ve even written to the contacts of a trial.

    in reply to: Successful extended resection! #86726

    So happy for you! This is terrific. I must look up Cyber Knife. I’ve been away from this site for too long!!

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