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  • in reply to: Should I go to mom’s surgery? #81526

    It’s a tough recovery. But not impossible. She will def need lots of help after. No lifting, no cleaning, no driving… For 4 weeks for lifting. I think I was allowed to drive after 2 weeks. It all becomes hazy after 3 years.
    While the risks of most of these surgeries isn’t overly high, I would make sure I knew what needs to be known. Where stuff is, will, power of attorney, etc. my parents knew I am a DNR. Give me drugs but do NOT put me on machines!! I’m single and have no kids, so that part is a no-brainer. And they know my wishes for cremation and what to do with ashes. I know it’s morbid, but it will be out if the way.


    I totally agree. That’s why I’m doing all that testing! More knowledge for me and the researchers. I will make all my path reports available to whoever asks.

    in reply to: hello from spain #81548

    Congratulations on the baby!
    Please try to relax, although I know how hard that is. Stress is not good! If the doctors are watching it closely, please believe in their knowledge. It’s the best he can do for now. Don’t believe it is bad, believe it is good! Our brains are powerful.
    Best wishes for tomorrow.


    I agree. But I think obesity makes us more apt to get any cancers.


    Thanks, Gavin.

    in reply to: Cancer Screening – the Future #81542

    Thanks, Marion.


    Thanks, Marion. Hopefully this develops and continues to advance.

    in reply to: hello from spain #81544

    I’m sorry I can’t help with this question, as I am inoperable. But I wanted to welcome you to our little family. And I wanted to say how great it is he was operable! Hopefully this is just from treatment. I’m sure someone will chime in with their experiences.
    Good luck.

    in reply to: gem ox #81488

    The cold sensitivity SHOULD get better in the next day or two. But don’t rush cold drinks!
    I think the normal regimen is every 14 days. The gem/Ox can do a number on blood counts and tired, flu like symptoms are fairly normal. You should be checking your temp daily in case of fever.
    My onc said that 14 days is the norm so the blood counts hopefully return to normal. And the tingling stops.
    Just pay attention to the tingling and your body. If it feels ok, try to get through this. If it feels wrong, pay attention.
    Did you get a card with side effects on it? If not, you should be able to find them online, although we have covered the majority.
    Here’s what I remember…

    Flu like symptoms
    Low grade fever
    Neuropathy (including tingling)
    Sensitivity to cold
    Low blood counts

    Less common
    Hair loss

    Very rare
    Vision changes

    I’m sure there’s more but I can’t remember. This stuff I either watched for or experienced. Or was told would happen.

    They told me to only eat cooked veggies and fruit that had an outer shell. For example, bananas were great. Oranges… I washed them and cut with a knife. I washed the knife. I made the second cut. Etc. same with cantaloupe and others. Germs are on the outside.
    My blood work never quite got back to normal so I had to be careful. It’s a good idea when on chemo, or any time really, anyway.

    I hope you start to feel better in the next day or so.

    in reply to: Should I go to mom’s surgery? #81524

    When I had my surgery (not resection) my parents came up to be with me. They are 77 & 82, so it was hard on them. But they couldn’t not be here.
    And I would plan on 5-7 days in the hospital.
    I, too, bought an iPad, but mine is an iPad 2. It’s been great for lugging back and forth to doctors all the time. I had a laptop in the hospital, and wish I hadn’t had that extra 2 lbs in my bags when I was discharged!
    If I was you, I would be going to the hospital, too. I would be a wreck if I wasn’t there.
    Good luck to your mom. I hope she gets the cleanest of margins and an easy recovery.

    in reply to: Need help/advice #81278

    You could say
    Mary, Mary, not contrary. Go out and plant some flowers
    A healthy you, and vases too
    So you can enjoy them for hours!!

    in reply to: oxaliplatin and neuropathy #81529

    It’s something that builds up. It does go away between treatments. BUT it builds up. When it doesn’t go away between treatments, they will stop the oxaliplatin. That may be 5 treatments, or 10. Or never. The best thing to do is keep warm socks and gloves around. And a scarf if necessary.
    Room temp drinks are best. Or warm drinks.
    There are some docs that will prescribe the drug for diabetic neuropathy. I never took it, and can’t remember the name of it.
    PLEASE don’t put the cart before the horse, tho. Discuss your concerns with his onc. But maybe he will be one of the lucky ones that doesn’t get it. Or at least doesn’t get it badly.
    I hope this helps.

    in reply to: Need help/advice #81273

    Mary, I second Karen! I’m 1.5 hrs from you. If you find yourself cooped up in the hospital again, please let me know! I will try to visit. Especially if the weather is nice and I can ride there!

    in reply to: Big decision about surgery #81511

    I’m not sure what they are talking about doing… Seeding perhaps? I can’t help with the treatment questions, but have to say docs can’t tell you when you are going to die. If they were right, I would be dead over a year now. And I’m still kicking!!
    Your mom has a big decision to make. I hope someone was with her and took notes, and any questions can be directed to the office before a decision is made. Any onc and surgeon worth their weight will be happy to answer questions so a good decision can be made.

    in reply to: My father’s bile duct cancer? #31483

    Adam, I am so sorry to hear of your fathers passing. May he rest in peace and may you find strength and comfort in this difficult time.

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