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  • in reply to: Time for an Update #79006

    Hi Judy,
    I don’t know who to contact, but if U of MN has used a similar pump, they are generally the same. They should be able to “adapt”! Yes, Dr. K does not like relinquishing control. Her staff is great, tho! You can discuss most everything with them. I hope this is the answer for Ron, and that the tumor starts shrinking!
    I was given Gem/Ox with the FUDR. I realize with neuropathy, Oxaliplatin is not an option, either. I hope Gem alone helps. The FUDR should batter the tumor. Mine shrank very well on it, for the few rounds I could get. Don’t take my experience as gospel, tho, as I was not able to tolerate any chemos for very long.
    In closing… I am sorry you had a similar “lovely” experience with Dr. K. She really is quite good at her job, just not the “dealing with people” part! It’s unfortunate…

    in reply to: Blood test instead of biopsy? #79753


    in reply to: Drug Discovery, Development and Approval Process #79952

    Thanks for this. I think most of us knew some of it, but I for one was unaware of all of it. I didn’t realize it was 10-15 years… I thought it was more like 5-10.
    Somewhere in there is also a possible administering of the new drug with other, approved drugs to test safety and effectiveness.
    I wish it didn’t take so long for some of these drugs, but I understand the need for studies to ensure safety for the “masses”.

    in reply to: Sad News #77581

    Mary, maybe the next one should be near Basking Ridge? Are you feeling well enough to get out?
    I’m sorry things aren’t going well… You are in my prayers. I feel bad because I’m a horrible pen pal!

    in reply to: I AM REBORN!!!!!!!!!!!! #80731

    Yay Lainy!! I am SO happy to hear this!!! If I was allowed to jump, I’d be jumping for joy!! lol

    in reply to: Sad News #77579

    Mary, yes, Renee was at both of the lunches, I believe. I, too, felt her strong spirit and fighting personality. It’s sad to hear we lost another to this horrible disease. God bless her family.


    Sorry to tell you, but there ARE companies that let us “sick” people go. I worked for one of them. I chose to let them get away with it (yes, it IS illegal) and fight cancer, not those jerks.
    As far as prospective employers, they aren’t SUPPOSED to weed you out because of an illness, but let’s be realistic. It happens…
    I consulted a lawyer. Because the company I worked for let 11 people go, including myself, the lawyer said it was still illegal but would probably take years to get through the court system. So big A$$ lawsuits take time and energy that most of us can’t afford to spend in that direction. I had applied for short term disability only, and wanted to fill out the FMLA paperwork before my surgery. I found out why they were putting that off!!
    As far as Google… I searched my name and it didn’t come up. I checked my profile after I wrote this, and found I never put in my real name.

    in reply to: Sad News #77574

    Oh, no. I was just thinking I hadn’t heard from her lately.
    Heaven has another angel.

    in reply to: Lainy – Cancer Free #80565

    Love you too, momma!! You are tired from the sedation… It might take a while to “wake up”. I always have a tough day the next day, too. Just nap a lot. I am over the moon for you. I haven’t had an egg roll yet!!! :)

    in reply to: Lainy – Cancer Free #80562

    Lainy, I commented earlier but I am SO HAPPY for you!! Smiling and crying like a baby!!!!

    in reply to: Lainy – Cancer Free #80555


    in reply to: WOW! That’s All I Can Say! #80540

    Lainy, what great news!! So you wanna be as tall as me?? lol
    So glad to hear the docs views… Hopefully everything goes well tomorrow!!

    in reply to: good and bad (mostly good) #79671

    Sorry you landed back in the hospital. Ugh! Unknown and out of control fevers stink! I’m glad it sounds like you’re back… Hopefully you can get out of and stay out of the hospital for quite some time! You have a great attitude, and that helps.

    in reply to: What does no mutations in genetic testing mean? #79997

    Darla, don’t worry. I think we are going to need a sticky for thus, too… For everyone who has had genetic testing to post in one area.
    Maybe even have everyone state treatments and responses, also… Hhmmm…. Something to ponder. Marion, Percy, Lainy, Gavin, etc., etc., etc.,… What do you think? How should we do this? It has the potential of getting quite large as genomic testing becomes more common.
    Percy I think it was you that had a topic about this? And urging everyone to find out if possible.

    in reply to: What does no mutations in genetic testing mean? #79995

    I’m having my previous biopsies sent out for genomic testing, too. I am interested in which mutations respond better to which treatments. I figure it might not do me any good, but the more knowledge out there, the better for everyone. It might take a few years to have enough genetic information on cc patients, but I’m doing what I can NOW!

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