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  • in reply to: New here, Dad diagnosed with CC :( #77708

    I have 1 main tumor in my liver. It had already taken out 2 of 3 hepatic arteries, so I only have 1 left sending blood into liver. And it was wrapped almost completely around my vena cava. So there has never been much chance of surgery, although my surgeon and I discussed it. I then had mets to lymph nodes, also, and the lymph nodes have attached to my pancreas, duodenum, intestines… So now no chance of surgery. And my symptoms?? I had pain from gall stones. My gallbladder was diseased and collapsed. Nothing else.
    Radiation sent the treated areas to “sleep” for months before it spread to another lymph node.
    I am now on a trial and staying stable, so I’m happy about that.
    A suggestion… If you can’t get to other docs, can you send them discs and paperwork so they can guide your onc? That might be a choice, I hope!

    in reply to: Grief vs Holidays #78002

    I know I didn’t lose a loved one, but my depression this year is horrible. I always try to be so upbeat, but it can’t seem to get there anymore. I’m crying all the time and I don’t know why. I’m not consciously thinking “poor me” or “poor anyone”, so I don’t know WHY I’m so emotional.
    And reading some of the posts is even harder than ever. Even good news sets me off and grabbing tissues.
    It’s so bad I’m thinking of going back on Xanax, but don’t really want to.
    I know it’s because I’m lonely, and this board is my only outlet for my feelings. I don’t want to write in detail on my caringbridge site, because there are so many people that will worry if they read something like this.

    in reply to: New here, Dad diagnosed with CC :( #77705

    Welcome to our family. I’m sorry you had to join us. As is often the case, doctors are not familiar enough with cc so it is missed.
    We often say we are not born with expiration dates. Doctors don’t know. And I can say that because I was told I probably wouldn’t last 2 years when I was diagnosed. It will be 3 years in Feb. and if you looked at me you wouldn’t know I am “sick”.
    I was diagnosed stage 4B with compromised hepatic arteries and almost compromised vena cava. And lymph node involvement, too.
    So don’t let those docs tell him WHEN he will die!
    I hope you are being seen by someone with experience fighting cc. And if you need to, get another opinion. Find someone who gives your father some hope, please! It’s tough enough to fight cc without having to fight docs, too.

    in reply to: New member of the club #77684

    Duke, your humor is what will get you through this! As I stated before, I am single. When I date, and I get to the disclosure part, I say if they want a short term committed relationship I’m a good choice. I’m a bad bet for a long term one. Some get the humor, some don’t…..
    Obviously I don’t date much! ;-/

    And what wonderful news for the holidays!! I hear some happy New Year celebrating on Jan. 3rd or so! (After chemo!!)


    Hi Evan,
    I’m sorry you had to join this family, but you have come to a place filled with wonderful, caring people.
    Firstly, you should definitely get a 2nd and possibly 3rd opinion, especially with someone knowledgeable in cc. There are many good oncs, and many of them will have different opinions on treatment.
    As far as changing her schedule, it may have to do with her health. Maybe the onc is being a little careful. Chemo kills not only the bad cells, but the good ones, too. It can decimate the blood and platelet counts. Maybe your mothers counts are already low? These are all questions for the onc.
    Also, with surgical options… Cc is often found too late for surgery. Many times after treatment, a patient is then deemed resectable. So don’t get too discouraged there.
    Ask any questions you need to ask. Your onc should be working for and with you, after all.

    in reply to: Good news! #77971

    WONDERFUL news!! Such a great Christmas gift!!

    in reply to: Update #77957

    Hi, Jess. We are neighbors! Don’t worry… You aren’t alone. Anger and fear are normal. We all go through times. I get angry. I have tried to let go of the fear, but it’s hard.
    You got great news!! If you have doctors telling you it’s great, you should allow yourself to relax a bit. Maybe your clean scan next month will allow you to breathe easier. See? I’m listening to the docs!
    As far as life returning to “normal”… All I can say is you have to make a “new normal” now. There is no return from this. It is both a curse and a blessing. You learn how important life is.
    Try to relax and enjoy your holidays. January is going to come and then you can worry for a few weeks.

    in reply to: 4 year Whipple-versary #77895

    Happy birthday!! I love your attitude: get December on track!!

    in reply to: Blood work on December 17th #77921

    Lainy’s so cute!
    Lisa, sending prayers for scar tissue!!

    in reply to: not an introduction – but a farewell #77880

    I sent you a private message. If you feel the need to pick the brain of a single patient who was also in dating mode, please feel free.
    As I said, I don’t know the specifics of your relationship. But I send healing wishes to you. And I am glad you made a dear friend while on this journey.
    Good luck to you, and good luck to your boyfriend as well.

    in reply to: December ct scan #77643

    I am waiting until my next appt to discuss. It obviously isn’t much of an issue or I’m sure they would have said SOMETHING! And I have had so many embolizations, what’s one more? lol

    in reply to: Proton therapy #77868

    I have a liver Infusion Pump, but not sure if that is what you are talking about. I never had proton therapy with it. At least as far a I know. But if it’s a similar pump, I may become interested in how this is done.
    I hope someone else knows of this. If not, please keep us informed, as maybe it’s a new slant on the war against cc!


    WOW!! Great news!

    in reply to: Something to make you smile and giggle #77854

    How wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

    in reply to: A query about recurrence rate? #77860

    While I can’t answer based on personal experience, I will say there are different mutations of this disease. My surgeon said that quite often when it spreads somewhere else, it does so as a different mutation. I have at least 2 different mutations within my body. The tumor in the liver is one mutation, while the metted lymph nodes are different cell structures.
    Some of these mutations are slow growing, and some are fast growing.
    Based on what I know, it is, unfortunately, the luck of the draw. I do know that most oncs will suggest adjuvant chemo post resection. And your mum will be closely monitored for the first couple of years.

    I hope this helps.

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