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  • in reply to: LY2801653 clinical trial #70401

    They are expanding this trial… Phase 2: New study pairing it with cisplatin. I don’t know if it will be offered elsewhere… I am unable to participate in this for at least 6-12 months. We shall see how the pairing works first. My oncologist doesn’t understand the drug choice since cisplatin is never administered alone.
    I met someone today with colon cancer that tried this trial at Phase 1, and it did not work. He gas moved to another trial, which is giving him bad reactions. I feel so bad for him, and wish I could do something…

    in reply to: Does sugar, high body mass cause cholangiocarcinoma? #76998

    It seems like there might be some similarities…
    I love sweets, and have eaten them most of my life.
    I have been 20-50 lbs overweight mist of my adult life. I was skinny skinny as a kid.
    I love carbs! But have cut many of them out. I was never much of a fruit or veggie eater until the last couple of years.
    Stressful job… YEP!!!

    I did drink, quite socially. One or two a few times a week, and several on the weekend.

    I was also in the printing industry, and part of my job for years was to change the developing fluids (research is pointing to this being a high risk group).

    in reply to: MEK/Pazopanib #76084

    Well, Ladies, I still have hair… Not sure what the deal is since I lose a good amount daily… But I won’t complain! I have been nominated for a wig from Locks of Love because of a friend. I will get it in 2014. I have a head of hair still, but I used to have a really thick head of hair! I did look into different avenues… There are places around here with donated wigs for cheap or free. If it gets to that, I will look into them, too.
    Lainy, your wig looked wonderful! I’m sure you don’t think so, but honestly, I knew you said your hair was thinning… but I thought it looked so good your hair must have stopped thinning. Really!
    Regina, I want to see the tree this year. Most of my life I’ve lived near NYC but I have never seen it! I would love to get a few of the “locals” together for a visit. It’s a car and train ride for me! But I don’t mind it… I did it for 2 years to Sloan.
    And I have a couple of head coverings. They look like loose doo-rags, which I wear riding. ACS also will send a catalog for wigs and tape on bangs, etc., to have sticking out of head wraps.
    And Lainy is a hoot in person, too!! Lainy, I want a sauerkraut egg roll!! lol

    Regina, that’s hysterical! I would probably do that! When I started treatment, I was told to be prepared to lose my hair. So I went and had my crowning glory chopped off short to prepare… And nope! But my boyfriend at the time and I had a blast looking at the wig catalog. We decided I was going to be a red head! Right now I dye it to have a very slight reddish cast, but this was much redder!

    in reply to: University of Chicago Trial FOLFIRINOX. #75109

    Hi, Ceci, I posted earlier but my ipad must have not liked it because I don’t see it! Welcome to our little family. Unfortunately, it isn’t so little anymore…
    When I went through chemo I brought my iPad, phone, blanket and because part of the infusion was Benadryl, I usually ended up nodding off most of the 5 hours. I appreciated the blanket because it is usually cold in the rooms. Some institutions have warm blankets… They are WONDERFUL, but get cool too quickly!
    I drink a lot of water, and enjoyed hot tea if they had it, as it warmed up my insides. And I had easy to eat foods… as I did vomit after the third cycle, it became chicken noodle soup every time. I didn’t want to ruin my taste for anything else! I did drink ensure during my treatment, as I lost my appetite for a few days, so used Ensure as a supplement for nutrients and calories.
    Good luck, and let us know how things progress.

    in reply to: Protein Powder #76949

    Oh, boy. Do you have a health food store nearby? They usually have protein powders. And depending on the store, you might find someone who can help.
    Does she not like the taste or the texture of ensure? Because the easiest way to use the protein powder is mixed in colder foods or in smoothies.

    in reply to: I need advice on decision to do chemo. Pls. Help #76927

    LadyLinden, your choice is a very personal one. I have chosen to use all medical knowledge to prolong my life. I am 50, stage IV inoperable, and it’s been 32 months. I was on Gem/Ox, and, while it had side effects, the effect on the tumor was absolutely amazing! I also was on Xeloda… Not so good vs the tumor. Radiation? Worked great!
    There are many options, and while your decision is yours to make, I feel trying chemo and quitting if it gets too much is the best choice. Then you could have the option of different treatments.
    If you are feeling good for the most part, you could ask about trials in your center. They may be a good option.

    in reply to: Protein Powder #76947

    I use unjury. You can mix it in food, drinks, etc. just nothing too hot. You can buy a sample online to see if you like it.
    No more than 20g at a time. Supposedly that’s all the body can absorb at once.
    Have you tried ensure drinks? They have lots of calories in them, plus necessary nutrients.
    Good luck and let me know how things are going.

    in reply to: CAT Scan Results #75775

    Hugs and prayers coming your way!! I’m glad it sounds like you have a plan at least. Call me if you want.
    Love you!

    in reply to: Phase 1 completed #76816

    Carl, what great news! I haven’t been on in a few days and this is one of the first posts I read! 70% improvement is unbelievable!! And a huge relief for Lynn. Give her a big hug!

    in reply to: What a good word…Stable #76769

    Crissie, I just love that word!! Congratulations and have a great Holiday season filled with wonderful memories!!

    in reply to: MRI results #76712

    I am also sorry to hear the news isn’t good. And I would like to echo everyone else as far as trying different chemos, radiation, etc. also, maybe since you ARE feeling good you could try a clinical trial? That’s what I did when all else failed.
    BTW, my surgeon couldn’t believe I wasn’t sick, either, at one point of my treatment.
    I hope someone comes up with something you can agree on. It is so frustrating! I know they try, but when it’s our lives I want them to try harder!!

    in reply to: 2 1/2 years cancer free #76695

    What words can I say?? Oh, I know! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!

    in reply to: “A list for living” #76498

    If it wasn’t for finances, I would be doing my list, too! As it is, I try not to stress and I do things I love… Karaoke and poker! Unfortunately, it has cut into my dancing! lol

    in reply to: Missing Good News X 2 #76686

    I’m glad to read some good news for you!
    Hugs from the other Kris.

    in reply to: Chemo Question #76625

    When I was receiving chemo, different sites had different “push rates”. Sloan Kettering had Gemzar at 30 min, and oxaliplatin at 4 hours, and Princeton had Gemzar at 1 hour and oxaliplatin at 5 hours. So I had to coordinate the different times, and get Princeton to push at the same rate. It might be as simple as that.

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