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  • in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #65871

    Jayne and Ken:
    I agree with getting another opinion also. My first surgeon wanted to operate. When they finally came back with the biopsy results, I decided a 3-4 hour train ride to NYC wasn’t too much trouble if I could go to someone with more cc experience. Thankfully I found Dr. Fong, who, while taking away my hopes for surgery, told me that I would almost certainly not have survived. So I thank God I found him.
    They are coming up with new treatment options every month it seems. I was on gemcitabine and oxaliplatin for 6 or so cycles. Then I couldn’t do the oxy anymore so we gave me a break for a while. When the cancer started growing again we tried gemcitabine and Xeloda. That did not work as well on the cc mutations I have. So we tried stereotactic radiation. So far, so good after 7 months. All is calm and quiet.
    I call myself the healthiest sick person I know. I have occasional back pain but otherwise I’m healthy. Except for that darned cc. I play poker, sing karaoke, line dance and pretty much don’t stop (’cause I don’t want it to catch me).
    As far as life expectancy, I guess I need to die now… It was about 93% mortality 2-5 years with very little hope without surgery when I was diagnosed. Sorry but I’m not listening. The outlook has gotten much better in the 2 years I’ve been dealing with this, and I say as long as I stay alive every day is one day closer to finding the cure.
    I have been told by my surgeon that I will die with this. I did not say OF THIS.
    Positive attitude is very important. Very difficult, but essential.
    I did not drink much milk the past 20 years, but I love my cheese and ice cream. I was never told to avoid that. I do try to limit my meats and sugars now.
    I wish you all the best and I agree that this site is full of wonderful, caring people and more information than you can process!

    in reply to: Scan Results… #63075

    Yay Helen for your great news! Here’s hoping for many many more months and years of good news!!

    in reply to: scan results #68989

    Morris: so sorry to hear about your moms treatment. I hope you can find some doctors that have enough expertise to try something else.
    If you CAN find one to discuss radiation or chemo mobilization, that would be great. At least you can discuss it. I was a recipient of stereotactic radiation and while it did not kill the cancer cells, it has made them appear much more “normal”! I believe it will prolong my life for quite a while. So far it’s been 7 months of “quiet” cells.
    Please try to find other doctors that will look at alternate treatments.
    Good luck.

    in reply to: Surgery or Chemo #68997

    As of right now the only “cure” I know of is to cut it out: so that means surgery. If I am mistaken, I’m sure others will chime in.
    Chemo often keeps this cancer in check, but I know of no one who’s cc died completely from chemo or radiation.
    I’m pretty lucky: resection is not an option BUT chemo worked fairly well and radiation has worked wonderfully for the past 6 months. I still have cancer, but as of Jan. 10th it is “quiet”.
    When I thought I had a resection option, I was so happy. The life and death potential never even crossed my mind. I just thought I had a better shot at life.

    in reply to: NIH trial – still working! #68892

    Thank you for the contact info. I will be meeting with my onc and surgeon again in early March and have not had treatment since radiation in July. I am getting nervous about the lack of treatment, although the last scan showed stability. I will talk to my surgeon and onc about this study and what their thoughts are.

    in reply to: NIH trial – still working! #68889

    What wonderful news! Stable is a good thing! I love that word.
    Prayers for continued “stability”.

    in reply to: Question about Mayo Scottsdale #68783

    Firstly, good luck to your friend. With you advocating, it gives him more time to fight this disease.
    I believe he is stage 4 because of the mets to his lymph nodes. Cc actually has a 4a and 4b but I cannot remember the parameters. We do have a few members from California and I believe 1 was treated at USC and is cancer free. I just cannot remember who that is at the moment.
    Hopefully if he cannot find a local surgeon he can at least find a local onc that will work with a more cc knowledgeable onc from another hospital. I have 2 oncs: my main one is in NYC and my secondary one is in Princeton. It’s a little easier to get to Princeton when I am in treatment. He takes his “orders” from my main onc at Slan Kettering. That might be a good option depending on how things go Monday.
    Unfortunately, your friend isn’t alone in the healthy dept. many of us were never sick. I never went to the doctor because I was never sick. Unfortunately, this disease is silent until its advanced.
    I hope your friend likes and believes in Dr. Shelby on Monday. That’s very important, too.
    Prayers for good news next week!


    ACS is a wonderful resource.
    I’m not sure where it’s located on 32nd st, but there is a place called Hope Lodge that gives cheap lodging to cancer patients and caregivers. I never checked into it. You can find out about it from ACS. Also, Sloan Kettering allowed a “family member” to stay in the room with me.
    I am sure you are overwhelmed, but I suggest you get the paperwork started to protect yourself. You can use it when needed. I worked with someone who used it even when he came back to work as he was unable to work full weeks… It protected him.
    You can also get disability, which is usually granted on the first try for cancer patients. I used a lawyer and it ended up being free because I was approved before I was eligible. The only down side of that is you can’t make more than $999/month. But it is an option if you do lose your job.
    Ask NYP if they offer a bus/car transport. And they offer cheaper hotels, too. You should ask them about them.
    Also, ACS offers travel help. You need forms and your dr needs to sign them but ACS will reimburse up to a few hundred $$.
    Good luck with everything! I am thrilled for you that you are getting such a giant slice of hope!

    in reply to: Lauren is finally getting what we have hoped and prayed for. #68801

    I am so glad Lauren is being given this opportunity!! I’ve been doing the happy dance!! I am just thrilled to hear this! I know it’s scary but sometimes you just have to believe things will work out! To be honest, I’m jealous, too. I’ll be counting down the days with you…

    in reply to: CA 19-9 #68723

    Happy anniversary and happy news!!! Wonderful to hear!

    in reply to: Thoughts about Taxotere after xeloda/gemzar has failed? #68654

    I have no experience with taxotere but I will put in my 2 cents.
    My first chemo cocktail was for one tumor and a couple of lymph nodes. The tumor had been biopsied. I was put on gemzar/oxaliplatin. It was fairly tough on me. I had to stop after 6 rounds due to neuropathy. I still have some neuropathy over a year later, but it’s okay. The tumor shrunk substantially and the lymph nodes returned to normal size. I went 6 months without treatment as we prepared for my resection, which was cancelled at the last minute because the lymph nodes had grown amazingly quickly and the tumor had grown, too. We tried gemzar/Xeloda. The tumor shrunk but the lymph nodes kept growing. My surgeon said cc has many slightly deviated cell structures.
    I know nothing of taxotere but would suggest you ask your doc about one of the platin drugs. They have more side effects, but seem to work well against cc, either shrinking tumors or at least keeping them from growing.
    I also suggest a second opinion, as this cancer is so rare.
    My prayers are with your sister and your family that she gets the right treatment for her.

    in reply to: Just received a call from the Surgeon #68582

    Sorry Lauren:
    Darned autocorrect “fixed” your name.
    I know it’s scary but the alternative is worse. I was talking to a friend the other day about resection, and I said that last year, when I thought I was going to get to have one, I never even let myself think “what if”? I was just so happy to have the chance to kick butt that I didn’t worry about if things went wrong.
    I tried clicking my heels, too, and it didn’t work. Then I got mad at God for making me go through this. Then I finally accepted that he (or she) has a reason and I just have to accept that until they find a cure I will live with cancer. Emphasis on the word “live”.
    My thoughts and prayers are with your family and that Dr. Kato has the skill to give your mom her second chance.

    in reply to: A warrior has passed on… #68637

    I am so sorry to hear of Bruce’s passing. May you find peace in the strength he showed fighting this horrible disease.

    in reply to: Just received a call from the Surgeon #68577

    Praying for your mom. Dr. Kato wouldn’t try it if he didn’t think he could do it… Of course it’s scary, but it’s the best choice!

    in reply to: Abraxane working so far #68542

    We love that word: shrinkage! Prayers going out for a good scan.

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